Virgo in the Houses

The house where Virgo falls in your carte du ciel brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are compassionate and bring order. This is where you are naturally drawn to skills that are useful. Bring your awareness to how you might also be over-analytical and a perfectionist.

Virgo in the 1st House

If you have Virgo in or on the cusp the first house, you come across as neat and orderly. These are the people who take detailed notes and make lists so that they can be highly organized and attend to every single detail. Because the first house is how others see you and Virgo needs to get everything right, be aware that you may tend to overwork out of nervousness, seeking to get everything “just so”.

Virgo in the 2nd House

If you have Virgo in or on the cusp of the second house, you enjoy using your organizational abilities to keep track of your finances and to make financial plans. You would make a good financial planner, although your risk aversion can lead to excessive worry. You are able to make money through any work that requires structure and routine.

La Vierge dans la 3e maison

If you have Virgo in or on the cusp of the third house, you are always taking in, analyzing, and organizing data and information. You are constantly feeding your mind, and you are excellent at anything requiring logic and reason. The issue can be in the sharing of that information, however. Your perfectionism can keep you from thinking you know enough to share, and, when you do share, you are likely to be attached to others doing things exactly as you think they should be done. Learning to release some of that perfectionism would be helpful.

Virgo in the 4th House

If you have Virgo in or on the cusp of the fourth house, your home and your personal life are likely to be regimented and orderly, and you are unhappy if you are unable to maintain that orderliness. This can be hard on others in your home, however, as your family will feel that you are overly critical. It’s important to allow others to be who they are.

Virgo in the 5th House

Virgo in or on the cusp of the fifth house likes structured and planned hobbies and creativity. You probably prefer quieter hobbies that require mental activity. Be aware that overplanning can lead to less joy and fun though. Also, because you have almost impossibly high standards, try to soften your tendency to be overly critical of your children and/or those you are in relations with.

Virgo in the 6th House

If you have Virgo in or on the cusp of the sixth house, the house ruled by Virgo, your work and daily routines are of paramount importance to you. You work best at anything that uses detail, hand skills, and requires your utmost attention, especially if you are serving others. Be wary of getting so lost in detail and perfectionism that you have trouble finishing projects. You are also likely concerned about staying healthy.

Virgo in the 7th House

Virgo in or on the cusp of the seventh house indicates that you are attracted to a partner or significant other who helps you get in touch with reality and brings the practical aspects of life into your relation. This can also represent parts of you that have been repressed due to cultural or familial constraints (known as the disowned or shadow self), and you therefore tend to seek them in others.

Virgo in the 8th House

If you have Virgo in or on the cusp of the eighth house, you are cautious and detailed when it comes to joint finances and are good at any detail required. However, you tend to worry excessively if things aren’t going the way you planned. On a soul level, you are likely to investigate the metaphysical and the deep psyche with the same analytical approach and have an interest in using that to heal. You may be drawn to some forms of psychology.

Virgo in the 9th House

If you have Virgo in or on the cusp of the ninth house, you likely study belief systems and cultures in a systematic and detailed way. You are likely to be almost puritanical about how you live out your beliefs and how you expect others to do so. Be aware that you can be critical if you slip from the prescribed track.

Virgo in the 10th House

Leo in or on the cusp of the tenth house indicates that you do best in a public role that stimulates your analytical mind and organizational abilities. You are drawn to more conventional roles and not arenas where you are in the spotlight. Any career or mission in life that involves creating structure and is service oriented will be a fit for you.

Virgo in the 11th House

If you have Virgo in or on the cusp of the eleventh house, you are likely to have a small group of close friends that you are extremely loyal to. You are the one who will attend to details and organization in a group rather than taking the lead, and you are also the practical voice who can bring dreams into reality.

Virgo in the 12th House

As Virgo is all about service and organization, if you have Virgo in or on the cusp of the twelfth house, the house of the collective unconscious and connection to the muse and mystery, you have the ability to be a practical mystic, taking complex spiritual ideals and bringing them down to earth. The challenge here is that the selfless energy of the twelfth house can lead to a habit of martyrdom, always giving too much of yourself for the good of others.