Nœud Nord en Verseau / Nœud Sud en Lion

Le nœud nord en Verseau dans le thème natal symbolise le besoin de l'âme de reconnaître les liens entre tous les êtres humains.

Nœud Nord du Verseau
Nœud Nord du Verseau

Vous êtes l'ami et l'amant de tout le monde. Les personnes dont le Nœud Nord est en Verseau apprennent à établir des relations avec les gens pour ce qu'ils sont vraiment. Vous pouvez vous trouver dans des situations de vie où vous devez faire un choix conscient pour rejoindre un groupe ou une cause.

Les personnes dont le Nœud Nord est en Verseau apprennent à évaluer et à analyser les situations et à ne pas trop se fier à leur instinct ou à leurs désirs égoïstes. Le point opposé au nœud nord, votre nœud sud, se trouve dans le signe du Lion. Cette position implique que vous avez connu des situations passées dans lesquelles vous vous êtes enorgueilli d'être spécial ou unique, ce qui a obscurci votre perspective sur les autres. Vous êtes maintenant en train d'accepter la leçon selon laquelle tous les gens sont des individus complexes et uniques.

With a North Node in Aquarius, you are realizing how everyone’s unique gifts and talents can bring the group together, strengthening society. This placement is very future-minded. You are asked to bring your original ideas forward, to share with others, and leave behind the attachment to the need for recognition in the process.

Frequently the nodes are activated when someone or something comes into our lives, whether this is a person, a new job, or a new environment. Nodes may also be activated when someone or something goes out of one’s life too. Read the descriptions below for an understanding of an Aquarius North Node through the natal houses.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 1ère Maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 7ème Maison

Avec un Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 1ère maison de l'individualité, vous apprenez à exprimer votre individualité. Vous apprenez à aborder la vie comme une expérience. Vous apprenez à aller de l'avant et à faire vos propres choses, même si cela semble étrange à tout le monde. Faire de la place à l'imprévisibilité dans toutes les facettes de votre vie. Tenter de trouver un terrain d'entente avec les autres dans n'importe quelle entreprise. Le Verseau dans la 1ère maison vous permet de développer un comportement froid, calme et posé. Vous vous débarrassez de votre tendance à exiger trop des autres. Vous vous souciez moins de votre popularité lorsque vous vous attaquez à des causes et à des objectifs humanitaires. En apprenant à apprécier vos qualités uniques et décalées. Chercher ce que vous avez en commun avec les autres dans toutes les situations. Apporter le désir de trouver un terrain d'entente dans chaque situation. Dépasser les relations puériles avec les autres, celles où l'on cherche à attirer l'attention. Le Nœud Lunaire Ascendant dans la 1ère maison vous apprend à prendre vos distances avec les sentiments passionnés qui obscurcissent votre jugement et votre identité. Vous vous libérez de l'envie de donner des ordres aux autres. Développer la capacité d'agir par soi-même sans se soucier de savoir si quelqu'un fait attention à soi. Dépasser l'idée que vous êtes trop bien pour n'importe qui. relation. Adopter une position plus logique. Se débarrasser du besoin d'avoir un public pour vaquer à ses occupations. Commencer à se sentir à l'aise pour faire des choix impopulaires afin de servir les intérêts d'un groupe plus large. En abandonnant l'idée que les relations sont un concours de popularité. Ne plus s'attendre à ce que quelqu'un prête attention à son statut relationnel. En cessant d'être l'autorité régnante en matière de relations.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 2ème Maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 8ème Maison

With a North Node Aquarius in the 2nd house, you find value in giving yourself the freedom to earn money in unusual ways. Giving yourself the freedom to experiment with how you earn your income. Letting go of the need to take over when it comes to other people’s problems – emotional or financial. Releasing sex as a form of ego gratification. Making room for unpredictability to enter your financial picture. Realizing that your personal values are different. Aquarius in the 2nd house teaches you to embrace unconventional, or even radical, notions about survival, financial security, and how you get your material needs met. Learning how to spread your personal wealth around. Learning to stand up for earning your fair share. Being less conceited about your personal legacy or how much money you’re going to inherit. Realizing that the money you have is best spent by putting the needs of the group ahead of your own. Developing a cooler head when it comes to your finances. Learning to be less demanding of your sexual partners. No longer using sex to gain popularity. No longer needing to be seen in complicated relations avec d'autres personnes. Développer une vision objective de ses priorités personnelles. Prendre contact avec vos priorités personnelles uniques qui n'ont rien à voir avec les autres. Le Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 2e maison vous incite à découvrir vos valeurs en vous associant à des personnes qui ont des intérêts similaires aux vôtres.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 3ème Maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 9ème Maison

With a North Node Aquarius in the 3rd house of communication, you are moving away from trying to dominate others through your opinions. Releasing the need to be seen as a guru or master. Learning to say what you have to say no matter how out of step it might seem. Aquarius in the 3rd house ensures you no longer need to attract attention because you’re a jet-set, world-traveling, adventurer and philosopher. Learning to communicate your unique viewpoint. Learning to communicate your radical ideas. Letting yourself take risks in the way you communicate. Making room for unpredictability in the everyday interactions you have with other people. Learning what you have in common with other people by actually talking to them. No longer thinking that your personal philosophy is superior to everyone else’s. Building community through sharing information. Finding out what you have in common with the people in your local environment. Learning how to talk to everyday people without being condescending or arrogant. Learning how to express your thoughts in a cool, calm, and collected manner. Lightening up on the passion that overwhelms you when you speak about what you believe in. North Node Aquarius in the 3rd house ensures you no longer are so concerned with whether or not your ideas are popular.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la Maison 4 / Nœud Sud Lion dans la Maison 10

With a North Node Aquarius in the 4th house of home, roots, family, and self-care you are learning to have less ego involvement with your public identity. Putting less emphasis on finding a public outlet for your creative self-expression. Aquarius in the 4th house ensures you are embracing what you have in common with your family members even while you remain a unique individual. Learning to embrace what is unique about your family. Learning to love the quirky, inventive, and rebellious tendencies that lie within you. Getting comfortable with feeling different inside. Finding out how your uniqueness gives you roots. No longer needing that high profile, in-the-spotlight, attention. No longer needing to be the boss. Making room for unpredictability in your home life. No longer being so demanding of your parents or the other authority figures in your life. Beginning to feel that you are part of the human family, or, beginning to feel that you are part of a family that extends beyond the human family. No longer being so concerned with your public popularity. Making a place in your life, away from public attention, where you can experiment, invent and simply let yourself try things to see what happens. Building a lab in your basement – a food lab, a stereo lab, an art lab, or even a writing lab. Learning to distance yourself from the passionate feelings that cloud your judgment about your place in the world and your relationships with your family members. Becoming less territorial in your profession. North Node Aquarius in the 4th house urges you to realize that it is your friends that make up your real family.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la Maison 5 / Nœud Sud Lion dans la Maison 11

With a North Node Aquarius in the 5th house of self-expression, you are moving away from needing mass approval. Letting go of friends who are attention hogs. Letting go of associations with people who do nothing more than stroke your ego. No longer seeing group hangouts as “self-expression.” Aquarius in the 5th house ensures you see personal experimentation as self-expression. Learning to work independently on your creative vision. Embracing your unique self-expression no matter how unpopular. Going toward an utterly uncompromising creative vision. Learning how to make friends who appreciate you for your unique creative contribution. Spending less time in groups where the object is to be seen and not to make an individual contribution. Becoming less territorial concerning your group involvements. Realizing that what truly entertains you is often extremely strange and unpopular. North Node Aquarius in the 5th house urges you to move toward group awareness centered on self-expression and each individual’s personal contribution to the benefit of the whole.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 6ème Maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 12ème Maison

Avec un Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 6ème maison, vous vous éloignez de tout attachement à l'ego dans vos recherches spirituelles. Vous vous laissez aller à une imagination créative qui n'a pas d'application pratique. Vous cherchez à trouver des moyens d'établir votre propre emploi du temps. Vous commencez à découvrir comment vous pouvez à la fois participer au travail quotidien et vous en libérer complètement. Réaliser que l'on a besoin d'un environnement de travail qui permette l'anticonformisme et l'excentricité. Trouver un travail qui vous permette d'expérimenter et d'utiliser votre génie. Dépasser toute fierté obstinée et autodestructrice. L'abandon de toute vanité auto-sabotante. Le Verseau dans la 6e maison vous permet de reconnaître toute attitude hautaine ou vaniteuse qui n'est pas dans votre intérêt. Dépasser la peur d'attirer l'attention ou d'être apprécié à sa juste valeur. Faire coïncider vos objectifs professionnels avec des objectifs qui servent une cause plus importante. Développer un regard détaché sur le travail et les tâches quotidiennes. Développer le détachement dans vos relations avec les collègues et les employés. Réduire le nombre d'exigences que vous vous imposez. Vous permettre d'expérimenter plus d'imprévisibilité dans votre vie professionnelle. Le Nœud Lunaire Ascendant dans la 6ème maison vous pousse à développer une approche objective, logique et froide de la santé et de la médecine.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 7ème Maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 1ère Maison

With a North Node Aquarius in the 7th house of relationships, you are less concerned with making your entrance known. Learning to keep a cool head for the sake of others. Accepting others even if they are eccentric, unpredictable, and strange. Finding out exactly what you have in common with the people closest to you. Finding out what makes your closest friends unique. Using your group involvements as a mirror of your own behavior. Aquarius in the 7th house ensures you bring more experimentation to your significant relationships and not worrying about how you look doing it. Letting go of the need to be respected and to be seen as the boss. Understanding how your bossy behavior impacts your relationships. Understanding how being demanding impacts your relationships. North Node Aquarius in the 7th house urges you to develop an objective approach to your significant relationships. Letting your quirkiness come through in your significant relationships. Beginning to appreciate the uniqueness of others. Understanding that being the center of attention doesn’t make you the center of a relationship. Releasing the view that life is a popularity contest.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 8ème Maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 2ème Maison

With a North Node Aquarius in the 8th house, you are digging deep into understanding your perversions and eccentricities. Trying more sexual experimentation. Becoming tolerant of other people’s perversions, quirks, and eccentricities. Learning to value what is unique in others. No longer being a label whore. Getting interested in issues of mass psychology and mass transformation. Aquarius in the 8th house ensures you develop a progressive viewpoint on issues of sexuality and taboo. Becoming sexually independent. No longer needing approval for the type of sex life you want to have. Taking a scientific approach to issues of life after death. Releasing too much interest in your personal priorities. No longer making ego gratification a priority. Getting deep into astrology and similar topics. Inventing new sexual positions. Becoming more objective about death and life after death. Learning to embrace the unique qualities you have that may make other people uncomfortable. Becoming more detached when having deeply intimate interactions with other people. Becoming less arrogant about your personal values. No longer needing to show off what you have. No longer being so demanding about getting what you want. Having less ego attachment to your things. No longer seeing your things as an extension of yourself. North Node Aquarius in the 8th house urges you to become less dramatic about what is important to you. Stepping down as the reigning authority on values and priorities. Learning how to be friends with the people you share your most intimate self with. No longer valuing popularity and star power.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 9ème maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 3ème maison

With a North Node Aquarius in the 9th house of expansion, you are getting interested in “far out” subjects. Exploring alien theories and other unusual philosophies. Opening up to unconventional beliefs. Letting yourself experiment with different religions to see which is best for you. Becoming objective about religion, belief, and philosophy. No longer having ego attached to your opinions. Becoming less dramatic about how you communicate. Aquarius in the 9th house ensures you no longer make a big show of what you have to say. No longer treating conversations as your personal stage. No longer expecting everyone to pay absolute attention to everything you say. Moving away from a tendency to communicate for the sake of entertainment. Making connections with groups of people that share your beliefs and philosophies. Putting your ego aside as you find commonality with people who have similar beliefs. Not being so eager to express your personal opinion or dominate the conversation. Learning to interact with people outside of your inner circle or clique. North Node Aquarius in the 9th house teaches you how to open up and be friends with people who are decidedly different than you are.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 10ème Maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 4ème Maison

With a North Node Aquarius in the 10th house of structures and traditions, you are learning to make relationships with people outside of your family clique. Realizing that being the star of your family isn’t enough. No longer being so demanding of your family members. Becoming known as a rebel. No longer seeking so much family approval. Letting the public opinion of you be that you are a little strange and off-beat. Aquarius in the 10th house makes you become known as someone who is unusual and unconventional. Learning to publicly embrace your eccentricities. Becoming less arrogant and conceited about your family history and where you come from. Acting independently of family opinion. Being able to make outer life decisions no matter how unpopular they may be to your family members. Making fewer demands concerning how you expect to be treated at home. Becoming more innovative in your professional life. Wanting to work with people who share your progressive goals and objectives. North Node Aquarius in the 10th house urges you to let yourself rebel against established roles that have been set up for you. Learning how to be a parent in your own unique way. Viewing achievements and accolades objectively. Becoming known as a friendly person.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 11ème Maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 5ème Maison

With a North Node Aquarius in the 11th house of friendships, groups, and society you are no longer seeing every love exploit as the biggest romance of the ages. No longer having affairs just because they make your love life seem like a grand drama or soap opera. Moving away from self-involved people who perpetuate drama. No longer wishing to be one of those people. Aquarius in the 11th house ensures you are no longer pursuing self-expression for the sake of self-expression. No longer putting your creative needs above the needs of the larger society. No longer putting your quest for self-expression above relationships with friends. Learning to give up some creative control for the benefit of the group. Becoming involved with people who share your vision of the future. Beginning to set long-term goals for yourself that also benefit humanity as a whole. Interacting with like-minded people who share your unique goals. No longer dominating the lives of your children. Making more associations with people who are quirky, inventive, detached, rebellious, and independent. Letting go of the need to entertain and be entertained all the time. North Node Aquarius in the 11th house urges you to learn to make friends for the sake of friendship. Learning how to have relationships where everyone is an equal and everyone has an equal say. Learning how to relate to people based on their mutual interests rather than as potential love matches. Realizing that the masses aren’t as dull as you think they are.

Nœud Nord Verseau dans la 12ème Maison / Nœud Sud Lion dans la 6ème Maison

With a North Node Aquarius in the 12th house of endings and completions, you are no longer expecting to get a round of applause after a hard day’s work. No longer expecting your day job to be your stage. No longer getting sick to get attention. Aquarius in the 12th house asks you to release a tendency to be overly dramatic about the type of work you do, how hard it is, or how unappreciated you are on the job. Working through any fears that becoming more like everyone else means that you aren’t special. Getting over the feeling that you have to hide your experimental or unconventional side. Working through the feeling that your genius is a source of sorrow. Coming to terms with any issues about letting your intelligence shine through, or making people aware of your progressive views. Lessening your ego’s identification with your work. No longer demanding so much from your coworkers. North Node Aquarius in the 12th house urges you to learn to use your free time to explore what you have in common with the rest of society. Creating the time in your life to let yourself sink into unusual thoughts and ideas. Making friends with your inner demons. Making friends with your inner fears. Learning to walk hand in hand with your dreams. Beginning to view solitude as a source of original inspiration.

Découvrez votre véritable chemin de vie grâce à la sagesse de votre carte du ciel. Obtenez des informations plus approfondies sur le but que vous êtes né pour accomplir, vous aidant à naviguer sur votre chemin avec clarté, confiance et sens avec une carte du ciel. Analyse approfondie du thème natal.

Analyse de la carte du ciel