Soleil capricorne dans la 11ème maison

Soleil en Capricorne dans la onzième maison

Soleil en Capricorne dans la 11ème maison
Soleil en Capricorne dans la 11ème maison

Having your Sun in Capricorn, your motivating force is desire for success, money, status, position, authority, and (though you may not realize it) for love. Capricorn is both an earth sign and a cardinal sign, and the combination of practicality (earth) and initiative (cardinal) produces a personality geared toward leadership and power. In the zodiac Capricorn is linked to the Midheaven — the point at the top of the horoscope that represents high achievement. You’re a born climber who’s not content to poke along down in the valleys. As long as there is a top to get to from the bottom, you will persevere in your upward striving. One of the hallmarks of having your Sun in Capricorn is that you learn to wait for things you want. You are willing to give up today’s temptation for tomorrow’s reward.

With your Sun in Capricorn, you are ambitious, practical, and, above all, determined. You are not interested in vague theory; you want to put any knowledge to use. Your active mind quickly grasps ideas, and you have an admirable ability to concentrate. You are precise and orderly, and generally don’t trust others to look after details. When you give your word you stick to it, and when you undertake a task you complete it to the best of your ability. You tend to fuss over details and to make sure all contingencies are covered. It’s your way of being in control. Because of your diligence, people sometimes fail to give you credit for creativity. Yet you are highly creative – your skill is to link this to your talent for organization.

As an individual with your Sun in Capricorn, as is your nature with everything else in life, you are cautious and conservative with money. Chances are you will amass wealth during your lifetime (usually in the later years), for you know how to make sound investments. In business your success is due to painstaking preparation. The journey of ten thousand miles may begin with a single step, but you know you can’t get anywhere unless you first know where you’re going. You may not size up a situation as quickly as some, but this can be an advantage, for it means you won’t heedlessly plunge in. Instead, you will research, examine what others have done before, and gather all relevant data. Only then, with a thorough understanding of the details, will you begin to move. And then you won’t be stopped until you reach your goal.

Le Soleil étant en Capricorne, vous recherchez avant tout la sécurité. Cet objectif est prioritaire et vous êtes généralement matérialiste. Vous pouvez être rancunier envers ceux qui se mettent en travers de votre chemin. Vous avez un grand sens de la fierté et ne pardonnerez pas à quiconque vous rabaisse ou vous insulte. De la même manière, vous rendrez les faveurs qu'on vous aura faites. Les Scorpions font également des efforts pour rendre une gentillesse, mais dans leur cas, ils le font par gratitude et fidélité. Chez vous, la motivation est l'orgueil qui ne vous permet pas de vivre confortablement sous une obligation.

Pour le Soleil en Capricorne, dans la plupart des cas relations you must dominate, because when you are in control you do not feel vulnerable to another person’s power. In small ways you are continually testing the loyalty of those close to you. You are the loner of the zodiac, but have a great need to be loved and appreciated. Unfortunately, you won’t let this need be known—in fact, you are a master at concealing it.

Le vous intérieur avec votre Soleil en Capricorne

With your Sun in Capricorn, you don’t need anyone to convince you that life is serious business; you’ve known it all along. That’s what keeps you anxiously asking yourself: Am I fulfilling my responsibilities? Am I achieving as much as I should? Am I self-reliant enough? You know you have the persistence and strength of purpose to reach your goals. But you also have a deep need to connect on an emotional level in your relationships so that you won’t feel separated from those you care about. Having a Sun in Capricorn, despite your intelligence and the fact that you’re so determined, you often feel insecure. You’re a bundle of conflicting emotions. You require discipline and order—chaos drives you crazy and makes you doubt yourself and what you’re capable of. But maybe the gods meant for you to have some doubt; if you believed you’re as powerful as you really are, you’d be impossible to live with!

La position du Soleil dans le signe indique comment nous cherchons à nous exprimer, à nous développer, à nous épanouir et à affirmer notre volonté et notre pouvoir de façonner notre environnement. La position de la maison indique le domaine de la vie dans lequel nous choisissons de concentrer l'énergie de notre signe solaire et d'accomplir le but qu'il représente.

Soleil dans la 11e maison

The Sun in the 11th House suggests a complex identity problem, since the 11th House opposes the Sun’s natural house, the 5th House (which is associated with Leo). In the 5th House, one is free to express themselves in order to find their identity. With your Sun in the 11th House, you are concerned not only with your personal needs and expression, but with how your identity relates to the larger social construct, whether this be a peer group, a social group or society as a whole.

Having your Sun in the 11th House, you may seek your identity by relating to some group, taking your personal identity from your group identification. If you are a more complex individual, however, this becomes a naïve stage in the process of self-identification. Questions inevitably arise about how you are distinguished from your identity group. While your need for group identification may be strong, you recognize the danger that your personal identity may become submerged in the group identity. When this happens, the extent to which you can assert your personal identity and yet remain within the group becomes problematic.


As an individual with your Sun in the 11th House, because you are inwardly insecure, you give undue attention to yourself and you are unwilling to detach yourself from the ego even in the least little bit. Rather than develop an authentic personality (taking responsibility for your selfhood), you adopt a group identity as a cop-out. Yet, unwilling to shoulder your responsibility to the group, you insist on standing out and expressing your individuality.  With your Sun in the 11th House, you have no real loyalty to the group or to its members. Yet, you live in fear that the group will abandon you. You fear facing life without the support of your group identity. Because you have not developed an authentic personal identity, you shrink from self-examination, lest you find a vacuum. Thus, you become the ultimate “groupy,” throwing your life into the life of the group, but in reality having no life to give.

L'accent mis sur l'identité de soi

Avec votre Soleil dans la 11e Maison, vous avez tendance à vous identifier en termes de votre relation to society or to social groups. Thus, you are likely to have a lot of social involvement, particularly with groups, clubs and organizations. This can lead you to attach your persona to a group identity. Whether this happens or not, it is likely that organized social involvement will play a key role in forming and maintaining your self-identity.

Découvrez des informations plus approfondies sur votre personnalité, vos motivations et vos désirs grâce à l'analyse de votre personnalité et de vos désirs. Astrologie et numération en profondeur erologie Analyse de la carte du ciel.

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