Nœud Nord en Sagittaire / Nœud Sud en Gémeaux

The North Node in Sagittarius in the natal chart is symbolizing a soul urge to learn to trust in one’s own consciousness and higher mind.

Nœud Nord du Sagittaire
Nœud Nord du Sagittaire

With a North Node in Sagittarius you have a very strong intuition but often brush off your very valuable insights as untrue or invalid. Individuals with this placement are often working towards accepting their depth and wisdom.

Having a North Node in Sagittarius, you may find yourself in life situations that are forcing you to speak your mind freely. This is due to the fact that your soul or spirit is desiring to live authentically and not according to anyone else’s rules or regulations. The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in Gemini. This may imply a tendency to get stuck in negative thought patterns or engage in conversations that are not focused on uplifting others. You may feel susceptible to other’s people’s perceptions of you and find others gossip about you very upsetting.

The North Node in Sagittarius is learning to overcome feelings of insecurity based on what other people think. You are leaving behind any people-pleasing tendencies and boldly embracing you for you. There is a soul urge towards a deeper understanding of life and an ability to connect with the vastness of the universe.

Frequently the nodes are activated when someone or something comes into our lives, whether this is a person, a new job, or a new environment. Nodes may also be activated when someone or something goes out of one’s life too. Read the descriptions below for an understanding of a Sagittarius North Node through the natal houses

North Node Sagittarius in the 1st House / South Node Gemini in the 7th House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 1st house of individuality, you are becoming more of a risk taker in everything you do. Approaching life as an adventure. Approaching life as an explorer. Becoming the sage personified. Moving away from concerns about the day-to-day distractions of relations. Becoming more concerned with broadening your outlook. Sagittarius in the 1st house ensure you are developing confidence in making your opinions known. Learning to put your own wisdom before the chitter-chatter of other people. Developing a bigger personality. Laughing louder and harder. Searching for meaning in everything you do. Letting go of scattered, frenetic relationships. Not letting the significant people in your life distract you. Learning to take more risks in your life journey. Being ready for an adventure at a moment’s notice. Letting go of superficial, fickle friends. No more worrying that you’re not keeping up with the trends. No longer letting friends pressure you into feeling like you need to be trendy. Beginning to pay attention to how you implement your ideals as you go about your life. North Node Sagittarius in the 1st house will teach you to develop your own philosophy of life. Encouraging a more carefree attitude toward life. Getting a sense of humor about yourself. Releasing any tendencies to be two-faced.

North Node Sagittarius in the 2nd House / South Node Gemini in the 8th House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 2nd house, you are becoming more carefree with your possessions. Becoming more optimistic about your chances of survival. Learning to take some risks in how you earn a living. Realizing that optimism is one of your innate talents. Realizing that your ability to endure hardship with good humor is a talent. Sagittarius in the 2nd house asks you to spend time understanding how your ideals and your values mesh with how you earn a living. Developing an ethical set of values. Earning your income in an ethical way. Learning to value freedom of thought and freedom of movement. Coming to a more profound understanding of your own shopping needs and habits. Letting go of superficial attitudes toward other people’s emotional problems. Becoming less gossipy about other people’s sex habits. Learning to stop jumping from one sexual partner to the next. Understanding why you share your body. Valuing the truth. North Node Sagittarius in the 2nd house ensures you are building self-esteem and self-worth through good humor, open-mindedness, and a willingness to take risks. Giving full attention to your own priorities and values.

North Node Sagittarius in the 3rd House / South Node Gemini in the 9th House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 3rd house of communication, you are learning to communicate your big vision to the people in your immediate environment. Learning to share your adventures in casual conversation. Bringing a sense of adventure to even the most mundane daily interaction. Bringing enthusiasm and optimism to every conversation. Moving into a place of inspirational communication. Sagittarius in the 3rd house will ensure you are letting go of unfocused pursuits of higher education. Letting go of overly rational reasons for learning. Learning because it makes you feel expansive. Letting go of the need to travel in all directions. Taking more risks in communication. Taking some leaps of faith when it comes to writing, speaking, or singing. Opening up to learning. Relishing the joy of reading anything you want and learning anything you want. Bringing your wisdom to everyday conversation. Learning to talk about a few things with the depth of understanding and knowledge. North Node Sagittarius in the 3rd house will urge you to understand what you really know by how well you are able to communicate your knowledge. Feeling inspired to learn and inspiring others to learn. Learning to speak the truth. Creating a bigger vision of what you can learn and study in this life.

North Node Sagittarius in the 4th House / South Node Gemini in the 10th House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 4th house, you are finding that the greatest adventures happen close to home. Beginning to realize how much wisdom your family has. Beginning to realize how much wisdom your parents have. Becoming less concerned with whether or not everybody thinks you’re smart. Sagittarius in the 4th house will ensure you are more comfortable with letting loose at home. Letting your inner comedian come out in the privacy of your own home. Adapting to changing family circumstances. Becoming philosophical about your family life and upbringing. Enduring any family hardships with good humor. Bringing more joy into your family interactions. No longer needing to rationalize your family life for the public, or for the sake of your reputation. Feeling that it is in fact okay to move away from your family. Your family exists whether you are all in one place or not. Becoming comfortable with the idea of traveling to see family members. North Node Sagittarius in the 4th house will urge you to become less attached to what people think of your mind and more attached to how inspired you feel at your core. No matter where you are, always feeling a sense of freedom within. Gaining wisdom for your own private satisfaction. Making your home a shrine to your travels and adventures. Feeling secure about your beliefs. Finding “home” in many places and among many different types of people. Keeping your views on religion and morality private. Giving full attention to your home and family.

North Node Sagittarius in the 5th House / South Node Gemini in the 11th House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 5th House of self-expression, you are letting yourself be a creative explorer. Bringing a sense of adventure to your romantic life. Learning to take more risks with your creativity. Not being afraid to be the class clown. Realizing that you can be both silly and profound at the same time. Taking trips. Letting yourself be a party animal. No longer so concerned with being a part of intellectual organizations. Sagittarius in the 5th house will urge you to give yourself the freedom to explore what pleasure means to you. Giving yourself the freedom to explore what creativity means to you. Giving in to a more expansive range of personal self-expression. No longer putting so much stock in what the fickle masses think. Allowing yourself to date people who come from a different background than you do. Finding wisdom in pleasure. Getting in touch with creative inspiration. Teaching people how to let loose and have fun. Teaching people to get in touch with their creative side. Throwing big bashes. Giving up the rational group approach for an almost comical faith in luck. North Node Sagittarius in the 5th house teaches you that pleasure, fun, love, and joy come through opening up, taking risks and having faith. Finding out what truly gives you pleasure. Tapping into the joy of expressing yourself physically. Giving your full attention to your creative urges.

North Node Sagittarius in the 6th House / South Node Gemini in the 12th House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 6th House, you are letting go of self-sabotaging frenetic, nervous energy. Letting go of superficial or fickle behavior that undermines your efforts. Learning to have faith in yourself every day. Believing that every day holds a measure of luck to be tapped into. Approaching work with optimism and good humor. Treating each day as if it is a fresh start. Sagittarius in the 6th house urges you to expand your horizons through simple daily routines. Getting out of the solitude of your mind. Learning to feel inspired by mundane reality. Learning to cope with health issues with good humor. Knowing your body inside out. Releasing two-faced self-sabotaging behavior. Becoming someone with a lot of knowledge to share about health and disease. Creating a philosophy of health and fitness. Finding meaning in diet and fitness. Inspiring others to eat well and take care of themselves. Occasionally allowing yourself to overindulge and pig out. Acknowledging your need for meaningful work. Acknowledging your thirst for a meaningful everyday life – you need adventure, meaning, and exploration every day of your life. North Node Sagittarius in the 6th house urges you to give your full attention to your health, work, and daily routine. Traveling every day in the real world. Finding real-world outlets for your thoughts.

North Node Sagittarius in the 7th House / South Node Gemini in the 1st House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 7th house of relationships, you are no longer moving your attention from one shiny object to the next. No longer being so concerned with trends and what the latest hottest thing or idea is. Sagittarius in the 7th house will provide a profound understanding of what’s important through your significant relationships. Developing significant relationships that have lasting meaning. Learning to relate to people beyond a superficial level. Putting more faith in other people. Gaining wisdom through relationships. Understanding how your relationships may reflect your inner fragmentation. Seeking out friends who are more than fair-weather friends. Seeking out partners who want to grow through your relation. Seeking out partners who have experiences that are foreign to yours. Forming significant relationships with people who encourage you to expand, explore and take risks. Forming relationships with people who encourage you to get out of your head. Getting to know other people. Resisting the urge to gather a lot of facts about relationships but never come to any understanding of them. North Node Sagittarius in the 7th house urges you to get to the point where you actually know what it means to be in a relationship with someone. Learning to share your life’s adventure with someone else. Beginning to see partnership and marriage as a shared journey. Giving your full attention to your partner.

North Node Sagittarius in the 8th House / South Node Gemini in the 2nd House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 8th house, you are developing an open-minded approach to taboo subjects. Allowing yourself to explore your sexuality. Opening up to more intimate relationships with other people. Bringing an enthusiastic attitude to occult subjects. Exploring occult subjects – seeing it as an adventure. Sagittarius in the 8th house will ensure you are keeping the faith even when you are in emotional turmoil. Keeping an optimistic attitude even in the face of death. Maintaining a feeling of freedom within the most intimate of relationships. Finding a belief system that helps you understand the meaning of sexuality. Getting wise about those things that bind you to other people. Gaining wisdom through intimate interactions with other people. Keeping your beliefs private. Letting go of a tendency to scatter your resources. Letting go of changeable, inconsistent values. Learning to stop spending your money on inconsequential things. Resisting the urge to buy trendy stuff. Finding meaning through merging resources with other people. Finding that developing intimate relationships broadens your horizons. Bringing a sense of humor to your sex life. North Node Sagittarius in the 8th house teaches you that taking risks with what you share can create even closer, more tightly bonded relationships. Combining wisdom with depth. Forever exploring, deeper and deeper. Learning to value what other people consider to be wisdom.

North Node Sagittarius in the 9th House / South Node Gemini in the 3rd House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 9th house of expansion, you are the ultimate adventurer. Mental and physical exploration at its best. Getting out there and applying your education to see what it actually means. Thinking globally, not locally. Sagittarius in the 9th house ensures you are taking your vision and expanding it out as far as it will go. Taking risks to increase your knowledge. Going big or going home. Letting your quest for knowledge fill you with hope and optimism. Letting your optimism to allow you to believe that anything is possible. Bringing your ideals out into the world. No longer confining your thoughts to trivial everyday matters. Heading into the territory of faith and belief. Finding out how your beliefs compare to what you say or think. Finding out how what you’ve been taught compares to what you just know. Realizing that there is knowledge to be had from experience. Realizing that book learning isn’t enough. Beginning to explore archetypes, intuition, and metaphysics. Beginning to explore those things that can’t entirely be explained with words. North Node Sagittarius in the 9th house will urge you to give full attention to expanding your current viewpoint.

North Node Sagittarius in the 10th House / South Node Gemini in the 4th House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 10th house, you become known to be a visionary. Developing a public identity as a deep thinker, someone who ponders the philosophical questions of life. Putting your knowledge out there. Learning to take risks for the sake of your career. Sagittarius in the 10th house will ensure you are developing a broader vision for what you can achieve in life. No longer resigning yourself to being a closet intellectual. No longer tucked away in your home library. No more frenetic, scattered family interactions or fickle relationships with your parents. Allowing yourself to move away for the sake of your career. Beginning to see that you can accomplish more in life – whatever you have already accomplished, there is more. Becoming known as someone who knows something. Bringing your knowledge and wisdom into the public sphere of life. Developing more faith that taking risks will push your career along. Acknowledging your need for a meaningful profession. North Node Sagittarius in the 10th house urges you to finding an occupation that allows you freedom of movement and that broadens you intellectually. Taking a more carefree approach to your career and status. Giving full attention to your professional life.

North Node Sagittarius in the 11th House / South Node Gemini in the 5th House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 11th house of friendships, groups, and society you are creating a bigger vision of how you can be involved with people who share your goals and interests. Spreading your idealism through group involvement. Sagittarius in the 11th house will ask you to broaden your horizons through humanitarian activities. Creating more expansive long-term goals. Letting yourself give in to the limitless possibilities of what people can do when they band together. Moving into open, larger-than-life interactions with like-minded people. Making connections with people around the world. Becoming involved in global humanitarian efforts. North Node Sagittarius in the 11th house urges you to realize that fleeting pleasures hold no long-lasting meaning for you. Fleeting romances do nothing to support your long-term goals. Developing friendships that have meaning and purpose. Finding out what your beliefs are by looking at the people you associate with. Creating a group philosophy. Giving your full attention to setting long-term goals for yourself.

North Node Sagittarius in the 12th House / South Node Gemini in the 6th House

With a North Node Sagittarius in the 12th house of endings and completions, you are letting go of your frenetic daily routines. Making time in your schedule for contemplation. Making time in your schedule to quiet your mind and give full attention to something. Sagittarius in the 12th house ensures you are creating a space in your life where you have the freedom to do whatever you want to do without intrusion. Making time for yourself to do your version of exploration – whatever exploration means to you. Realizing that you have an inner wisdom that can provide balance to your daily life. North Node Sagittarius in the 12th house urges you to develop inner faith. Believing deep inside that things will work out. Finding your place of inner joy.

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