Pisces in the Houses

The house where Pisces falls in your carte du ciel brings deeper insights into those areas of life in which you exhibit compassion and selflessness. This is where you are naturally drawn to be more focused on the spiritual pathway.

Pisces in the 1st House

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the first maison, you are seen as shy and unsure of yourself. It can be difficult for others to see the real you behind the fluid and receptive nature that they witness soaking up the energy of those around them; others see someone who seems to have their head in the clouds. You are empathic, sensitive, and creative and can express your visionary self best through art.

Pisces in the 2nd House

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the second house, you may find budgeting and tracking of finances difficult because you find focus and commitment hard, preferring to swim with the tide. You are naturally generous, however, and this openness can attract fortune. You are spiritually connected to the natural world and can probably receive spiritual messages from that connection. You may attract money through your use of your intuitive and creative abilities.

Pisces in the 3rd House

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the third house, you learn best by osmosis rather than through structured learning; you may spend time in the classroom dreaming. Once you accept that this is how you learn, you can immerse yourself in a subject, and your receptive nature will soak up the information. You probably learn best when alone so that you aren’t distracted by what everyone else is thinking about. When you communicate from your soul and not just your mind, your words are powerful, but if you try to think too hard about what you are saying, your message is confused.

Pisces in the 4th House

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the fourth house, your home needs to be a safe haven and peaceful; otherwise, you will find yourself retreating into your own world. You need support and stability from your family, but you may not be able to see them clearly for who they are. Be aware that too much activity and noise in your home drains you energetically.

Pisces in the 5th House

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the fifth house, you need creative hobbies that allow full expression of your feelings and intuitive abilities—stream-of-consciousness writing or intuitive painting, for example. You may also be drawn to film or television. You have a tendency to be selfless with any children you have, but be aware that you may give them too much. When it comes to love, you may be attracted to people who need saving.

Pisces in the 6th House

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the sixth house, you are more suited to work as an employee with someone to guide you, but be wary of anyone who might want to take advantage of your gentle nature. You need work that is spiritually fulfilling and where you feel you are helping others. Your physical health may suffer if you are not in meaningful or fulfilling work.

Poissons dans la 7e maison

Pisces in or on the cusp of the seventh house indicates that you are attracted to a partner or significant who brings connection to the spiritual world and creativity into your life to help you open up to new experiences. You need someone who is sensitive and can soothe your feelings. You will be the one who takes care of details and organization in these relations.

Pisces in the 8th House

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the eighth house, you are drawn to exploring the deepest realms of the unconscious and may even be drawn to mediumship. You are also inclined to being extremely self-sacrificing in your bonded relationships, which can open you up to feeling disempowered and losing any sense of self. It is even more important that you learn to listen to and trust your own intuition here so that you don’t give all of yourself away to others.

Pisces in the 9th House

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the ninth house, spiritual or religious beliefs are very important to you. You tend to be drawn to the more transcendent forms of belief, such as Buddhism, Sufism, or any of the other mystical traditions. You may also be drawn to spending time in religious communities. You find guidance through these practices. If you travel, you are often drawn to water.

Pisces in the 10th House

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the tenth house, you may have challenges deciding exactly what your path in life is because you are, in your soul, a visionary who doesn’t really fit into a particular role. You are at your best if you follow your desire to help others in a spiritual or metaphysical way or engage in work that embraces your amazing imagination.

Poissons dans la 11e maison

If you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the eleventh house, you are an extremely generous friend but may give more than you have in terms of money and self. You are drawn to more spiritually based groups of friends and organizations, but you could also benefit from surrounding yourself with some more grounded friends. You have idealistic dreams and goals.

Pisces in the 12th House

As Pisces is all about spiritual connection, if you have Pisces in or on the cusp of the twelfth house, the house of the collective unconscious and connection to the muse and mystery, you have an otherworldly connection to the mystical and magical realms. You also have deep levels of empathy that can lead to a general feeling of sadness for humanity. You probably love to spend a lot of time alone.