Capricorn Personality Traits

Capricorns keep to themselves unless circumstances require otherwise. Even then, their attempts at socializing or even caring about others can seem forced and artificial. It isn’t that they are necessarily cold and uncaring; it’s just that their world is very much centered on them and they must make a conscious effort to see from other people’s viewpoints. This can sometimes make building a relazione with a Capricorn difficult. But it is possible, providing that you are willing to make sure that you give the Capricorn solid rational reasons for what you do. Capricorns relate to reason first and emotion second. Nevertheless, they can be extremely loyal and they will not shirk from their responsibilities to close friends or the people they love. Just don’t expect a Capricorn to be an incurable romantic. They often keep to themselves so much that even when in the public light; no one will ever know what really goes on in their private lives.

Capricorns are some of the most responsible members of the zodiac. Patient, these individuals are willing to hang in there through obstacles, challenges and long waiting periods to reach their goals. Compared to the rest of the zodiac, people born under this sign have the strongest work ethic and greatest degree of integrity. The Capricorno is a successful sign, often destined to achieve their desired security and position in life through hard work, struggle and determination. Capricorns are very practical, avoiding anything and anyone frivolous that may cause them to loose precious time in the pursuit of their goals in life, this is why you’ll never find a Capricorn gossiping at work or jumping into any kind of relationship, be it with a friend or lover, before giving him or herself adequate enough time to know whether or not it’s genuine.

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

The tenth sign of the Zodiac is Capricorn. Its symbol is the goat. And just as the mountain goat lives to climb, so the Capricorn seeks to climb to new heights of ambition. However, Capricorn is also an earth sign, which makes them conservative and cautious when dealing with others. You will rarely find Capricorns at the forefront of new explorations and adventures, but you will find them carefully monitoring investments and taking calculated risks. Capricorns are inherently hard working and independent. They also tend toward leadership positions, as their built in ability to understand circumstances, and to know what must be done, causes them to chafe at incompetence around them and want to do something about it. They have strong minds and the ability to concentrate, but are not outgoing.

They are self-confident almost always set high goals for themselves. They have an innate drive to keep on climbing the ladder of success. It gives them comfort knowing that others respect and admire them for their achievements. The Capricorn zodiac sign takes risks but is anything but reckless. All their actions are executed after utmost care is taken and the risks they take are calculated. Should their plans fail, they will still get some sort of takeaway from the plans they act out.

Capricorns have a complex relationship with the world. They have a tendency to become very selfish in their pursuit of their goals. They desire leadership and power in the higher circles of society. They may exude a calm and controlled demeanor but their emotions may just be simmering under the surface. Capricorn signs are go-getters. They build doors for themselves where there are none for them to knock on. They are full of energy but their dictates that they are a somewhat passive sign, probably because they are not spontaneous in their actions.

Capricorn as an Earth Sign

Capricorn is an Earth sign, distinguished for its practicality and remaining grounded. Capricorn individuals aren’t the most spontaneous of people, all their moves being pre-planned and rehearsed. They try to avoid failure like the plague, so they will do everything in their power to ensure their efforts are a success. Capricorns are also very realistic, and they are able to offer sensible, usable, and down-to-earth advice which others value.

As a Capricorn, you are self-assured and don’t see failures as permanent. You stay focused on your goal and strive tirelessly to achieve it. Based on the Capricorn Earth Sign, they behave in an unemotional manner. They also tend to have high opinions of themselves. Despite this tendency, they do have tender hearts and show concern for the weak and unfortunate. They have an inherent sense of responsibility which drives them to help others out. But this kindness is not due to their being entirely selfless and benevolent.

Qualità e punti di forza positivi

Capricorns are very responsible. You can count on them to do their part and do it well after giving them a task. Their patience and tolerance makes them good family people. They are talented and resourceful. If they have a target, they will do everything in their means to meet it. They are reliable friends, and are humble despite their ambition and achievements. They will not outwardly brag about it.

Capricorn’s character traits that set them apart from the other zodiac signs are their self-assuredness and their practicality. They have a very sensible approach to life that allows them to meet life as it is, with all its realities. They have no room for imaginary notions and make-believe. All the moves a Capricorn makes are calculated with both the pros and cons factored in. They stand steadfast in their resolutions and don’t seem to be affected much by failures. They will keep on trying until they succeed.

Qualità negative e debolezze

While Capricorn signs are highly ambitious, their life as a whole can still lack direction if they do not plan it well enough. They are perfectionists in everything that they do to the annoyance of some people around them. Their determination can lead down to outright stubbornness and can close their ears on others’ instruction and advice. Creativity and imagination are not their strong points. They are inclined to go the tried and tested route in everything. While they are definitely responsible, sometimes their motives and attitudes can be doubtful.

When you think the surefooted Capricorns are nearly perfect, bear in mind that they aren’t as free from negatives as the other signs are not, either. Their kindest acts almost always have self-interest vested in them. They rarely do something if there isn’t anything in it for them in return. In their sheer determination to reach their goals they can step on other people’s toes along the way, and possibly turn out to be unemotional and insensitive tyrants. In their high ambition, they will do anything it takes to reach success even if the means to do so it is not always right.

Caratteristiche del Capricorno

Dependable: Capricorns are dependable and reliable. You can give them all your trust and share your thoughts and opinions with them in confidence. You can count on them to be there for you when times are tough. This is a prominent trait of theirs that makes them stand out.

Classicist: If there is a traditional, proven, tried and tested way to achieve something, you can almost always bet that this is the path that Capricorn astrology signs will take. They are not fond of experimentations and will go for what is established and set. They will always try to settle for quality over quantity in all things. They are quick to learn from failures and this only pushes them further towards their goals.

Sense of Humor: Capricorns have the best sense of humor out of all the zodiac signs.

Rigid: Capricorns are stubborn, firm, and determined. They are not easily swayed from their goals.

Realistic: Capricorn signs are as realistic as you can get. It is easy for them to make the right decision after considering all the possible options. They are able to foresee the good that can come out of a situation when it looks all dreary at the moment.