Planets in the 4th House

The Fourth House (House of Home – also of the Early and Latter Parts of Life)

Sun in 4th House (Planet of vitality and individuality):

You take pride in your domicile and family; from the time you were young you had a deep need to establish roots. One or both of your parents was a dominant influence in your life; in some cases you had to struggle for independence. Conditions surrounding the end of your life promise to be fortunate.

Good point: you may benefit through inheritance.

Bad point: you have a tendency to feel insecure.

Moon in 4th House (Planet of emotions and instincts):

You are protective toward your family and are (may become) a devoted parent. During your lifetime you can expect to change residences often, and you like to live near water. During the latter part of life you may achieve public recognition.

Good point: financial acumen in real estate or family possessions.

Bad point: you resist facing up to reality.

Mercury in 4th House (Planet of the mind):

Your home is often a place of study or work, and the work you do may lead to changes in your residence. Your parents and early home life stimulated your curiosity to learn. In your latter years you can expect to be mentally active and to have many contacts throughout the world.

Good point: you deal rationally with family and as a parent.

Bad point: restlessness and difficulty in settling down.

Venus in 4th House (Planet of love and pleasure):

Your home is usually your showplace and you like to surround yourself with beautiful things. You tend to have happy memories of childhood and are probably attached to your mother. Circumstances at the end of your life promise to be peaceful.

Good point: you promote harmony in domestic relations.

Bad point: you are extravagant in buying possessions for your home.

Mars in 4th House (Planet of energy and assertiveness):

You have a great desire to own your own home so that you can live independently. In your childhood you may have been in conflict with parents, especially your father. Your latter years promise to be active, and you are unlikely to be dependent on others for a place to live.

Good point: enterprising about making money at home.

Bad point: quarrelsome in domestic relations.

Jupiter in 4th House (Planet of luck and expansion):

You tend to be happy and comfortable at home, and take pride in your family. In childhood you probably felt secure and loved by your parents, and you inherit from them in either a spiritual or material way. The latter part of your life should find you in comfortable circumstances.

Good point: you should find material success in the city or country of your birth.

Bad point: extravagant and overgenerous in domestic affairs or as a parent.

Saturn in 4th House (Planet of discipline and limitation):

You are concerned about and devoted to your family. In childhood you may have assumed responsibility at an early age. Saturn in the Fourth Maison sometimes indicates an early loss of a father. You will look after those who cared for you as a child when they are old. You plan carefully for security in your old age, and are likely to spend your last years alone and independent.

Good point: gain through real estate.

Bad point: difficulty expressing feelings to family members.

Uranus in 4th House (Planet of change and originality):

You are not a domesticated creature and need a certain amount of independence. You have had a different childhood from your friends, or your parents may have had unusual careers. Your life may take a sudden turn and your latter years will be spent in an environment you cannot yet envision.

Good point: successful at entertaining groups in your home.

Bad point: you can be a disruptive influence in family relations.

Neptune in 4th House (Planet of spirituality and illusion):

You probably have an idealized picture of what home life should be like and are vaguely dissatisfied with what it really is. There may be family skeletons hidden somewhere. Your latter years will likely be spent in a faraway place.

Good point: you are (may become) an imaginative and stimulating parent.

Bad point: tendency for confusion and misunderstandings in family affairs.

Pluto in 4th House (Planet of transformation):

You care intensely about family matters and want to dominate in your own home. Your parents were probably a profound influence on you but you may never resolve your mixed feelings about your early home life. Your latter years may be spent secluded and isolated, perhaps working on an important project.

Good point: you feel responsibility toward the family.

Bad point: may suffer early loss of parent or guardian.
