Cancer Personality Traits

Cancers are noted for their colorful imaginations and emotional fragility. While they can be high strung and even hysterical at times, they can also be loving, sympathetic and fiercely devoted to family and friends. Cancer is ruled by the Luna and just as the Moon goes through phases, so those born under this sign often have their phases as well. They can be moody, or joyful, stubborn or fluid. It all depends on the moment and the mood.

While Cancers are quick change artists when it comes to emotions, those who know and love them realize that there is much depth within. In fact, love and romance matter more to these Moon Children than practically anything else. No other sign is better at romance and no other sign can be so broken hearted if romance fails. To some people, it may seem as if Cancro has the hard shell of the crab. But this is a facade, in reality, they live in their emotions and those emotions are an ocean that’s many fathoms deep. This is what makes it so challenging and rewarding to live with them.

Cancer Zodiac Sign

The Cancer is a highly emotional, intuitive, highly expressive and compassionate being. Often charming, the cancer is very social and always ready to help those in need. Cancers are also dreamers, but a bit more grounded and capable then Pisces. Cancers are notorious for dwelling on the past in all forms, from their own childhood to having a love for history and antiques. Although the Cancer individual hates change, with any unwelcome alterations in their life being received as a source of pain, they aren’t completely inflexible; changes must be on the Cancer’s own terms, for the benefit or purpose they see fit. In order to feel secure in life a Cancer must have a well filled fridge and a big or at least stable, loving family.

Cancer men and women are highly emotional, but this can be concealed by a seemingly tough exterior. Deep down, they are soft, sensitive creatures and are easily affected by unkind and insensible words. Cancer traits suggests that people born under this sign are quick to fall into depression, although this can be just a phase and not necessarily a permanent state. Cancer usually has a good sense of humor and can hold their own in entertaining others as well.

Because of their emotional nature, Cancers are prone to mood swings. They are not impulsive but their emotions can change from one to the other for no particular reason. Other people who are not as sensitive do not seem to know why this is the case, so Cancers thrive best around kind and equally sensitive people. Cancer tends to form a firm grip on things just like the gripping grasp of the crab that represents this sign. They prefer not to let things go and tend to carry baggage from the past. Nevertheless, Cancers are marked for their great selflessness.

Altruism can be a good thing, but is also prone to misinterpretation from others, who can judge this generosity as self-affected egoism. The Cancer zodiac sign is also very cunning and intelligent. They wait patiently for their prey to fall into their trap and gain success from their efforts through cunning methods. They are also very family-oriented. For them, family always comes first. They will pick a quiet evening with their kin at casa over nightlife. For them, their ideal partner is someone who can accept and can get along well with their family.

Cancer as a Water Sign

Cancer is a prominent Water sign. The Water sign represents emotion, so Cancer is a highly emotional creature, and their emotions come in many forms and states just as water can be full of ripples or be as calm as a cucumber or run shallow like a lake or as deep as an ocean. Like water, Cancer moves through many different moods in a single day. And as water is affected by the ebb and flow of tides, Cancer signs also live in the inter-tidal zone. They are the ones most affected by the cycle of the moon.

Qualità e punti di forza positivi

Cancers are very family-oriented and devoted, which make them delightful fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters. They are also very loyal lovers who know how to respect the decisions of their partners. They are also romantic by nature getting tender and easy-going when they are in love.

The character traits of the Cancer that set them apart from the other astrological signs are their loyalty and devotion to their families. They put family first over friends, and are found to have quite large families. Their emotional sensitivity allows them to be just as sensitive and sensible to others. Their large hearts are full of love and affection for their near and dear ones.

Qualità negative e debolezze

One of the most prominent negatives of Cancer is their unpredictability. You still cannot accurately judge their actions even after observing their behavior for quite a while. They have tendencies to be jealous of others’ successes. Their emotional balance is easily tipped off, and they can turn pessimistic all of a sudden for no apparent reason.

The strengths of Cancers are tainted with their cyclical and ongoing moodiness and unpredictability. It is not uncommon for Cancer signs to undergo bouts of depression. They find it hard to let go of the past, which can keep haunting them for the rest of their lives if they do not overcome this. Lastly, they can be contradictory in themselves. They may strive for one thing but yearn for something totally different.

Characteristics of Cancer

Dependable: Cancers are true friends. They are sure to be there in times of need. They are as loyal to their friends as they are to their true family. You can trust them blindly with responsibility and know they will follow through.

Oversensitive: The crab zodiac sign seem to have a tough outer shell, but they are actually very soft and sensitive on the inside. Their emotions can burst at the tiniest slight. Cancer also does not take rejection and failure very well.

Possessive: Cancers are possessive and have an instinct to grab tightly onto things, just like the crab that symbolizes this sign. They are in love with their assets and belongings and will hesitate at the thought of sharing them with others. You can often see them carry their valuables on their person.

Economico: Cancer astrology signs can be quite the economical ones. They are quick to calculate and compare when they are not so sure if they are getting the best deal. They are good at tactfully turning down occasions where they can see themselves needing to spend money.

Born Leaders: These signs are born leaders. They don’t have to try so hard for their leadership qualities to surface. A lot of Cancers are found in positions of responsibility within organizations.

Hopeless Romantics: Just as they are loyal to friends and family, Cancers are also ever loyal to their lovers. They are passionate but tender, and as loveable as they are loving to others.