Punti di forza e di debolezza con Sole Gemelli e Luna Scorpione

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces an intellectual quickness, and an emotional depth that makes you an exceptionally forceful, magnetic, and versatile person. You are especially quick and active, while being extremely receptive, and tuned in to other people. Surprisingly, these exceptional traits may not necessarily make you the leader that is implied. With all this strength, you are easily persuaded and influenced. You’ve sometimes led astray or distracted from doing what you might be thought capable of doing. You’re never opposed to taking a chance or getting out on a limb. Sensationalism is always appealing to you, and this is reflected in your actions, and perhaps in the friends you select, as well. You may expend a good deal of your energies chasing personal pleasures rather than keeping your nose to the grindstone. You can pursue any project with such great intensity, but never for any long periods of time. Overindulging and getting your finger into too many pies can result in problems if you aren’t careful, and you are not one who is usually very careful. There is little you couldn’t do if you could get your mental and emotional nature pulling together in the same constructive direction.

I vostri maggiori punti di forza

Forthright devotion and dedication to your convictions, investigative gifts, robust humor and penetrating satirical wit, colorful language and verbal skills, ability to communicate great depth of feeling with flair and passion, stoicism.

Le vostre più grandi debolezze

Your often ferocious temper and scathing tongue, restless and erratic approach to life, self-doubt, manipulation of others by words and sexual innuendo, resistance to requests for change despite your own changeableness and inconsistencies.

Fase lunare unica del vostro segno lunare

La fase lunare in cui siete nati perfeziona ulteriormente il vostro segno lunare, rivelando più di quanto possiate immaginare sulla vostra natura interiore. Potreste essere attratti da alcuni tratti della personalità o modi di pensare. Conoscere queste predisposizioni può aiutarvi a trarne vantaggio o a evitarle.

Were you born on a Scorpio Full Moon? Or was it a Scorpio Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

Per scoprire cosa rivelano di voi il vostro segno lunare e la vostra fase lunare, Richiedete qui una lettura lunare video personalizzata gratuita.


Scoprite i segreti del vostro sé cosmico e fate chiarezza sul vostro unico percorso di vita. Un Analisi approfondita del tema natale in astrologia e numerologia offre intuizioni profonde che vi aiuteranno ad affrontare le svolte della vita con sicurezza e determinazione.

Analisi del tema natale