Gemelli Medio: il vostro successo e la vostra realizzazione

With a Midheaven in Gemini you need variety, freedom of expression, and mental challenges in your career.

Gemelli Medio
Gemelli Medio

Creare il successo

Gemini Midheaven individuals achieve success when they keep on talking. They are recognized by freely sharing their thoughts and ideas, as well as being open to the opinions of others. Self-censorship can be replaced by the honest sharing of any thoughts and emotions in the moment. Transparency and open communication is their key.

It’s a bit scary at first for the Gemini Midheaven, since they have fears of “not knowing what to say” as well as the fear that opening up will result in the loss of independence. In reality, the opposite is actually true. When they openly share their feelings and thoughts, they gain the freedom to change their perspective.

Gemini Midheaven individuals need to keep their communications factual as opposed to theoretical. As they share facts of their experiences, others will be able to “hear” them more clearly. Asking questions and gathering more details from other people gives them the knowledge they require to develop logical solutions that work for everyone.

The exchange of information can be stimulating for them. “Truth”is simply their willingness to share their feelings and perceptions, rather than restrict them in the hope that staying silent will resolve a situation.

In relazioni, communicating without self-censorship is the Gemini Midheaven’s secret to success. When in doubt, they should start talking! Pick up the phone and start a conversation. Happiness enters their life when they change the attitude of “being right” to the simple pleasure of sharing ideas and perspectives.

Il loro tallone d'Achille

Gemini Midheaven individuals are afraid that they will lose the security of their position as “the teacher,” of releasing their purposeful, and philosophical viewpoint on “the ways things are.” This sense of righteousness causes others to take them less seriously. This is a survival strategy the Gemini Midheaven individual developed during childhood that no longer serves them as an adult. To maintain their self-confidence they might be tempted to convince others to acknowledge the fact that they’re “right” with their views. A desire to prove their intellectual superiority can lead them into philosophical debates where no one wins.

Gemini Midheaven individuals may withhold sharing their thoughts or feelings when they’re unable to justify negative emotions as being correct in their personal belief system. When pride keeps them from communicating their disappointments, the appearance of aloofness creates insecurity in partners who wish to relate to them on an intimate level.

The Gemini Midheaven individual believes their security is based on being able to account for every aspect of their behavior within their personal belief system, on justifying their actions and ideas by the “rightness” of their belief system. The self-righteous attitude can be challenging for them to maintain and ultimately leaves them feeling isolated from others.


Happiness enters every aspect of the Gemini Midheaven’s life when they replace “being correct” with a mindset of acceptance and appreciation of different opinions and perspectives. Their best communication is when they are spontaneously sharing their thoughts in an easy and light manner. When they are happy, verbal exchanges with others flow back and forth easily. Once they let go of the need to “be right” before communicating their ideas and thoughts, they are free to fully communicate with others.

Gemini Midheaven individuals become teachers from their willingness to share their thoughts and ideas with others, even if they’re unaware of the knowledge they gained from these ideas. This allows themself and others to learn and grow. For individuals with a Gemini Midheaven, truthful communication, while not depriving their independence, gives them the ability to change their perspectives.

Joy and ease enter every area of the Gemini Midheaven’s life when they are willing to welcome new perspectives, and when they maintain nonattachment and openness when expressing the thoughts that come to them in different situations.  Happiness comes from relating with all kinds of individuals, familiar and unfamiliar, and taking an interest in their perspectives and ideas. A byproduct of the spontaneous communication of their thoughts is having social ease – without the need to “be right”.

La loro "casa base

Gemini Midheaven’s early childhood and environmental conditioning were in many ways expansive and positive, giving them the freedom to pursue their own path to the truth. In some way, abundance was part of the picture and one of their parents most likely seemed “bigger than life.”

There most likely were strong belief systems in the family of the Gemini Midheaven about “how life is,” including what they should be doing and who they should be. Having the “correct” morals may have been part of their belief system, leading to the mindset that being “right” will feel safe.

Communication was most likely censored so that only certain kinds of conversation were acceptable. In the adult life of the Gemini Midheaven, this can lead to hesitation in openly communicating with others, from the fear that their thoughts may be invalidated or unacceptable.

Individuals with a Gemini Midheaven have a deep-rooted level of optimism and positive attitude and trust that things will always work out fine.

Buone scelte di carriera

Gemini Midheaven individuals are happiest working in jobs in which they are able to communicate ideas. This might be teaching, writing, publishing, sales, or marketing. Gemini also relates to fields that involve the internet and spreading ideas through media.

Gemini Midheaven individuals do best in careers where the opportunity to grow intellectually is limitless. Their most satisfying career is one that requires the use of logic, gathering facts, and sharing information. Tapping into their flirtatious qualities, they enjoy being in the moment and lightening the mood of others.

Fulfillment is guaranteed by allowing the world to see them as interesting and interested, cheerful, and possessing the ability to relate to many different kinds of people and situations.

Scoprite il vostro vero percorso di vita attraverso la saggezza del vostro tema natale. Approfondite lo scopo per il quale siete nati, aiutandovi a percorrere il vostro viaggio con chiarezza, sicurezza e significato con un'analisi del vostro destino. Analisi approfondita del tema natale.

Analisi del tema natale