Compatibilité relationnelle avec la numérologie

There Are a Few Different Ways to Approach Relationship Compatibility through Numerology.

The three core numbers are a very good place to start – the Life Path, Expression and Soul Urge Numbers – as comparing these will illuminate pretty quickly whether your main modus operandi are going to be mutually supporting, or at odds with each other

If your main question is “will my relation last?” then basic numerology will probably do (and if you’re asking that question, then it may also be worth asking yourself whether you’re prepared to put the work in regardless).

Perhaps your current love interest began as a rebound, and you’re wondering if you can learn to trust again.

Or maybe you and your partner are deeply in love, but live a long way from each other, and you want to know “will my long distance relationship work?” In which case, uncovering your relationship number could be a very useful calculation for you to do.

But if you’re here looking for some real guidance and insight about what you can learn from your partner, how you can grow together (or separate gracefully) then examining the range of your core numbers alongside your partner’s, is one of the best ways to create a foundation to actually make your relationship work.


Begin by comparing your Life Path, Expression and Soul Urge Numbers with your partner’s and you should find a few interesting patterns forming: some compatible and some maybe not so.  But don’t be hasty if at first glance it seems you’re relationship-incompatible.  We humans are complex creatures, and those places of friction between you and your lover maybe exactly where the most powerful learning will occur…


1 WITH A 1

This can be a strong combination, so long as neither partner feels over-powered by the other.

Two sets of strong ambitions may cause friction and there is some potential for resentments to build up. But with enough space and a lot of mutual respect, great heights can be reached together.

It’s likely both numbers will be clear about what they want, allowing for an honest and straightforward partnership, but there will always be the risk of competition and clashes of will.

1 WITH A 2

Usually quite a cozy relationship but it does risk not being stimulating enough for either partner.

Trust, support, physical affection and emotional security are characteristic – the 1 is able to take the lead, and in turn, receives the emotional support unwaveringly provided by the 2.

It’s a good combination for the traditional roles of husband and wife, or boss and secretary, so long as each partner is happy to stay within the boundaries of their number.

1 WITH A 3

These two individuals can act as potent catalysts for each other’s imaginative and creative drive.  This can be a highly inspiring and lively combination that has great long-term potential!  The affectionate and open nature of the 3 is often truly loved and appreciated by the 1, and the 1’s driving will is an inspiration to the 3.  A fine match!

1 WITH A 4

These two numbers are usually not compatible without a great deal of hard work and understanding. With such different approaches to life, valuable lessons are there to be learnt from this partnership, but with both numbers uninclined to share their feelings, their connection is unlikely to run particularly deep. It is more likely they will frustrate and destabilize each other in the longer term.

1 WITH A 5

The strong-willed 1 seems at first to have little in common with the free-spirited 5, but if these numbers do capture each other’s affections, a very vibrant and loving relationship could form.

Both partners will likely offer the freedom each other needs and when uniting, it’s likely to be inspiring and joyful, and with lots to discover.

1 WITH A 6

Despite having very different approaches to life, these two numbers can be highly supportive of each other. There is the potential to form a stable and prosperous partnership, if each number is able to offer respect and recognition for the different roles played.

The 6 must be sure not to over-mother the 1, who needs sufficient space to feel independent.  And the 6 must be appreciated by the 1.  Both partners must work to express their emotions authentically to the other.

1 WITH A 7

This is an unlikely match, but in its highest form could be mutually positive and offer a real deepening and understanding of each other’s gifts.

This partnership may tend towards the platonic, being based in the intellect rather than the heart, so open, honest communication is a must. A common love of culture, history and information may keep this partnership together but without mutual interests, these numbers may quickly lose interest in each other.


As equally powerful and dynamic forces, these numbers may find themselves instantly attracted!

But in partnership, the assertive and domineering nature of each may not provide enough space for both to thrive.  The success of the relationship will depend very much on compromise and giving enough attention to each other, not just to each individual’s work and goals. Plenty of effort and humility is required from both numbers.

1 WITH A 9

Standing at either end of the numerical spectrum, these numbers can only thrive when they each have space!  It is likely they will both admire each other, but like the 1 and the 8, must work hard enough on the relationship, without stifling the other’s need for independence. Can be volatile, or passionate depending on characteristics and will.

1 WITH AN 11

These relations can be highly successful, much in the same way as the 1 and 2, but with greater layers of understanding and insight.

The 11 often acts as the visionary force, fueling the ambitions of the 1, but a delicate power balance must be sustained in this partnership, especially concerning the sensitivity of the 11. Both numbers must be regarded as equals in this pairing.

1 WITH A 22

Similarly to the 1 and the 4, these two numbers are usually not compatible without a great deal of hard work and understanding. The 1’s desire to be constantly breaking new ground, combined with the 22’s need for stability can cause frustration and upset, so these partnerships are unlikely to last long.  In some cases, the 1 can serve as a powerful motivating force for the 22, but this is rare.


2 WITH A 1

Usually quite a cozy relationship but it does risk not being stimulating enough for either partner.

Trust, support, physical affection and emotional security are characteristic – the 1 is able to take the lead, and in turn, receives the emotional support unwaveringly provided by the 2.

It’s a good combination for the traditional roles of husband and wife, or boss and secretary, so long as each partner is happy to stay within the boundaries of their number.

2 WITH A 2

This can be an ideal pairing! Just as no-one understands a twin better than his or her twin, no one understands a 2 better than another 2.  Both numbers are at ease opening up fully to each other and offering unconditional support: This is a loyal and stable pairing.

But, there is the risk that neither partner will thrive or meet any of the necessary friction required for their personal growth.   So this partnership may feel comfortable but be too unambitious.

2 WITH A 3

These two individuals are open and expressive, so it’s likely their relationship will be passionate and loving.  There may be some fireworks or displays of temper at times, but overall much more harmony than strife.  The easy-going 3 must be aware of the deep sensitivity of the 2, and the 2 should feel able to speak up if he or she feels they are ever treated too flippantly.

2 WITH A 4

These numbers have the potential to be a great match!

The 2 seeks loving commitment and the 4 needs to create a stable environment, so much happiness and fulfilment can be found in this pairing. In fact, it’s likely that if love strikes, this partnership will become serious very quickly.

But like the 2 and the 2, there is the risk that neither partner will be especially inspired or meet any of the necessary friction required for their personal growth.   So this partnership may feel perfect, but become boring in the longer term.

2 WITH A 5

A difficult pairing.  The 2’s need to connect, and the 5’s need to run free mean that these numbers are walking completely different paths.  It’s likely that both numbers will end up unfulfilled and great conflict could result, making it unlikely that a mutually beneficial relationship can form. But, if true love can be found, there is potential for the 5 to become a loyal and devoted partner in the right circumstances.

2 WITH A 6

These two have a great deal to offer each other in terms of compatibility.  The emotional sensitivity of the 2, together with the nurturing, family-oriented 6 make for an understanding partnership.

There may be a tendency towards jealousy and possessiveness (this can be true for any pairing involving the 2, but particularly with the 6, which is known for its attentive and generous qualities). The key to making this relationship work is to give each other room to breathe and grow.

2 WITH A 7

This combination can create unique partnerships and if well matched in other ways, these numbers can find a long future together. Both numbers are committed and willing to go deep, so lasting love may be found.  Often an interesting and stimulating match between heart and mind.


One of the most compatible combinations in the numerology system. The 2 offers emotional depth and support, whilst the 8 often steps in as the provider, so these numbers can be of real mutual benefit to each other.  But it is important that enough time is offered to understanding the unique traits of each partner, lest they take each other’s roles for granted and begin to feel trapped.

2 WITH A 9

These numbers could be soul-mates, or they could exist in perpetual misunderstanding.

Both have compassionate and generous traits, however, the 9 directs this outwards into the collective of humanity (and not into always into the relationship!) so the 2 is at risk of feeling triggered often.  Jealousy and hurt my flare. But if this is dealt with and enough personal love and affection exchanged in the relationship, a long-lasting, passionate romance may ensue.

2 WITH AN 11

This combination gives the potential for a deep and lasting connection.

Similarly to the 2 and the 2, these numbers have a deep, intuitive understanding of each other though in this case, the 11 is more likely to take the lead in the relationship, perhaps holding the energy of a mentor or elder. And of course, this dynamic is of great comfort to the 2, who is willing to offer limitless diligence and care.

2 WITH A 22

This is a great basic combination, with a lot to offer in a relationship.

Similarly to the 2 and the 4, both numbers offer each other what they most need – the 2 will find the stability he or she requires in the 22, and the 2 offers the 22 much emotional support and encouragement. It’s likely that if love strikes, this partnership will become serious very quickly.

As the relationship progresses, it is vital that the 22 is able to connect to his or her spiritual side, and be allowed to step out of the role of provider when needed.


3 WITH A 1

These two individuals can act as potent catalysts for each other’s imaginative and creative drive.  This can be a highly inspiring and lively combination that has great long-term potential!  The affectionate and open nature of the 3 is often truly loved and appreciated by the 1, and the 1s driving will is an inspiration to the 3.  A fine match!

3 WITH A 2

These two individuals are open and expressive, so it’s likely their relationship will be passionate and loving.  There maybe some fireworks or displays of temper at times, but overall much more harmony than strife.  The easy-going 3 must be aware of the deep sensitivity of the 2, and the 2 should feel able to speak up if he or she feels they are ever treated too flippantly.

3 WITH A 3

Chaos and fun often ensue as a result of this twinning of numbers. Two 3s together tend to be instantly attracted and can excite and inspire each other to great heights.

But this is unlikely to be a long-lasting partnership as 3s rarely have stability or commitment as priorities and before long, the more mundane aspects of life together may easily give way to boredom and ennui. If this can be overcome, the partnership could last well into the future!

3 WITH A 4

A difficult pairing. The 3 is spontaneous and care-free, but the 4 needs to consider and plan, so this combination of numbers will frequently run into problems. The sociable and flirtatious nature of the 3 is also likely to trigger jealousy and possessiveness in the 4, resulting in controlling behavior.  Will work long-term only if each number works tirelessly to understand each other’s differences.

3 WITH A 5

These two are very enthusiastic about each other. They make great friends, having a lot of fun and adventure together.  But, there is the risk that both will avoid necessary serious conversations or dealing suitably with problems if they arise, as both numbers tend towards escapism and distraction.

The relationship will only have long-term potential if both partners are willing to commit to the work it truly takes.

3 WITH A 6

This is a good pairing that can build a lively social network and family together.

Both are creative numbers with the 6 offering a nurturing support that allows both partners to thrive.

Fidelity might be a problem if the 3 begins to feel stifled, so the 6 must ensure he or she gives enough space for their partner to feel free. And likewise, the 3 must give the 6 ample attention and personal recognition in the relationship.

3 WITH A 7

A relationship between these two individuals rarely lasts a lifetime (but is possible in some cases!)

If they do get together it is usually a clear case of how opposites attract: the 3 must exist in a whirlwind of social activity, but the 7 needs plenty of solitude.  So long as each partner understands the needs of the other, and is sensitive in how this is expressed, they can coexist effectively.


An unlikely partnership.  The creative and playful character of the 3 is unlikely to be understood by the driven and materially-focused 8, so it’s unlikely that either number will thrive.  In some cases, each partner can balance the strengths and weaknesses of the other, but much effort and understanding is required for it to work long term.

3 WITH A 9

These two are both likely to stand out in a crowd and intrigue and impress each other.  Their creativity, passion and wisdom will likely keep the relationship alive and stimulating for both partners.  Long term there is huge potential, but they must work jointly on financial matters as being a forte of neither number, this could be the root of any problems which do arise.

3 WITH AN 11

These relationships can be highly successful, much in the same way as the 3 and 2, but with greater layers of understanding and insight.

These two individuals are expressive and intuitive, so its likely their relationship will be deep but also great fun. The 11 must ensure that he or she takes enough time alone to recharge, as the social needs of each number are quite different. And the 3 must remember to consider the sensitive nature of the 11, even when it’s not directly expressed.

3 WITH A 22

This is a difficult pairing. The 3 is spontaneous and care-free, but the 22 needs to have a secure base and to know what comes next.  These very different outlooks will make a romantic relationship problematic, with both partners feeling frequently misunderstood.

On occasion, this may work if the 22 functions as a patron or funder of the 3s creative talents, but long-term, this will most certainly inhibit the spiritual growth of the 22.


4 WITH A 1

These two numbers are usually not compatible without a great deal of hard work and understanding. With such different approaches to life, valuable lessons are there to be learnt from this partnership, but with both numbers uninclined to share their feelings, their connection is unlikely to run particularly deep. It is more likely they will frustrate and destabilize each other in the longer term.

4 WITH A 2

These numbers have the potential to be a great match!

The 2 seeks loving commitment and the 4 needs to create a stable environment, so much happiness and fulfilment can be found in this pairing. In fact, it’s likely that if love strikes, this partnership will become serious very quickly.

But like the 2 and the 2, there is the risk that neither partner will be especially inspired or meet any of the necessary friction required for their personal growth.   So this partnership may feel perfect, but become boring in the longer term.

4 WITH A 3

A difficult pairing. The 3 is spontaneous and care-free, but the 4 needs to consider and plan, so this combination of numbers will frequently run into problems. The sociable and flirtatious nature of the 3 is also likely to trigger jealousy and possessiveness in the 4, resulting in controlling behavior.  Will work long-term only if each number works tirelessly to understand each other’s differences.

4 WITH A 4

These are very compatible numbers as they share the same values and goals in life. Both understand and respect each others desire for stability and order, and will work hard for this same end.  There is some tendency to lock horns, but generally, disagreements are not serious.  There is a danger that neither partner will be encouraged to take risks or do anything spontaneous, which may limit opportunities for growth and experience.

4 WITH A 5

These two numbers display vastly different temperaments that make compatibility highly unlikely.  The 4 seeks stability and long-term commitment, but the 5 needs to fly free.  Neither partners are likely to be able to offer what the other needs to feel truly fulfilled, and the 5 risks feeling stifled, whilst the 4 very anxious and unsettled.

4 WITH A 6

This is a solid and practical pairing, with the potential to find domestic bliss together. Both numbers are grounded, reliable and organized so a relationship will likely be built on mutual trust and similar values, rather than passion and romance. Both would do well to make extra effort to inject a little excitement into the relationship, as it may otherwise become too comfortable, quite quickly.

4 WITH A 7

These numbers can make a great pairing. Both have qualities which complement each other, whilst they are different enough to stay interesting.  There is some risk of the relationship staying on purely practical and intellectual realms if neither partner is willing to open up emotionally.  So this should be a focus if they are wanting to commit long-term.


These two hard-workers are very compatible. Both numbers are willing and able to plan long-term, which offers a great deal of comfort and reassurance, and allows both partners to relax and enjoy each other. It’s likely that practical matters will be equally shared within the relationship, and both partners will feel they are being fairly treated.  That said, they both must work towards deepening their emotional ties.

4 WITH A 9

An unusual pairing which will either be a non-starter or a lifelong connection.

The grounded, practical qualities of the 4 can be attractive, and beneficial to the 9, who has a tendency to be unfocused.  And the relaxed openness of the 9 can inspire the 4 to release his or her grip on life, and flow a little more easily.  The potential for a deep relationship will depend very much on the other numbers in both partners’ charts.

4 WITH AN 11

These numbers may attract initially, but longer term the spiritual focus of the 11 is unlikely to be shared or understood by the practical, grounded 4.

The loving commitment desired by the 4 may be provided by the 11, and the safety that the 11 needs to expand may be offered by the 4.  But ultimately, the 11 will need to break free and it’s unlikely to end well.  If work and effort are applied though, these numbers have much to learn much from each other whilst together.

4 WITH A 22

These are highly compatible numbers as they share the same underlying values and goals in life. Like the 4 and the 4, both understand and respect each others desire for stability and order and will work hard for this same end.  But as with all master numbers, there will come a time in the life of the 22 when he or she needs the freedom to explore their spiritual gifts.  If the 4 is not willing to allow this space, the 22 will need to take it, or much resentment will be triggered for both partners.


5 WITH A 1

The strong-willed 1 seems at first to have little in common with the free-spirited 5, but if these numbers do capture each other’s affections, a very vibrant and loving relationship could form.

Both partners will likely offer the freedom each other needs and when uniting, it’s likely to be inspiring and joyful, and with lots to discover.

5 WITH A 2

A difficult pairing.  The 2’s need to connect, and the 5’s need to run free mean that these numbers are walking completely different paths.  It’s likely that both numbers will end up unfulfilled and great conflict could result, making it unlikely that a mutually beneficial relationship can form. But, if true love can be found, there is potential for the 5 to become a loyal and devoted partner in the right circumstances.

5 WITH A 3

These two are very enthusiastic about each other. They make great friends, having a lot of fun and adventure together.  But, there is the risk that both will avoid necessary serious conversations or dealing suitably with problems if they arise, as both numbers tend towards escapism and distraction.

The relationship will only have long-term potential if both partners are willing to commit to the work it truly takes.

5 WITH A 4

These two numbers display vastly different temperaments that make compatibility highly unlikely.  The 4 seeks stability and long-term commitment, but the 5 needs to fly free.  Neither partners are likely to be able to offer what the other needs to feel truly fulfilled, and the 5 risks feeling stifled, whilst the 4 very anxious and unsettled.

5 WITH A 5

These two twins both thrive on a lifestyle filled with travel, adventure and drama. An innate understanding of each other’s desire to be free will lead to a mutually beneficial partnership and enough space for neither to feel tied down.  There is some risk that neither number will tend to the more mundane aspects of their relationship, preferring to either divert their attention or jump ship completely.  So some level of commitment will be required for this to truly work long-term.

5 WITH A 6

This relationship can survive if both parties are willing to make compromises. The freedom-loving qualities of the 5 can seem at odds with the 6s need for home and sanctuary, so both partners will need to be firm about what they need to be fulfilled (and the other will need to try to meet it). If this is possible, it can be a very nourishing partnership.

5 WITH A 7

This pairing has huge potential.

The 5’s need for variety and stimulation provides endless interest for the 7, who is also able to provide the freedom that the 5 so needs. So despite each partner requiring time apart from the other, when uniting, it can be electric!  Both must commit to expressing their feelings authentically.


This combination can be born from genuine admiration for each other but their long-term potential may be limited.  The 8 needs structure and long-term commitment, but the 5 is often unwilling to be restrained in this way.  So despite an inherent dynamism, it is unlikely that these two will be able to partner effectively. In cases where their love is strong, with enough work and understanding, both partners may reach incredible heights together.

5 WITH A 9

An adventurous and passionate pairing, these two numbers can work well together if they are each able to offer enough time and energy to the relationship.

The risk is that their lives will remain too separate for genuine emotional involvement to unite them, so it’s necessary to be very open about what they each are seeking from the relationship.

5 WITH AN 11

Not an easy pairing.  The 5’s need to explore the world, and the 11’s need for grounding and connection mean that they not wholly suited. The 11 may come across as too intense for the 5, but if their love is strong, it may work if the 11 makes enough other connections to support and enable their own spiritual explorations, though this may not serve to deepen the relationship.

5 WITH A 22

These two numbers display vastly different temperaments that make compatibility highly unlikely.  The 22 seeks stability and long-term commitment, whilst the 5 is highly unlikely to provide it.  Mutual respect may exist, but it’s likely that innate understanding will not.


6 WITH A 1

Despite having very different approaches to life, these two numbers can be highly supportive of each other. There is the potential to form a stable and prosperous partnership if each number is able to offer respect and recognition for the different roles played.

The 6 must be sure not to over-mother the 1, who needs sufficient space to feel independent.  And the 6 must be appreciated by the 1.  Both partners must work to express their emotions authentically to the other.

6 WITH A 2

These two have a great deal to offer each other in terms of compatibility.  The emotional sensitivity of the 2, together with the nurturing, family-oriented 6 make for an understanding partnership.

There may be a tendency towards jealousy and possessiveness (this can be true for any pairing involving the 2, but particularly with the 6, which is known for its attentive and generous qualities). The key to making this relationship work is to give each other room to breathe and grow.

6 WITH A 3

This is a good pairing that can build a lively social network and family together.

Both are creative numbers with the 6 offering a nurturing support that allows both partners to thrive.

Fidelity might be a problem if the 3 begins to feel stifled, so the 6 must ensure he or she gives enough space for their partner to feel free. And likewise, the 3 must give the 6 ample attention and personal recognition in the relationship.

6 WITH A 4

This is a solid and practical pairing, with the potential to find domestic bliss together. Both numbers are grounded, reliable and organized so a relationship will likely be built on mutual trust and similar values, rather than passion and romance. Both would do well to make extra effort to inject a little excitement into the relationship, as it may otherwise become too comfortable, quite quickly.

6 WITH A 5

This relationship can survive if both parties are willing to make compromises. The freedom-loving qualities of the 5 can seem at odds with the 6’s need for home and sanctuary, so both partners will need to be firm about what they need to be fulfilled (and the other will need to try to meet it). If this is possible, it can be a very nourishing partnership.

6 WITH A 6

These two number twins make a truly committed pairing.  Both partners have the same priorities, placing family, health and creativity at the forefront of both of their lives, and so have a mutual and intuitive understanding of each other’s desires and needs.

Together they may be of great service out in the world, so long as this can be balanced with their home life.

6 WITH A 7

This can be a difficult relationship that requires much compromising on the part of both numbers.

The 7 can come across as too aloof for the 6, who needs a certain amount of emotional control. But if each number is able to clearly express what they need from the relationship, and the other partner is willing to provide it then this pairing does have some potential.


This is a good combination that can work well long term.

Both numbers are focused and reliable, so it’s likely that the pairing will last if both remain committed to each other.  The risks come when the focus of their attention falls on different things, and the 6 puts all of his or her attention on the family, whilst the 8 is pre-occupied with work and business. Both partners will need to work together and compromise where needed.

6 WITH A 9

This pairing can be deeply fulfilling for both partners.

Both the 6 and the 9 are highly idealistic and hard workers, so it’s likely their expectations of each other will both be met. When these two individuals meet they are likely to forge some form of a relationship that will endure over their whole lifetimes.

6 WITH AN 11

These two numbers can form the basis of a mutually satisfying partnership.

The 6 offers the 11 a safe and nurturing base from which to grow and explore his or her spiritual gift.  And the 11 is likely to recognize and appreciate what the 6 has to offer.  But if the partnership is to succeed long term, the 6 may have to be aware of any jealous or overly controlling emotions and work hard not to stifle the 11’s personal growth.

6 WITH A 22

These two often enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship that can last many years. Both numbers are grounded and practical and understand the value of a stable home life.  In its highest form, the safe embrace of the relationship will enable the 22 to explore his or her spiritual gifts, and the 6 will appreciate the importance of the role they are playing.


7 WITH A 1

This is an unlikely match, but in its highest form could be mutually positive and offer a real deepening and understanding of each other’s gifts.

This partnership may tend towards the platonic, being based in the intellect rather than the heart, so open, honest communication is a must. A common love of culture, history and information may keep this partnership together but without mutual interests, these numbers may quickly lose interest in each other.

7 WITH A 2

This combination can create a unique partnership, and if well matched in other ways, these numbers can find a long future together. Both numbers are committed and willing to go deep, so lasting love may be found.  Often an interesting and stimulating match between heart and mind.

7 WITH A 3

A relationship between these two individuals rarely lasts a lifetime (but is possible in some cases!)

If they do get together it is usually a clear case of how opposites attract: the 3 must exist in a whirlwind of social activity, but the 7 needs plenty of solitude.  So long as each partner understands the needs of the other, and is sensitive in how this is expressed, they can coexist effectively.

7 WITH A 4

These numbers can make a great pairing. Both have qualities which complement each other, whilst they are different enough to stay interesting.  There is some risk of the relationship staying on purely practical and intellectual realms if neither partners are willing to open up emotionally.  So this should be a focus if they are wanting to commit long-term.

7 WITH A 5

This pairing has huge potential.

The 5’s need for variety and stimulation provides endless interest for the 7, who is also able to provide the freedom that the 5 so needs. So despite each partner requiring time apart from the other, when uniting, it can be electric!  Both must commit to expressing their feelings authentically.

7 WITH A 6

This can be a difficult relationship that requires much compromising on the part of both numbers.

The 7 can come across as too aloof for the 6, who needs a certain amount of emotional control. But if each number is able to clearly express what they need from the relationship, and the other partner is willing to provide it then this pairing does have some potential.

7 WITH A 7

These number twins understand each other like no one else, so this relationship can run extremely deep. They embrace each other’s eccentricities and indulge each other’s interests, affording plenty of time to explore, share and discuss their knowledge and ideas. The risk is that the 7 can tend to be ungrounded, so together both partners must work on making their relationship function in practical, everyday ways.


This combination can work, though on the surface it may appear as though these numbers are at odds.  The 8 can be quite controlling and determined, whilst the 7 takes a more cautious and ephemeral approach.  But if other numbers are aligned, these partners can be highly complementary and the relationship has real potential.

Both must ensure they are emotionally open if the relationship is to go beyond the purely material and intellectual realms and enter the hearts of both partners.

7 WITH A 9

These two number’s affection and appreciation for each other is based on a deep spiritual connection. If it is there, they may have found their soul mate.  But if it’s not then the friction which arises will either feel gently challenging to both and keep their interest sparked, or the relationship will quickly fail. True compatibility depends on the willingness to keep an open mind and on the personal charts of each partner.

7 WITH AN 11

Similarly to the 7 and the 2, this combination can create unique partnerships, and if well matched in other ways, these numbers can find a long future together. The 7 will allow enough space and encouragement for the 11 to explore his or her spiritual gifts, and the 11 will be inspired by their partnership.  Troubles may arise if the 7 is unable to provide the emotional closeness that the 11 desires.

7 WITH A 22

These numbers can make a good pairing, as like the 7 and the 4, both have qualities which complement each other, whilst they are different enough to stay interesting.  There is some risk of frustration if the 7 is unable to stick to the schedule or follow the instructions prescribed by the 22, but if this can be resolved there is potential for a highly stimulating and close relationship to develop.


8 WITH A 1

As equally powerful and dynamic forces, these numbers may find themselves instantly attracted!

But in partnership, the assertive and domineering nature of each may not provide enough space for both to thrive.  The success of the relationship will depend very much on compromise and giving enough attention to each other, not just to each individual’s work and goals. Plenty of effort and humility is required from both numbers.

8 WITH A 2

One of the most compatible combinations in the numerology system. The 2 offers emotional depth and support, whilst the 8 often steps in as the provider, so these numbers can be of real mutual benefit to each other.  But it is important that enough time is offered to understanding the unique traits of each partner, lest they take each other’s roles for granted and begin to feel trapped.

8 WITH A 3

An unlikely partnership.  The creative and playful character of the 3 is unlikely to be understood by the driven and materially-focused 8, so it’s unlikely that either number will thrive.  In some cases, each partner can balance the strengths and weaknesses of the other, but much effort and understanding is required for it to work long-term.

8 WITH A 4

These two hard-workers are very compatible. Both numbers are willing and able to plan long-term which offers a great deal of comfort and reassurance and allows both partners to relax and enjoy each other. It’s likely that practical matters will be equally shared within the relationship, and both partners will feel they are being fairly treated.  That said, they both must work towards deepening their emotional ties.

8 WITH A 5

This combination can be born from genuine admiration for each other but their long-term potential may be limited.  The 8 needs structure and long-term commitment, but the 5 is often unwilling to be restrained in this way.  So despite an inherent dynamism, it is unlikely that these two will be able to partner effectively. In cases where their love is strong, with enough work and understanding, both partners may reach incredible heights together.

8 WITH A 6

This is a good combination that can work well long term.

Both numbers are focused and reliable, so it’s likely that the pairing will last if both remain committed to each other.  The risks come when the focus of their attention falls on different things, and the 6 puts all of his or her attention on the family, whilst the 8 is pre-occupied with work and business. Both partners will need to work together and compromise where needed.

8 WITH A 7

This combination can work, though on the surface it may appear as though these numbers are at odds.  The 8 can be quite controlling and determined, whilst the 7 takes a more cautious and ephemeral approach.  But if other numbers are aligned, these two can be highly complementary and the relationship has real potential.

Both must ensure they are emotionally open if the relationship is to go beyond the purely material and intellectual realms and enter the hearts of both partners.


These two birds of a feather completely understand each other’s drive to be successful.

This is an excellent and prosperous combination that forges solid marriages and enduring business partnerships. The risk comes when too much focus and attention is placed on work, and the loving element of the relationship is neglected.  But if both partners are committed, they will likely say loyal for a lifetime.

8 WITH A 9

Both the 8 and the 9 are strong, determined and ambitious numbers, however, they may struggle to connect.  The 8 can be fundamentally focused on money and power, whilst the 9 has more humanitarian causes at its core.  So a partnership between them may not last. Or, they could learn much from each other and complement each other greatly, depending on the depth of love that they share.

8 WITH AN 11

This pairing can work. Similarly to the 8 and the 2, the 11 offers emotional depth and support, whilst the 8 often steps in as the provider, so these numbers can be of mutual benefit to each other.  But as the relationship progresses, the 11 may have to break the roles, needing space to grow and individuate.  If the 8 can create space for the 11 to shine, these number could work together, but it is not an easy dynamic to balance without one or other number feeling squeezed.

8 WITH A 22

This is a dynamic duo that can accomplish great things together, especially in business. Like the 8 and the 4, both numbers feel secure when long-term plans are made and practical matters are taken care of, which leaves space and energy for personal growth.

There is potential for a strong and healthy marriage. Many long-distance relationships are the result of an understanding between an 8 and 22 as both can handle letting the other partner have a great deal of freedom.


9 WITH A 1

Standing at either end of the numerical spectrum, these numbers can only thrive when they each have space!  It is likely they will both admire each other, but like the 8 and the 1, must work hard enough on the relationship, without stifling the other’s need for independence. Can be volatile, or passionate depending on characteristics and will.

9 WITH A 2

These numbers could be soul-mates, or they could exist in perpetual misunderstanding.

Both have compassionate and generous traits, however, the 9 directs this outwards into the collective of humanity (and not into always into the relationship!) so the 2 is at risk of feeling triggered often.  Jealousy and hurt my flare. But if this is dealt with and enough personal love and affection exchanged in the relationship, a long-lasting, passionate romance may ensue.

9 WITH A 3

These two are both likely to stand out in a crowd and intrigue and impress each other.  Their creativity, passion and wisdom will likely keep the relationship alive and stimulating for both partners.  Long term there is huge potential, but they must work jointly on financial matters as being a forte of neither number, this could be the root of any problems which do arise.

9 WITH A 4

An unusual pairing which will either be a non-starter or a lifelong connection.

The grounded, practical qualities of the 4 can be attractive and beneficial to the 9, who has a tendency to be unfocused.  And the relaxed openness of the 9 can inspire the 4 to release his or her grip on life, and flow a little more easily.  The potential for a deep relationship will depend very much on the other numbers in both partners’ charts.

9 WITH A 5

An adventurous and passionate pairing, these two numbers can work well together if they are each able to offer enough time and energy to the relationship.

The risk is that their lives will remain too separate for genuine emotional involvement to unite them, so it’s necessary to be very open about what they each are seeking from the relationship.

9 WITH A 6

This pairing can be deeply fulfilling for both partners.

Both the 6 and the 9 are highly idealistic and hard workers, so it’s likely their expectations of each other will both be met. When these two individuals meet they are likely to forge some form of a relationship that will endure over their whole lifetimes.

9 WITH A 7

These two number’s affection and appreciation for each other is based on a deep spiritual connection. If it is there, they may have found their soul mate.  But if it’s not then the friction which arises will either feel gently challenging to both and keep their interest sparked, or the relationship will quickly fail. True compatibility depends on the willingness to keep an open mind and on the personal charts of each partner.


Both the 8 and the 9 are strong, determined and ambitious numbers, however, they may struggle to connect.  The 8 can be fundamentally focused on money and power, whilst the 9 has more humanitarian causes at its core.  So a partnership between them may not last. Or, they could learn much from each other and complement each other greatly, depending on the depth of love that they share.

9 WITH A 9

These twin numbers often share lofty aspirations as well as a deep soul connection that can last a lifetime. Both are passionate, generous individuals who can make each other very happy. Their partnership is likely to be stimulating and inspiring to other people, and a basis for many good things to be born into the world.

9 WITH AN 11

These numbers could be soul-mates!

Both have compassionate and generous natures, but the 9 shares this love so widely that the 11 may not always feel the personal support and care that they need. But it is likely both numbers will still feel appreciated and enlivened by each others company, both receiving the space they need to expand, as well as the safe comfort to come home to.

9 WITH A 22

An unusual pairing which could form a lifelong connection.

The grounded, practical qualities of the 22 can be attractive and beneficial to the 9, whilst the visionary insight of the 22 will likely inspire and intrigue the 9! The 9 is also likely to offer the 22 enough space for their own personal exploration but must ensure they provide support and structure when the 22 most needs it.


11 WITH A 1

These relationships can be highly successful, much in the same way as the 1 and 2, but with greater layers of understanding and insight.

The 11 often acts as the visionary force, fueling the ambitions of the 1, but a delicate power balance must be sustained in this partnership, especially concerning the sensitivity of the 11. Both numbers must be regarded as equals in this pairing.

11 WITH A 2

This combination gives the potential for a deep and lasting connection.

Similarly to the 2 and the 2, these numbers have a deep, intuitive understanding of each other though in this case, the 11 is more likely to take the lead in the relationship, perhaps holding the energy of a mentor or elder. And of course, this dynamic is of great comfort to the 2, who is willing to offer limitless diligence and care.

11 WITH A 3

These relationships can be highly successful, much in the same way as the 2 and the 3, but with greater layers of understanding and insight.

These two individuals are expressive and intuitive, so it’s likely their relationship will be deep but also great fun. The 11 must ensure that he or she takes enough time alone to recharge, as the social needs of each number are quite different. And the 3 must remember to consider the sensitive nature of the 11, even when it’s not directly expressed.

11 WITH A 4

These numbers may attract initially, but longer term the spiritual focus of the 11 is unlikely to be shared or understood by the practical, grounded 4.

The loving commitment desired by the 4 may be provided by the 11, and the safety that the 11 needs to expand may be offered by the 4.  But ultimately, the 11 will need to break free and it’s unlikely to end well.  If work and effort are applied, though, these numbers have much to learn much from each other whilst together.

11 WITH A 5

Not an easy pairing.  The 5’s need to explore the world, and the 11’s need for grounding and connection mean that they not wholly suited. The 11 may come across as too intense for the 5, but if their love is strong, it may work if the 11 makes enough other connections to support and enable their own spiritual explorations, though this may not serve to deepen the relationship.

11 WITH A 6

These two numbers can form the basis of a mutually satisfying partnership.

The 6 offers the 11 a safe and nurturing base from which to grow and explore his or her spiritual gift.  And the 2 is likely to recognize and appreciate what the 6 has to offer.  But if the partnership is to succeed long term, the 6 may have to be aware of any jealous or overly controlling emotions and work hard not to stifle the 11’s personal growth.

11 WITH A 7

Similarly to the 2 and the 7, this combination can create unique partnerships, and if well matched in other ways, these numbers can find a long future together. The 7 will allow enough space and encouragement for the 11 to explore his or her spiritual gifts, and the 11 will be inspired by their partnership.  Troubles may arise if the 7 is unable to provide the emotional closeness that the 11 desires.

11 WITH AN 8

This pairing can work. Similarly to the 2 and the 8, the 11 offers emotional depth and support, whilst the 8 often steps in as the provider, so these numbers can be of mutual benefit to each other.  But as the relationship progresses, the 11 may have to break the roles, needing space to grow and individuate.  If the 8 can create space for the 11 to shine, these number could work together, but it is not an easy dynamic to balance without one or other number feeling squeezed.

11 WITH A 9

These numbers could be soul-mates!

Both have compassionate and generous natures, but the 9 shares this love so widely that the 11 may not always feel the personal support and care that they need. It is likely both numbers will still feel appreciated and enlivened by each others company, both receiving the space they need to expand, as well as the safe comfort to come home to.

11 WITH AN 11

These numbers can form a truly deep connection.

No-one understands the unique and sensitive path of the 11 better than another 11, so this pairing offers the depth of compassion and unconditional support that both partners need to thrive. Both numbers are at ease opening up fully to each other and can also provide the healing presence that will do each partner so much good.

This can be an intense pairing. It would do both partners good to laugh, seek pleasure and fun and friendship outside of the relationship, lest they become too reclusive.

11 WITH A 22

These numbers can form a powerful connection.

Both partners share the need for a deep, safe connection, so both are able to offer it to the other.  This sense of being held means that they are both able to open up and relax into the relationship.

Both 11 and 22 are committed and loyal, so once these two have declared their love, it will be unshakable. There will likely be a time when each number needs the freedom to pursue their own spiritual development, but the patience and understanding afforded by both the 11 and the 22 means their bond will remain intact.

A potentially powerful force for change


22 WITH A 1

Similarly to the 4 and the 1, these two numbers are usually not compatible without a great deal of hard work and understanding. The 1’s desire to be constantly breaking new ground, combined with the 22’s need for stability can cause frustration and upset, so these partnerships are unlikely to last long.  In some cases, the 1 can serve as a powerful motivating force for the 22, but this is rare.

2 WITH A 22

This is a great basic combination, with a lot to offer in a relationship.

Similarly to the 2 and the 4, both numbers offer each other what they most need – the 2 will find the stability he or she requires in the 22, and the 2 offers the 22 much emotional support and encouragement. It’s likely that if love strikes, this partnership will become serious very quickly.

As the relationship progresses, it is vital that the 22 is able to connect to his or her spiritual side and be allowed to step out of the role of provider when needed.

22 WITH A 3

This is a difficult pairing. The 3 is spontaneous and care-free, but the 22 needs to have a secure base and to know what comes next.  These very different outlooks will make a romantic relationship problematic, with both partners feeling frequently misunderstood.

On occasion, this may work if the 22 functions as a patron or funder of the 3s creative talents, but long-term, this will most certainly inhibit the spiritual growth of the 22.

22 WITH A 4

These are highly compatible numbers as they share the same underlying values and goals in life. Like the 4 and the 4, both understand and respect each others desire for stability and order, and will work hard for this same end.  But as with all master numbers, there will come a time in the life of the 22 when he or she needs the freedom to explore their spiritual gifts.  If the 4 is not willing to allow this space, the 22 will need to take it, or much resentment will be triggered for both partners.

22 WITH A 5

These two numbers display vastly different temperaments that make compatibility highly unlikely.  The 22 seeks stability and long-term commitment, whilst the 5 is highly unlikely to provide it.  Mutual respect may exist, but it’s likely that innate understanding will not.

22 WITH A 6

These two often enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship that can last many years. Both numbers are grounded and practical and understand the value of a stable home life.  In its highest form, the safe embrace of the relationship will enable the 22 to explore his or her spiritual gifts, and the 6 will appreciate the importance of the role they are playing.

22 WITH A 7

These numbers can make a good pairing, as, like the 4 and the 7, both have qualities which complement each other, whilst they are different enough to stay interesting.  There is some risk of frustration if the 7 is unable to stick to the schedule or follow the instructions prescribed by the 22, but if this can be resolved there is potential for a highly stimulating and close relationship to develop.

22 WITH AN 8

This is a dynamic duo that can accomplish great things together, especially in business. Like the 4 and the 8, both numbers feel secure when long-term plans are made and practical matters are taken care of, which leaves space and energy for personal growth.

There is potential for a strong and healthy marriage. Many long-distance relationships are the result of an understanding between an 8 and 22 as both can handle letting the other partner have a great deal of freedom.

22 WITH A 9

An unusual pairing which could form a lifelong connection.

The grounded, practical qualities of the 22 can be attractive and beneficial to the 9, whilst the visionary insight of the 22 will likely inspire and intrigue the 9! The 9 is also likely to offer the 22 enough space for their own personal exploration but must ensure they provide support and structure when the 22 most needs it.

22 WITH AN 11

These numbers can form a powerful connection.

Both numbers share the need for a deep, safe connection, so both are able to offer it to the other.  This sense of being held means that they are both able to open up and relax into the relationship.

Both 11 and 22 are committed and loyal, so once these two have declared their love, it will be unshakable. There will likely be a time when each number needs the freedom to pursue their own spiritual development, but the patience and understanding afforded by both the 11 and the 22 means their bond will remain intact.

A potentially powerful force for change.

22 WITH A 22

These are highly compatible numbers.

Sharing the same practical desires and needs, they will have an instinctive understanding of how to support and make each other happy. As highly intuitive individuals, it is likely they will connect very deeply, very quickly and their relationship will progress fast.

As with all master numbers, there will likely be a time when each number needs the freedom to pursue their own spiritual development, but the patience and understanding afforded by both partners means their bond will remain intact.

A potentially powerful force for change.

Le placement de Chiron en Scorpion dans le thème natal d'une femme signale son passage par certains des défis émotionnels et psychologiques les plus profonds de la vie. Communément appelé le Guérisseur Blessé, Chiron symbolise ces domaines de notre vie où nous portons de profondes blessures de la petite enfance ou des vies antérieures - souvent de notre moi d'enfance ou de nos vies antérieures - qui contiennent des éléments clés pour la guérison et la croissance spirituelle. Son influence peut être particulièrement intense ici, en se concentrant sur la dynamique du pouvoir, la transformation de l'intimité et même les mystères tels que la vie et la mort.

Les femmes ayant Chiron en Scorpion peuvent avoir vécu des blessures émotionnelles douloureuses liées à des problèmes de confiance, de trahison et de vulnérabilité dans leurs relations ; cependant, ce placement leur donne aussi le potentiel d'une guérison et d'une transformation profondes - à la fois sur le plan personnel et interpersonnel. Cette exploration complète se penchera sur ces complexités - leurs défis, leurs forces et leur chemin vers la guérison finale.

Comprendre Chiron en astrologie

Avant de parler de Chiron en Scorpion, il est essentiel de comprendre son symbolisme en astrologie. Chiron est un astéroïde nommé d'après un centaure de la mythologie grecque qui a servi de guérisseur, d'enseignant et de mentor à de nombreux héros grecs malgré une blessure irréparable causée par une flèche empoisonnée - bien qu'en tant qu'être immortel, il ait refusé de mourir ; il a plutôt vécu avec sa blessure tout en l'utilisant pour aider les autres à se guérir eux-mêmes.

D'un point de vue astrologique, Chiron symbolise nos blessures profondes ainsi que leur potentiel à guérir les autres. Le placement de Chiron en signe et en maison dans le thème natal indique où se situent ces blessures dans la vie d'une personne - en particulier pour les femmes dont le signe astrologique est le Scorpion ; pour elles, ces blessures sont directement liées aux énergies intenses et transformatrices du Scorpion.

L'archétype du Scorpion : Le pouvoir, la transformation et l'ombre

Le Scorpion est l'un des signes les plus complexes et les plus intenses du zodiaque, gouverné par Pluton (la planète associée à la transformation) et associé à des thèmes liés au pouvoir, au contrôle, à l'intimité, au secret et aux processus de mort/renaissance. Le Scorpion représente notre subconscient, où résident certains de nos aspects les plus profonds et souvent les plus effrayants.

Les femmes Chiron en Scorpion sont souvent confrontées à des problèmes de pouvoir et de contrôle dans leurs relations intimes. Elle peut avoir subi une trahison, un abandon ou un traumatisme émotionnel qui l'a rendue vulnérable et méfiante à l'égard des autres. Elle craint que ses vulnérabilités ou sa peur de perdre le contrôle soient exposées et l'amènent à se replier émotionnellement en construisant des barrières émotionnelles autour d'elle et en gardant les autres à distance.

Les blessures émotionnelles d'une femme en Scorpion

Pour les femmes nées sous le signe solaire du Scorpion, les blessures émotionnelles se concentrent souvent sur des thèmes liés à la confiance, à la trahison et à la peur de la vulnérabilité. Bien que les spécificités varient en fonction des expériences de vie et des aspects de la carte du ciel, des points communs peuvent souvent émerger tout au long de leur parcours.

1. Trahison et abandon : Les femmes nées avec Chiron en Scorpion peuvent avoir subi des trahisons ou des abandons importants au cours de leurs premières années, qui peuvent concerner leurs parents, les personnes qui s'occupent d'elles ou des relations proches, causant des blessures profondes qui perdurent à l'âge adulte. Ces expériences peuvent lui faire craindre que des trahisons se reproduisent, ce qui l'incite à se méfier dans toutes les relations qu'elle noue. Cette peur peut l'amener à rester sur ses gardes et à faire preuve de prudence dans ses relations futures, comme mesure de protection contre de nouvelles désillusions dans des relations étroites qui lui apporteraient de la joie.

2. Problèmes de pouvoir et de contrôle : Le Scorpion est connu pour être intimement lié à la dynamique du pouvoir, ce qui le rend particulièrement susceptible d'avoir des problèmes à ce sujet. Elle peut avoir vécu des situations dans lesquelles d'autres ont exercé un contrôle sur elle, ce qui l'a amenée à chercher à retrouver ce pouvoir en contrôlant son environnement, ses émotions ou ses relations afin de se sentir moins vulnérable et de se protéger. Cela se manifeste par le besoin de réguler ou de dominer tous les domaines de sa vie ou de ses relations afin de se sentir plus en sécurité.

3. Difficultés d'intimité et de confiance : En raison de sa peur de la trahison et de la vulnérabilité, la femme Chiron en Scorpion peut avoir du mal à s'ouvrir émotionnellement aux autres et à leur faire pleinement confiance. Elle peut garder certaines personnes à distance de peur qu'elles la blessent ou la trahissent en retour, ce qui peut créer un sentiment d'isolement même dans les relations étroites.

4. Douleur émotionnelle profonde et résilience : Les femmes Chiron en Scorpion ont une résilience remarquable malgré l'intensité de leurs blessures ; elles peuvent supporter et survivre aux expériences émotionnelles les plus difficiles avec beaucoup de ténacité et d'endurance. Cependant, leur résilience peut parfois devenir contre-productive, car elles apprennent à endormir la douleur au lieu d'en guérir efficacement.

Le chemin de la guérison pour une femme Chiron en Scorpion

Le cheminement vers la guérison de la femme Chiron en Scorpion peut être transformateur. Elle doit faire face à ses peurs les plus profondes, accepter la vulnérabilité et finalement apprendre à se faire confiance et à faire confiance aux autres. Bien que ce voyage soit parfois difficile, il peut être récompensé par une croissance et une autonomisation significatives.

1. Reconnaître sa vulnérabilité : Pour les femmes Chiron en Scorpion, l'une des étapes clés vers la guérison est d'apprendre à accepter ses émotions telles qu'elles se présentent sans les réprimer ou essayer de les contrôler, tout en étant disposée à s'ouvrir aux autres, même si cela semble risqué. En acceptant la vulnérabilité, elle peut commencer à guérir les blessures de la trahison tout en réapprenant à faire confiance.

2. Affronter son ombre : Carl Jung a introduit pour la première fois le concept de notre "ombre", c'est-à-dire ces parties de nous-mêmes que nous évitons souvent ou que nous réprimons en raison d'un malaise ou de normes sociales. Pour un Chiron en Femme scorpionPour que la guérison soit possible, il faut que ces aspects d'elle-même soient mis en lumière, reconnus et intégrés. Ce processus peut être facilité par des séances de thérapie, la rédaction d'un journal ou d'autres formes d'exploration de soi.

3. Renoncer au contrôle : Un aspect essentiel de la guérison réside dans le fait de renoncer au contrôle, c'est-à-dire de croire qu'elle n'a pas besoin de contrôler tous les aspects de sa vie pour se sentir en sécurité et d'apprendre à oublier les blessures du passé et à ne pas les laisser dicter ses relations futures. En renonçant au contrôle, elle peut s'ouvrir à de nouvelles expériences qui renforcent le respect mutuel entre les partenaires.

4. La transformation par la crise : Le Scorpion est connu pour être le signe de la transformation par la crise, de sorte que les femmes ayant Chiron en Scorpion peuvent trouver leur croissance la plus profonde en affrontant des défis difficiles tels que les ruptures de relations, les perturbations de carrière et les crises personnelles comme des catalyseurs de changements profonds. En les acceptant et en les considérant comme des opportunités de développement personnel, elle peut se rapprocher de la guérison d'elle-même et des autres.

5. Guérir les autres : En guérissant ses propres blessures, la femme Chiron en Scorpion peut découvrir qu'elle a la capacité intuitive d'aider les autres à faire de même. En partageant son parcours et en offrant son soutien à ceux qui connaissent des difficultés similaires, elle peut approfondir sa propre guérison tout en exerçant une influence bénéfique sur ceux qui l'entourent.

Relations et intimité : Naviguer dans la complexité

Une femme Chiron en Scorpion rencontre souvent d'importantes difficultés lorsqu'elle entre en relation avec autrui, en raison de peurs profondes et de blessures émotionnelles qui remontent à l'intérieur d'elle-même. Pourtant, ces relations peuvent aussi être des sources de grande guérison si elles sont abordées avec soin et intention.

1. Attirée par l'intensité : Les femmes nées sous Chiron en Scorpion sont attirées par les relations intenses et passionnées, souvent attirées par ceux qui correspondent à leur profondeur émotionnelle et qui sont prêts à explorer avec elles des aspects plus sombres et plus complexes de la vie. Malheureusement, une telle intensité peut rendre les relations tumultueuses ou difficiles, car les deux partenaires soulèvent des questions non résolues.

2. La peur de la trahison : L'un des principaux obstacles à ses relations est sa peur de la trahison, qui peut l'amener à se retirer émotionnellement, à tester la loyauté de son partenaire ou à devenir possessif et jaloux - des comportements qui créent des tensions dans leurs relations et qui pourraient finalement les amener à se quitter ou à être trahis par l'une ou l'autre des parties concernées, voire les deux.

3. Instaurer la confiance : Pour les femmes nées avec Chiron en Scorpion, la guérison dans les relations nécessite d'apprendre à faire confiance à son partenaire et à s'autoriser à être vulnérable. Cela peut impliquer de communiquer ouvertement et honnêtement, de fixer des limites, de s'ouvrir progressivement et d'être suffisamment vulnérable. En établissant la confiance et en étant vulnérable, elle peut faire l'expérience de relations profondes et transformatrices.

4. Empathie et guérison : Une fois qu'elle a commencé à guérir ses propres blessures, une femme Chiron en Scorpion peut devenir un partenaire extrêmement sympathique et solidaire. Ses expériences lui donnent une compréhension profonde de la souffrance émotionnelle qui lui permet d'apporter un soutien émotionnel réconfortant à son partenaire. De même, les relations peuvent devenir des sources de guérison pour les deux parties impliquées dans leur cheminement commun.

Carrière et objectif de vie : le pouvoir de transformation de Chiron en Scorpion

Les femmes Chiron en Scorpion sont attirées par des rôles qui impliquent la transformation, la guérison ou le travail sur des questions profondes qui nécessitent des efforts de transformation. Elle peut s'épanouir dans des carrières qui lui permettent d'explorer les aspects cachés de la vie - qu'il s'agisse de psychologie, de conseil, de recherche ou de travail d'investigation. Sa capacité à comprendre les motivations et les émotions sous-jacentes des autres fait d'elle une excellente guérisseuse et un excellent guide.

1. Professions de guérison : Les femmes Chiron en Scorpion sont souvent attirées par des professions de guérison comme la psychologie, le conseil ou la thérapie en raison de leur compréhension profonde de la douleur émotionnelle et de la transformation. Elles peuvent également explorer des pratiques de guérison alternatives, comme le travail énergétique ou la santé holistique, qui leur permettent d'explorer le lien entre le corps, l'âme et l'esprit.

2. Rôles d'investigation : Avec sa curiosité naturelle et son désir d'aller au fond des choses, les femmes Chiron en Scorpion sont des candidates idéales pour les rôles d'investigation tels que le journalisme, la recherche ou l'application de la loi. Leur capacité à voir rapidement à travers la tromperie et à aller directement à la source d'un problème sont leurs plus grandes forces.

3. Transformation créative : Pour certaines femmes Chiron en Scorpion, le but de leur vie réside dans la transformation créative. Cela peut impliquer des carrières dans les arts où elles peuvent explorer des thèmes de profondeur émotionnelle et de transformation à travers leur travail - écriture, musique, art visuel ou toute autre forme artistique - reflétant souvent leur voyage personnel de guérison et de transformation tout en frappant simultanément une corde sensible avec ceux qui connaissent des luttes similaires.

La nuit noire de l'âme : la crise de Chiron en Scorpion

L'une des plus grandes difficultés associées au fait d'avoir Chiron en Scorpion est de vivre ce que l'on appelle une "nuit noire de l'âme" - une période prolongée d'agitation ou de crise intérieure qui conduit inévitablement à une transformation et à une croissance spirituelles. Pour les femmes nées sous cette influence, cette période peut être précipitée par une perte importante, une trahison ou une crise personnelle qui les oblige à affronter de front leurs peurs et leurs insécurités les plus profondes.

1. Descente dans les ténèbres : Les femmes dont Chiron est en Scorpion peuvent parfois être envahies par des sentiments de désespoir ou de confusion. Elle peut se remettre en question et remettre en cause ses relations, tout en devant faire face à des aspects d'elle-même qu'elle avait évité d'affronter auparavant. Bien que cette période puisse être émotionnellement épuisante et pénible pour les deux personnes à la fois, elle fait partie intégrante de leur parcours de guérison.

2. S'abandonner au processus : L'une des clés pour gérer cette crise avec succès est de s'abandonner à son processus et de croire qu'il mènera à une meilleure compréhension et à une transformation. La femme Chiron en Scorpion doit se défaire des vieux schémas, croyances ou attachements qui ne lui servent plus, même si cela implique de faire face à une douleur émotionnelle intense ; c'est peut-être le moment idéal pour un travail intérieur profond où le soutien d'un thérapeute, d'un conseiller ou d'un guide spirituel pourrait s'avérer inestimable.

3. Émergence de la nuit noire : Alors qu'elle traverse cette période d'obscurité, la femme Chiron en Scorpion peut progressivement faire l'expérience du renouveau et de la renaissance. En émergeant avec un but, une clarté et une force intérieure renouvelés, elle peut affronter et surmonter ses peurs les plus profondes - cette transformation marque un nouveau chapitre dans leur vie, où elles peuvent vivre plus authentiquement et pleinement.

Conclusion : Le pouvoir et le potentiel de la femme Chiron en Scorpion

Les femmes qui portent Chiron en Scorpion détiennent en elles un immense pouvoir de guérison et de transformation, pour elles-mêmes comme pour leur entourage. Son parcours peut nécessiter de faire face à des blessures émotionnelles profondes, d'accepter la vulnérabilité, et finalement d'en ressortir plus forte et plus autonome - bien que parfois difficile, il peut apporter une grande croissance personnelle ainsi qu'une illumination spirituelle.

Au cours de son voyage, la femme Chiron en Scorpion peut découvrir que ses expériences lui permettent de comprendre et d'aider ceux qui traversent des difficultés similaires. En partageant son parcours et en utilisant les connaissances acquises en cours de route pour aider les autres, elle peut devenir un guérisseur et un guide puissant - modifiant finalement non seulement sa propre vie, mais aussi celle des personnes touchées par sa présence.

Les femmes Chiron en Scorpion ont tendance à rechercher des relations intimes et des expériences transformatrices dans le cadre de leurs objectifs de développement émotionnel, professionnel et personnel. En comprenant et en appliquant les leçons de Chiron et du Scorpion dans sa vie quotidienne, elle peut libérer tout son potentiel et vivre une existence engageante, remplie d'objectifs, de passion, d'authenticité et d'intégrité.
