Libra in the Houses

The house where Libra falls in your natal chart brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are oriented toward relations and dependent on others for your self-concept. Bring your awareness to how you might be overly dependent in this area.

Libra in the 1st House

If you have Libra in or on the cusp of the first house, your sense of self is rooted in significant relationships. You see yourself through those relationships and have a hard time being or doing things alone. People see you as graceful and like being around you, but you may feel acutely unbalanced in chaotic environments.

Balance dans la 2ème maison

If you have Libra in or on the cusp of the second house, you will often create wealth through the arts, law, or something connected with beauty, or your money comes through your partner or marriage. You create a harmonious financial life because you feel very off-kilter if your budget isn’t balanced. Therefore, even though you like the finer things in life, you go for quality, not quantity, and you don’t spend money you don’t have.

Libra in the 3rd House

If you have Libra in or on the cusp of the third house, you are a graceful communicator who avoids conflict and arguments. Your voice is likely to charm and be quite pleasant, so you would make a good singer or presenter. Although you tend to get thrown off by any sort of conflict, your biggest skill is being able to talk others into compromising without forcing. You’d make a fabulous diplomat.

Libra in the 4th House

If you have Libra in or on the cusp of the fourth house, you like your home to be a peaceful haven that is usually beautifully and creatively decorated to inspire the harmony you need. The difficulty comes when others create chaos in your home or disrupt your inner peace, throwing you off balance. It would be good for you to learn to accept a small amount of chaos or allow others their chaotic space. You are the mediator in the family and often smooth over the cracks for the sake of keeping the peace.

Libra in the 5th House

Libra in or on the cusp of the fifth house likes pastimes that involve others rather than doing things alone. You make a very fair parent who tries their best to listen to and understand your children, if you have any. This is a creative placement, but you might not be able to see that in yourself. Hobbies that involve beauty and gentle pursuits suit you better than highly physical sports.

Libra in the 6th House

If you have Libra in or on the cusp of the sixth house, you work well with others and tend to be the negotiator who comes up with compromises and tries to get everyone to play fair. You enjoy a peaceful and harmonious work environment, but be aware that if you don’t have it, your health will suffer.

Libra in the 7th House

Libra in or on the cusp of the seventh house indicates that you are attracted to a partner or significant other who makes the relation about you and how they can support you, which brings balance and harmony to the relationship. Be wary of being all about what you receive from others, and learn the art of compromise so that the other person doesn’t feel taken for granted.

Libra in the 8th House

If you have Libra in or on the cusp of the eighth house, you are likely to work well with your partner concerning shared financial responsibilities. There can be some difficulty with the Libra tendency toward codependence; you may give your power away to your partner or, conversely, try to control your partner. Compromise and communication are key here.

Libra in the 9th House

If you have Libra in or on the cusp of the ninth house, you enjoy learning about belief systems and other cultures and have an extremely strong sense of fairness and justice philosophically. You may be drawn to ethical studies and teaching about equality and social justice issues.

Libra in the 10th House

Libra in or on the cusp of the tenth house indicates that you function best in a public role where you don’t work alone. You are graceful and charming and would do well in fields like the arts or the beauty industry, as well as those that involve diplomacy and mediation. Be aware that you may have difficulty deciding on a career because you tend to spend a long time weighing all the options.

Balance dans la 11ème maison

If you have Libra in or on the cusp of the eleventh house, you are likely to have a large group of friends and try to give them all equal time, which can make you somewhat of a social butterfly. You are the mediator who helps everyone get along. The eleventh house is also the house of long-term goals; you may constantly change what you strive toward, seeking your best fit.

Balance dans la 12ème maison

As Libra is all about partnership and collaboration, if you have Libra in or on the cusp of the twelfth house, the house of the collective unconscious and connection to the muse and mystery, you are extremely sensitive to others. You may idealize people you are in relationship with, which can make true partnership difficult. You are highly intuitive and spiritually sensitive, but that can mean you go too far in trying to meet others’ spiritual needs and deplete your own. Take care of your own spiritual needs first.