What Chakra Is Out of Balance When I Get Constant Headaches?

Headaches usually come and go, and to most, they’re a mild inconvenience. However, headaches can make daily living difficult when they become recurring or severe.

Many things can cause headaches, ranging from bad health habits to more severe underlying conditions. However, things can get stressful when people can’t pinpoint the source of their pain. In those cases, it’s worth looking into spiritual explanations to finally help you heal.

In certain belief systems, headaches, especially recurring ones, are a symptom of an imbalanced chakra. One must restore balance to their chakras to heal headaches and address the pain from its root.

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are often referenced in Ayurveda — yoga, holistic medicine and new-age spiritualist movements. The word “chakra” means wheel or disk in Sanskrit. Chakras are believed to be spinning disks of energy in the body.

When chakras are balanced and open, energy can freely flow through them, creating harmony and good health. However, when they are imbalanced, you can experience psychological, physical and spiritual roadblocks.

There are seven chakras in the body, each believed to serve a specific purpose. The chakras run from the head to the base of the spine, each corresponding to specific organs, health functions and body areas. Here are the seven chakras and their purpose:

  1. Crown chakra (top of the head): Spiritual awareness, intelligence and enlightenment.

  2. Third eye chakra (between the eyes): Imagination, perception and intuition.

  3. Throat chakra (throat): Communication and self-expression.

  4. Heart chakra (chest): Love, empathy and compassion.

  5. Solar plexus chakra (stomach): Confidence and self-esteem.

  6. Sacral chakra (below the navel): Creativity, pleasure and sensuality.

  7. Root chakra (base of the spine): Security, stability and grounding.

What Chakra Imbalance Causes Headaches?

Persistent headaches and migraines are a symptom of a third eye chakra imbalance. The third eye chakra, or the Ajna, is responsible for how you perceive the world. It controls your intuition and wisdom. This chakra helps you connect to the universe and beyond.

When it is misaligned or imbalanced, you can experience headaches, sensitivity to light, and an aching pressure behind your eyes.

What Causes a Third Eye Chakra Imbalance?

Since the third eye chakra concerns perception, it can get imbalanced if you experience sensory overload. An imbalance can happen if you’re overwhelmed by a hectic life and if there is too much for your senses to perceive.

The Ajna is also closely linked to intuition and your spiritual connection to the universe. Certain attitudes and mindsets can also throw it off balance. For instance, your third eye chakra can become unbalanced if you are close-minded and too set in your beliefs. Having too much ego and relying solely on yourself rather than the universe’s interconnectedness can also lead to the same effect.

Third Eye Chakra Imbalance Symptoms

There are two types of chakra imbalance. Your third eye chakra can either be overactive or underactive. An overactive chakra means too much energy flows through, sending you into overdrive. Meanwhile, an underactive chakra means it is blocked, making you feel disconnected from the universe.

Here are some symptoms you might experience:


  • Headaches and migraines

  • Nightmares

  • Obsessions

  • Narrow-mindedness

  • Arrogance

  • Excessive Daydreaming

  • Paranoia


  • Blurred vision

  • Eye strain

  • Sinus Issues

  • Poor memory

  • Lack of imagination

  • Lack of decisiveness

Healing Headaches Through Chakras

People often know how to deal with average headaches. There are over-the-counter medicines available. In plenty of societies, people apply natural remedies to help relieve them of their pain.

While headaches are common, there are instances where they become disruptive to normal life. Around 4% of adults worldwide experience headaches more than 15 days a month. Prolonged or intense headaches will need to be treated accordingly. If your headaches are persistent and extremely painful, you must first visit a professional for headache screening.

If your headaches are not too painful or alarming, you can apply spiritual healing techniques to balance your third eye chakra and help ease your pain. Here are some ways you can heal your headaches.


One way to heal your chakras is through meditation and mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness can ground you in the present and make you more aware of reality. It can also clear your mind and remove all distractions. Set aside time daily to meditate. Focus on breathing and being present in the moment.


Yoga is a great way to bring back balance to your chakras. To heal your Ajna, you can try the following poses:

  • Child’s pose

  • Dolphin pose

  • Eagle pose

  • Downward-facing dog


Self-affirmations are powerful tools to change yourself and heal your chakras. Research shows that affirmations can positively affect mental health and cognition. When repeated enough, they can effect change in individuals and create a better quality of life. Here are some affirmations you can repeat daily to help heal your third eye chakra:

  • “I trust my intuition.”

  • “I trust my inner wisdom.”

  • “I am connected to the universe.”

  • “I am open to new experiences, wisdom and knowledge.”

  • “I am imaginative and full of inspiration.”

Essential Oils

Essential oils can also help heal an imbalanced chakra. Some effective essential oils for the third eye chakra are lemon, jasmine and sandalwood. Mix essential oils with a carrier oil like jojoba and apply to your third eye chakra — between the eyes and eyebrows — as needed. You can also put oils in a diffuser to inhale their aroma.

Get Sunlight

The third eye chakra represents light, so get some adequate but reasonable sunlight to heal it. Remember that sensory overload can cause an imbalance, so wear sunglasses and sunscreen before going outside to soak in the sun.

Healing Crystals

Some believe in the healing power of crystals. The crystal most associated with the third eye chakra is amethyst. You can place it in the location of your third eye chakra while meditating to receive its healing powers. You can also wear it in a necklace or other jewelry to keep it close to you.

Change Your Mindset

A closed mindset is one of the main causes of a third eye chakra imbalance. You may have close-minded or limiting beliefs about the universe and yourself. Try to think and reach the very core of your beliefs. What things do you hold on to due to fear? What limits have you placed on yourself? Write them down and work every day to free yourself from these thoughts.

You can also open yourself to new wisdom by seeking new information and perspectives. Read new books and have unique conversations with people around you. Keep an open mind and consider other points of view besides yours.

Get Headache Relief by Balancing Your Chakra

Headaches may seem like a small matter, but they can disrupt your life if left untreated. They are typically symptoms of something else happening in your body. You can harness the power of holistic and spiritual healing to relieve your pain. When you heal the energy centers in your body, you can work towards better health and pain relief.
