Donna Bilancia

The perfect balance in life, love and thinking is the very essence of the Libra woman as the sign is itself manifested as the scales. Charm and elegance rule her outer looks, impeccable behavior and manners reflect her inner beauty. She is the one who always endeavors to make morally justifiable and honest decisions and succeeds in her efforts. She supposed to be not unfair in her decisions. She holds a very friendly and pleasant personality, but sets very high moral standards for herself. Everything she does reflect her charm and style. She tries to do justice to almost everybody in her company as a very fair ‘todays’ woman. The friendly personality and outgoing nature with a flair for social life ensure that she get friends in almost every field of life. She pays attention to her companions as the good listener and shows her caring nature. Her friends benefit from her rational thinking, and she actively supports them in finding solutions to today’s problems.

She is indeed the most faithful beloved in a love relazione. She will never allow anyone else in her life once she finds her soul mate. She does hard work to learn new things just to ensure that her partner remains happy, and she will be prepared to do anything to maintain a smooth partnership. Her dedication to work can be realized from the fact that she doesn’t care for her life while pursuing today’s project in her career and gives her soul to the day’s work. Fairness is the key to her vocation, but she also does everything in order to efficiently perform her work. She is not the one who uses unfair strategies or cheats the co-workers for achieving success in her career. She is not a quick decision maker and cannot accept fair criticism.

The word “No” has no place in the dictionary of Libra women. She doesn’t like to offend anyone and her desire to please everyone makes her susceptible to exploitation, and her friends easily use her to their advantage or make her do things they like. Her love life suffers due to her indecisive nature. She hardly has any idea regarding the right gestures at the right moment in her romance. When the relationship acquires sufficient maturity, after an initial courting period, she becomes quite lazy in her partnership. This can impact her life and love. Her inability to create quick assessments makes her unsuitable for positions where she is supposed to make important day to day decisions. She is unable to tolerate fair criticism at work and may get offended by even healthy opinions.

As a true child of Venus, Libra woman is in love with the idea of being loved. Expert in the art of enchanting men, she views seduction as an art form. She is, first and foremost, an actress, and her lovemaking is high drama, even though there is only an audience of one. She is the sole person on the stage. The spotlight is on her. In many ways the signs of Libra and Leo share this quality. But Leo likes to on a bare stage with no accompaniment—and no distracting elements—whereas Libra is the prima ballerina who moves in a special and rarified nimbus of beauty she creates around her. To her the setting is important. Libra wants to be the brightest in the heavens; Leo wants to be the Sun and fill the heavens with solitary splendor.

The allure of Libra woman involves all the senses. She is a creative artist, knows about food and wine and has refined taste in dressing and decoration. She has a talent for bringing out beauty in life, and she also brings these esthetic skills to sexual relazioni. She uses romantic touches (such as tucking little gifts and love notes in her man’s pocket) to make a love affair glow.

Sometimes, though, a Libran woman in love feels that the emotional demands of the role are too much and she needs a rest from her histrionics. This is because Libra is as lazy in love as in most other areas. Besides, once she has satisfied her primary need—to enchant and dazzle you—she begins losing interest. You must wait until she’s ready to give her next performance and dazzle you again.

To some people, the Libra woman appears to project a succession of images rather than an integrated personality. She deals in moods and nuances, and expects others to sense her desires without her having to declare them. She is always looking for a perfect companion to enhance her image, but that companion exists only in her mirror.

A lover is expected to provide her with the proper setting in which she can glow and glitter. And she wants all the trappings of romance—flowers, champagne, surprise weekend getaways. That is why so many Libra women are attracted to older, richer men with experience in the art of pleasing a woman. In addition to affection, understanding, and sympathy, she wants a lover who will cater to her whims. She usually attracts such men and often marries more than once.

In her youth her quest for love may lead her down different paths. In another era, she’d have fallen for the handsome card player working on a riverboat out of Natchez. But as time goes on she becomes discriminating. The glamour of transient affairs fades and she is increasingly drawn to the luster of a permanent relationship.

Most Libra women actually prefer romance to sex (the physical side of love strikes them as just a little sordid). A man who tries to appeal to this woman on a primitive level isn’t going to get anywhere. She will leave him like a ship deserting a sinking rat. When a love affair fades she tries to arrange an amicable parting. Even a discarded lover can remain an admirer, can’t he? She doesn’t like to lose any admirers.