The combination of your Sun sign and your Lune produces what can be described as very high-voltage electricity. Not steady smooth electricity, but rather static charges bouncing from one place to another, constantly active. This energy can be channeled, but not for long. No matter how hard you try, you’re not apt to burn a hole of concentrative intensity through anything. You have tremendous mental capabilities, and the lack of willingness or ability to focus your interest and your direction, maybe the only impeding factor in your life. You feel comfortable with your abilities whether they are with your hands or with your mind. Yet you can’t feel comfortable by yourself and if you don’t have someone to talk to and be with, you’re high-strung temperament immediately takes over. You will fidget, worry, or do calisthenics until someone comes along to calm you down. You’re an avid reader, but not an especially deep student. Always a great talker, you are glib, facile, witty, and clever. You have a great business or law head, since emotions don’t usually play a role in your decision-making and thinking.
Vos plus grands atouts
Quick, agile mind, lively sociability, openness to experience, ability to learn, teach, communicate and bring different people and ideas together in a fruitful way, friendliness and an outrageous sense of fun.
Vos plus grandes faiblesses
A tendency to live in your head, with the result that nervousness depletes your energy, childlike self-absorption, proneness to live a double standard and to find plausible excuses for not looking at deeper motives.
Votre signe de lune Phase lunaire unique
La phase lunaire sous laquelle vous êtes né(e) affine encore plus votre Signe de lune, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.
Were you born on a Gemini Full Moon? Or was it a Gemini Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?
Pour découvrir ce que votre signe de lune et votre phase lunaire révèlent sur vous, Obtenez une lecture lunaire vidéo personnalisée gratuite ici.
Recommandé :
Découvrez les secrets de votre moi cosmique et gagnez en clarté sur votre chemin de vie unique. Une Analyse approfondie de la carte du ciel en astrologie et en numérologie offre des perspectives profondes qui vous aideront à naviguer dans les méandres de la vie avec confiance et détermination.