Jupiter in Capricorn in the 10th House

Jupiter in Capricorn in the Tenth House

Jupiter in Capricorn in 10th House
Jupiter in Capricorn in 10th House

Il posizionamento di Giove in Capricorno indica che siete inclini a una modalità di espansione cauta e contenuta. Questo a volte si manifesta con l'inibizione ad espandersi in un'area che altrimenti potrebbe essere attraente per voi o, se agite in modo espansivo, con l'assicurazione di prendere in considerazione gli aspetti pratici. Gran parte del comportamento e molte delle caratteristiche della personalità associate a Giove in Capricorno sono il risultato del vostro bisogno di assicurarvi che qualsiasi impresa espansiva da parte vostra abbia successo.

Con Giove in Capricorno, tendete a comprendere il mondo e il posto dell'umanità in termini concreti e pratici. La vostra visione del mondo tende a comprendere la forma e la struttura del cosmo. Quasi sicuramente cercherete di capire le conseguenze pratiche delle vostre azioni prima di muovervi in modo espansivo in un'arena.

Il posizionamento di Giove in Capricorno è generalmente problematico. Ciò è simboleggiato dal semisestile naturale tra il Capricorno e il Sagittario, governato da Giove, ma ancor più dall'opposizione naturale delle funzioni rappresentate da Giove e Saturno (che governa il Capricorno). Nel segno governato dal pianeta opposto, l'energia di Giove tende ad essere appesantita e le sue tendenze espansive limitate o bloccate. Il Capricorno è il segno cardinale della Terra e il peso attivo dell'elemento terra rafforza simbolicamente le energie restrittive e inibitorie dell'espansione associate a Saturno. Tuttavia, con Giove in Capricorno, se si impara ad armonizzare le energie di Giove e Saturno, la disciplina e la concretezza associate al Capricorno possono sostenere una crescita solida e costante o l'erezione di un edificio imponente.


Avendo Giove in Capricorno, è probabile che vi troviate di fronte a degli ostacoli a qualsiasi attività espansiva vogliate intraprendere e che vi sentiate ostacolati e chiusi in una scatola. Se siete insicuri, potete facilmente adottare un atteggiamento disfattista e usarlo come scusa per la vostra stagnazione. In alternativa, con Giove in Capricorno, vi sembrerà di prosperare nello sforzo determinato e sovrumano "necessario" per superare le avversità mentre, in realtà, siete voi ad aver bisogno delle avversità per dimostrare a voi stessi e agli altri il vostro valore. L'eccesso che ne deriva (spesso lo stacanovismo) è solo una copertura per le vostre insicurezze interiori.

Jupiter in the 10th House:

Having Jupiter in the 10th House is generally seen as a sign of success in the world. In the 10th House, expansive energies and beneficence symbolized by Jupiter are typically harnessed to the Saturnian task of fulfilling the prescriptions of the super-ego. Both the forward-moving and enthusiastic energy associated with Jupiter and the discipline and focus associated with the Saturn-ruled 10th House are combined in this placement. Thus, you stand a good chance at achieving your goals in whatever endeavor you might turn toward.

With Jupiter in the 10th House, you are generally able to bring the perspective of a broader vision when pursuing success. This may help you to organize your energies and focus them on accomplishing your objectives. Also, the enthusiasm and optimism associated with Jupiter can motivate you to undertake efforts that may seem super-human.

As an individual with Jupiter in the 10th House, the good luck and benefit that is symbolized by Jupiter is most active in your career and your drive for success and accomplishment. You may find that you are benefited by others in your career pursuit, perhaps enjoying the good offices of a powerful mentor. In turn, later in your career, you may have an opportunity to mentor others.

Whatever the status, position or level of success you enjoy, you are likely to be happy in it. With regard to your accomplishments, you are likely to see the glass as half full, rather than half empty and, therefore, you are apt to enjoy a contented life. However, with Jupiter in the 10th House, this contentment may be disturbed or destroyed if you become too obsessed with success or if you pursue your career and other goals to excess. You generally find that a happy medium will bring you the most enjoyment, and often the most success, in your career or in pursuing your goals.

Focus di espansione e crescita

Typically, with Jupiter in the 10th House, you will concentrate your energies on adding to your accomplishments. You are likely to be optimistic about your chances for success and, therefore, you tend to see your career and other opportunities you may have as horizons to be reached and new territory to be conquered. However, you may also grow personally through the experience you gain in trying to succeed and in shouldering the responsibilities associated with the 10th House.

Having Jupiter in the 10th House, if you become concerned about your own growth and development as a person, you are likely to approach this as a goal to be met or as a career to be pursued. If, however, your horizons widen beyond the realm of goals and purposes that are suggested by the super-ego, you may begin to feel the responsibilities associated with the 10th House to be restrictive and confining. You will then have to find a balance and develop an appropriate attitude toward your worldly duties in relation to your quest for greater understanding.

Focus del benessere

With Jupiter in the 10th House, you tend to have a strong tendency to equate your general well-being with your track record of success. You are likely to look to your accomplishments and measure how well-off you are by how successful you have been in accomplishing your goals in life. Thus, results, or the lack of them, can be very important in determining how you feel about life and about yourself. Jupiter in the 10th House suggests that, generally, you will experience success in reaching your goals and, therefore, you are likely to feel satisfied with your accomplishments. Thus, it is your accomplishments that are often the source of your sense of well-being, as well as  of the abundance that you experience in life.

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