Soleil des Poissons

Pisces Sun with Gemini Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Gemini Personality Traits:Having a Pisces Sun Gemini Moon, do you sometimes say what you feel before you have even thought it? Do you consider yourself a rational, sensible person whose willingness to look at the whole spectrum of views sabotages your confidence? You think with your heart and feel […]

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Pisces Sun with Taurus Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Taurus Personality Traits:With a Pisces Sun Taurus Moon, do you easily drift off into your vivid fantasy world or do you get stuck into the practicalities of everyday life? Are you a pushover for romance but turned off by material insecurity? Do you need lots of love and affection

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Pisces Sun with Aries Moon

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Aries Personality Traits:Having a Pisces Sun Aries Moon, are you a sensitive, introverted poet, or a confident explorer and crusader for the truth as you see it? Sometimes you feel passive, dreamy, private and emotional, preferring to observe the world around you from your inner sanctum whilst you let

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