The combination of your Sun and Lune signs produces a rather warm, genial, and romantic individual. You are very idealistic. Almost to the extent that your ideology absorbs practical purposes. You are aspiring rather than ambitious, and you generally look for idealistic rather than realistic satisfaction in life. You never seem to be particularly concerned about everyday matters, such as making a living, working under the assumption that your needs will somehow be provided for, and usually they are. You really have too much faith in people. Most of the time people do respond to you as you had hoped and expected they would. When they don’t, however, you really let it get under your skin and bog you down. You have so many dreams and illusions, but you really let them get you down when people are ugly or unkind, and the harsh realities of your environment start to close in on you. You can’t seem to handle criticism or put-downs well. Your highly romantic nature is ardent, impulsive, loyal and devoted.
Vos plus grands atouts
The way you combine brilliant insights with practical know-how, an expansive outlook made viable by your calm and serious bearing, commitment to ideals and people, warm approachability, capacity to enjoy life to the full.
Vos plus grandes faiblesses
Lack of initiative, proneness to live in your dreams and let others pick up the bill, becoming a slave to your own exotic tastes, tendency to get stuck in ideologies that clutter your life and impede your creative output.
Votre signe de lune Phase lunaire unique
La phase lunaire sous laquelle vous êtes né(e) affine encore plus votre Signe de lune, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.
Êtes-vous né(e) lors d'une pleine lune du Taureau ? Ou était-ce une Lune gibbeuse décroissante du Taureau ? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie ?
Pour découvrir ce que votre signe de lune et votre phase lunaire révèlent sur vous, Obtenez une lecture lunaire vidéo personnalisée gratuite ici.
Recommandé :
Découvrez les secrets de votre moi cosmique et gagnez en clarté sur votre chemin de vie unique. Une Analyse approfondie de la carte du ciel en astrologie et en numérologie offre des perspectives profondes qui vous aideront à naviguer dans les méandres de la vie avec confiance et détermination.