Comment manifester une vie en accord avec le but de votre âme

Manifestation and the Law of Attraction work best when you are living and creating from a place of inspiration.

Inspiration is a natural result of aligning yourself to your Life’s calling or purpose. Manifesting when in alignment with the universe is joyful, easier, and much more abundant than attempting to manifest from a place of obligation, duty, resistance, and putting your energy into something you really don’t want to be doing. Once this is understood – you will find that creating the life of your dreams can be a joyful, light, and expansive endeavor.

When you are in alignment with your higher self, you will naturally feel joy in your activities. Ask yourself, is the path you are on right now joyful and energizing? Life is meant to be fun and enjoyable. If you are struggling to find enjoyment in your daily activities, perhaps it’s a time for reevaluation and change.

Never be afraid to change if your current path is no longer resonating in your heart as your true purpose. The key is to find something that you love doing, something that comes naturally to you. Make changes consciously rather than putting your energy into activities that may be an outdated or an outgrown image of yourself that no longer serves you.

Remember these 5 points when manifesting your ideal life:

Know Your Path.

What is in alignment with your natural energy? Following that path is the perfection of self-love. Before doing, creating, or manifesting anything – take some time to know your true chemin de vie and soul’s urge.

If you are not aligned with you true purpose, your energy to manifest will weaken and the inspiration needed will slow or stop altogether.

Make sure you are doing what you want to be doing on a deep level. Doing what you love, doing what resonates with you and doing something you believe in. Abundance and the ability to manifest will then naturally follow once you respect and value your Higher Self and the inspiration it gives you.

Build a Plan.

Once you know your path, have a good idea of what is needed to reach your goal. Creation works best when you are following a plan or blueprint you can consciously work from and build upon. Spreading your energy out into random directions and allowing yourself to be carried by random circumstances will diminish your ability to manifest the life you are trying to reach. To be able to manifest the life you are seeking, a life aligned with your path, a sold plan is needed.

Without a plan you can be prone to repeatedly changing your direction, finding yourself wondering what happened weeks or months down the line.

The more you are clear on exactly what you want and have a solid plan to attain your goal, the easier it will be to attract into your life. Reinforce your goal into your mindset daily with affirmations and visualizations. Do not be afraid to continually change it if that is in alignment with your new truth. Follow what resonates. Life changes and so will you. Stay attuned to your own truth so as to stay in the flow of creation.

Nurture Yourself Regularly.

Nurturing yourself is important to keep your energy levels in high vibration. Nurturing yourself is nurturing your relation with the universe in whatever form that works for you. Spend time in nature, listen to music, and practice mindfulness activities. Any activity which you enjoy reinforces a happy relationship with yourself.

If you’re unable to nurture yourself, energy depletion will follow which will make it much more difficult to attract and create the life you want. Instead, you will attract things that will further deplete you of your vitality, lowering your vibration and creating frustration and misalignment.

If the notion of nurturing yourself is alien or unfamiliar to you – it may be that you need to open up to yourself in a more playful and loving way. Meditate and allow yourself to bask in the energy of the universe. If there is no time – make the time in your life for nurturing activities to happen.

Respect Your Gifts.

Do not devalue or degrade your gifts. Your gifts are unique to you and may not be appropriate for everyone. Find your place to serve – the place that feels joyful and energizing.

The more you respect what you are given from the universe – the easier it will be to receive more inspiration whenever you need it. It costs you time and energy to create anything. Respect yourself, your body, and your life so that you do not deplete yourself while manifesting and creating your new life.

Your gifts are there to sustain you in a life of abundance.

Create a Strong Purpose.

Manifestation is assisted by the power of a strong and focused purpose. Know your purpose, the purpose of what you want to manifest. The energy of creation is focused energy, without a strong purpose, the universe will never be able to deliver what you want to manifest. Understanding and reinforcing your purpose is a way to focus and clear your own energy field so you become vibrationally aligned with the manifestation you are seeking.

When you have a strong purpose – you give the universe a strong case for supporting you. The energy of universal creation cannot support a lack of clarity, doubt, and vagueness. Be extremely clear with yourself and the universe as to what your purpose is. Internally, be as detailed as possible when visualizing your manifestation requests.

Affirm your ability and willingness to take action.

Many people think Manifestation and the Law of Attraction are all about invoking feelings. In reality, invoking feeling is only the first part of the process of manifesting.

The second part of the manifestation journey is to have the willingness to take targeted action from a place of clarity and purpose. Manifestation attempts without strong targeted action have no grounding and eventually dissipate.

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