Leo in the Houses

The house where Leo falls in your carte du ciel brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you are dramatic, magnetic, and playful. This is where you are a natural leader. Bring your awareness to how you might also be melodramatic or arrogant in this area.

Leo in the 1st House

If you have Leo in or on the cusp of the first maison, you come across as warm, friendly, and open with a sunny appearance. You are magnetic, and people are drawn to your sense of joy and fun. You are the sort of person who lights up a room and gathers everyone around you for attention and affection. People really enjoy being around you.

Leo in the 2nd House

If you have Leo in or on the cusp of the second house, you enjoy using your natural shine and magnetism to attract l'abondance. You like to live like royalty with a lush garden, fabulous food, and luxurious surroundings, and the more riches you have, the better you feel about yourself. The challenge of Leo here is to find self-worth from within rather than from external riches. You may earn your money through public performance.

Lion dans la 3e maison

If you have Leo in or on the cusp of the third house, you enjoy lively company and conversations, and you are likely to be quite dramatically expressive and very entertaining but also rather domineering. You have a compelling and commanding presence and probably have a strong voice, but others can find that somewhat overwhelming at times. Because Leo is a fixed sign, you can be quite fixed in your ideas and need to learn to be more open to other people’s ideas and opinions.

Lion dans la 4ème maison

If you have Leo in or on the cusp of the fourth house, your home is your palace, and you love those who visit to be wowed by the splendor and glamour. Leo in the fourth house likes to be the center of attention in their home, which can make it difficult for others in their family. Learn to open up your big heart to give as well as receive. Both Leo and Cancer, the sign that naturally rules the fourth house, are extremely sensitive to criticism, so you can be easily hurt.

Lion dans la 5ème maison

If you have Leo in or on the cusp of the fifth house, the house ruled by Leo, you are very creative, dramatic, and playful. You take great joy in your hobbies and are likely to enjoy music, singing, and drama. You love being around children and enjoy childlike pastimes. There’s such a joyful, loving energy to this placement, but beware that some people can find this energy a little too much to be around for long.

Lion dans la 6e maison

If you have Leo in or on the cusp of the sixth house, you take great pride in your work and you love to receive praise and rewards for all that you do. Without praise and reward, you may feel uninspired and lose interest in doing the work. As this is the house of service, it is helpful to learn to lead with the spirit of service and rely less on the approval of others.

Leo in the 7th House

Leo in or on the cusp of the seventh house indicates that you are attracted to a partner or significant other who is strong and magnetic. You want someone who takes the lead and who takes care of responsibilities, but the issue here is that this can also attract someone who is possessive and controlling. Ideally, you will seek out those who have those strong leadership qualities but who also allow you your intellectual freedom.

Leo in the 8th House

If you have Leo in or on the cusp of the eighth house, you have a tendency to take control of joint financial dealings and not let others have much of a say. On a soul level, you are likely to be prepared to leap into the metaphysical realms and become quite a leader in these fields as you shine your light into the darker realms.

Lion dans la 9ème maison

If you have Leo in or on the cusp of the ninth house, you have great faith in yourself and your beliefs. You are likely to be a leader in philosophical pursuits or higher education but may be overly focused on status and have a tendency toward intellectual superiority. You love to learn, teach, and travel.

Leo in the 10th House

Leo in or on the cusp of the tenth house indicates that you desire public recognition and desire to shine in your field. You have great staying power and can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Because Leo wants to shine, be mindful of not blocking the light of others. The best leaders bring out the light in those they lead.

Lion dans la 11e maison

If you have Leo in or on the cusp of the eleventh house, you are likely to have a large group of admirers or casual acquaintances because you love to socialize and your magnetism attracts a lot of people to you. As this is also the home of social and/or political causes, you are likely to lead groups in this area but must be mindful of the humanitarian needs of those you lead rather than doing it for your own status.

Lion dans la 12e maison

Leo is all about leadership and playfulness. Those with Leo in or on the cusp of the twelfth house—the house of the collective unconscious and connection to the muse and mystery—tend to lead behind the scenes and to enjoy the playfulness of their own connection to the collective unconscious. The usually large Leo ego is muted here, but be aware that you can be generous to a fault.