Numerology is the language of numbers, a language that helps you expand the horizons of your personal, worldly and spiritual awareness.
What can Numerology tell you?
Based on your unique birth information, you have a Numerology chart — like your Astrology birth chart — that reveals which numbers impact your overall life and the different cycles of your lifetime. Your Life Path number, the most important number in your Numerology chart, describes your life approach. Your Personality Number represents the way you deal with change, while your Birth Day number reveals your strengths and weaknesses. Other numbers in your chart represent your natural skills, challenges, relation compatibility, how you express yourself, and so much more.
Can Numerology predict your future?
Numerology can reveal the numbers that are influencing you at any point in your life — past, present, and future. By understanding the impact of these specific numbers, Numerology can draw conclusions about the nature of events happening to you and within you at any given time.
What numbers does Numerology look at?
All number and number sequences are important in Numerology, yet the emphasis is on the single-digit numbers, 1 – 9, and three numbers called “Master numbers”, which are 11, 22 and 33.