Indicators of Success in an Astrology Birth Chart

We all have pathways to success indicated throughout our birth charts, specific indicators that point to our path of sustained fulfillment, happiness, & prosperity.

There are specific planetary positions and aspects that, if found in your natal tema natale, indicate the possibility for major success. Keep reading and compare to your own Astrology chart to see if you have any of these golden placements!

Sun sextile Midheaven

In your professional life you are apt to have a great deal of recognition and success. Early on in your carriera, important and influential people in your field are apt to notice you and help you along. At some point, you yourself are likely to be quite an influential person — at least in your chosen line of work. You are headed for a leadership role.

Sun sextile Jupiter

Your life is apt to be blessed with more than your share of helpful friends, fortuitous connections, and doors opening to you at just the right time. Because you are usually willing to share and to give back to others in a generous way, you continue to generate successes in your life no matter how unfortunate prevailing circumstances are. Beware, however, of becoming an opportunist.

Sun opposite Jupiter

You aim high, dream big dreams, and have a tremendous sense of what is possible for you to achieve. Overconfidence, grandiosity, lack of humility, and/or extreme discontent in modest circumstances may be your faults. Generally, however, your great expectations and enterprising spirit lead to success. Business suits you well, especially when there is an element of risk and speculation.

Mars sextile Saturn

Conscientious, responsible, and serious about your work, you accomplish a great deal through your dedication. You are the person in the office or company who follows through, quietly sustains the effort, and keeps on going in spite of tedium, setbacks, or dry spells. This is often the key to your success. However, you are humble about your accomplishments and contributions, and may thus not receive the recognition or compensation you deserve.

Mercury square Jupiter

You possess foresight, numerous enterprising ideas, and a gambling instinct, all of which contribute to your success in the world of business. However, your optimism and grand vision can get you in trouble too; you sometimes promise more than you can deliver, gloss over important details that come back to haunt you later, and overestimate the potential of an idea or product.

Mars opposite Jupiter

You have an adventurous, entrepreneurial spirit and the instincts for big success. Competition and rivalry spur you to do your best and push past your limits. You enjoy taking initiative and have positive expectations which generate positive results. At times, you are overconfident, cocky, and vainglorious, though. Sports and business are both suitable arenas for you.

Jupiter conjunct Midheaven

You have noble aspirations and grand plans for yourself. Combining personal goals with humanitarian concerns, philanthropy, and an interest in social betterment, you are apt to be quite successful and influential in your community. You are suited to large, expansive enterprises and dealing with wealth.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto

You aim high and strive to position yourself in a manner that will ensure success. You are not above joining organizations or rubbing elbows with others primarily for the opportunities and social status that they confer on you. You abhor pettiness and your broad perspective and vision incline you to an influential and successful position in life.

Jupiter sextile Midheaven

The road to success, professional advancement, and fulfillment of your long-range goals is apt to be easier and smoother for you than for many. Partly this is due to getting a great deal of support, either financial, emotional, or both. Probably someone early in your life really believed in you and had high expectations for you. You contribute to your own success by having large goals, and by including, helping, and enlisting the aid of friends and others in reaching those goals. A lack of selfishness or pettiness is a great boon to you. Whatever you do is apt to be expansive and eventually quite prosperous.

Jupiter trine Midheaven

You may seem to have a magically easy road to success and public recognition. Doors open for you and opportunities abound. You may have more offers than you can follow up on. Mostly this is due to a positive and generous attitude on your part. Your ambitions in life may have a spiritual component, based on a concern for social betterment or humanitarian ideals.

Jupiter trine Pluto

Your sensitivity to the larger social context of a project gives you the perspective to discern good opportunities and attract successful pursuits. You are likely to achieve a high level of success in your career or business.

Jupiter square Pluto

You aim high, have great vision, and are never satisfied with yourself unless you can achieve your goals in a big way. You are very opportunistic and are always ready to capitalize on a good idea. You utilize contacts with prominent and successful people to your advantage and are likely to win yourself an important and lucrative position in life.