Soleil des Gémeaux et Lune des Gémeaux : Le Derviche Tourneur

Sun in Gemini with Moon in Gemini Personality Traits:

Gemini Sun Gemini Moon
Gemini Sun Gemini Moon

With a Gemini Sun Gemini Moon, you are like a ship without an anchor, you drift about, exploring all possibilities and exhausting your resources. Nervous energy substitutes for true vitality, so enthusiasms are often short-lived. Changing with the winds, you are never sure where you stand or whose side you are on. More like several individuals than one, you’re about as calm and predictable as a herd of wild horses.

On the more positive side, with a Gemini Sun Gemini Moon you can be a model of ingenuity. No problem arises without you finding the most practical and expedient solution. You are an intellectual powerhouse, having read just about everything there is to read and knowing a lot about almost anything. You are able to assimilate information with such speed and your responses are so quick and original that most people have difficulty just keeping up with you. The world turns much too slowly for you. You’ve seen it all. “What comes next?” you never tire of asking.

Avec un Soleil Gémeaux Lune Gémeaux, vous vivez sur vos nerfs. Vous avez peut-être l'intelligence de Kant, l'esprit de Jonathan Swift, l'ingéniosité et l'originalité d'un Einstein, mais votre capacité à fournir un effort sérieux et prolongé est pratiquement inexistante. Il vous faudra des années d'expérience et de mésaventures avant de maîtriser la discipline, la cohérence, la maîtrise de soi et la discrétion nécessaires pour combiner et ancrer vos talents.

But there is still hope—if you are not already behind bars. The Gemini Sun Gemini Moon combination belongs to the master criminal who always gets caught. Not that you are malicious or evil, but you tend to see things in terms of quick advantage and profit. Why waste time working when you can embezzle a million dollars or rob a bank? Yet, despite your cleverness, you’ll always manage to neglect some detail which will be your undoing.

For the Gemini Sun Gemini Moon individual, there is no question of finding yourself, because you have so many selves. Depending on circumstance, you can play any role that is called for. Your friends will attest to your ability to out-talk just about anyone and out-gossip too. Fortunately, your tongue is so that you often say things you don’t mean to say and end up hurting others without realizing it.

Quite psychic (whether you realize it or not), you can pick up the thoughts of those around you like a sponge, and therefore you can never be sure whether your next idea is yours or someone else’s. Some Gemini Sun Gemini Moon individuals are very dexterous and can make excellent craftsmen and sculptors once patience is mastered.

With a Gemini Sun Gemini Moon you are probably involved in many relationships. Since you must have variety in your love life, it’s not easy narrowing down your affairs. Basically unemotional (though you can fake pathos on cue), you view love from a very detached perspective. Breaking off a relation n'est pas un problème pour vous, si elle menace de devenir trop profonde. Ce n'est pas une bonne combinaison pour le bonheur conjugal. Vous devez apprendre à vous ancrer, vous et vos capacités, avant de pouvoir accomplir quoi que ce soit de permanent ou de durable.

Keywords for a Gemini Sun Gemini Moon:

Penseur ; expressif ; vif ; enfantin ; animé ; inventif ; flirteur ; cérébral ; auto-analyse ; lunatique ; traducteur ; mimique ; jongleur ; agité ; nerveux ; contradictoire ; critique ; bavard ; nombreux contacts ; sociable ; en mouvement.

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