santé mentale

Association entre la consommation de sucre raffiné et la dépression

The rising consumption of refined sugar has become a significant concern in modern diets, with its impact extending beyond physical health to mental well-being. While it’s widely known that excessive sugar intake is linked to conditions such as obesity and heart disease, emerging research is shedding light on its potential connection to mental health disorders. […]

Association entre la consommation de sucre raffiné et la dépression Lire la suite "

Qu'est-ce que la dentophobie ? (Plus des conseils pour atténuer les symptômes)

Millions of people in the United States have dentophobia. Many of them put off scheduling appointments or avoid visits altogether. If you’re like them, just thinking of a dental procedure makes you lightheaded and nervous. The good news is that you don’t have to feel this way. While overcoming a fear of the dentist may

Qu'est-ce que la dentophobie ? (Plus des conseils pour atténuer les symptômes) Lire la suite "

8 types de thérapies alternatives et pourquoi vous devriez les essayer

What can you do if your previous attempts at therapy simply weren’t enough and you still have symptoms? Alternative therapies can complement psychiatric medications and what you do in traditional settings. In some cases, they may work independently.What should you consider? Here are eight types of alternative therapies and why you should try them.Alternative Therapies

8 types de thérapies alternatives et pourquoi vous devriez les essayer Lire la suite "

Ce que signifie être un lieu de travail "sûr" en 2024

You spend the majority of your time at work. You shouldn’t have to feel unsafe while you’re juggling responsibilities, connecting with team members and making progress in your career. Everyone should learn what psychological safety at work is to ensure it exists in their workplaces. Learn what it means and how you can help transform

Ce que signifie être un lieu de travail "sûr" en 2024 Lire la suite "

Factures médicales surprises et santé mentale : Pourquoi l'allègement de la dette médicale ne suffit pas

Accessing mental health care is the most important way to improve your life. No matter what you want help with, licensed professionals are available to help. Unfortunately, that care also comes with a price tag. Medical debt relief may not be enough to solve the problem of surprise medical bills after getting mental health support.

Factures médicales surprises et santé mentale : Pourquoi l'allègement de la dette médicale ne suffit pas Lire la suite "

7 signes non évidents d'épuisement professionnel (et ce qu'il faut faire pour y remédier)

If going to work has suddenly become dreadful, you may want to check in with yourself if you’ve crossed the burnout zone. Burnout affects millions of people, but most are oblivious to its symptoms. That’s partly because some signs can be subtle.Stress builds up from the root without you knowing it until it reaches the

7 signes non évidents d'épuisement professionnel (et ce qu'il faut faire pour y remédier) Lire la suite "

Comment l'hydrothérapie aide-t-elle à lutter contre l'anxiété ?

Anxiety is a growing concern that millions of people experience today. With the pressures of work, personal life and constant connectivity, more individuals are experiencing overwhelming stress and anxiety. Finding ways to manage and reduce it is essential for improving quality of life and enjoying everyday moments.One approach garnering attention for its potential benefits is

Comment l'hydrothérapie aide-t-elle à lutter contre l'anxiété ? Lire la suite "

How to Create Psychological Safety for Yourself at Work

Work provides security to make employees feel physically safe. However, psychological safety in the workplace is another topic altogether. Companies may have a strong work culture that shuts down your ideas and divides you from other team members. Whether it does or doesn’t, it’s up to leaders and employees to incorporate psychological safety.What Psychological Safety

How to Create Psychological Safety for Yourself at Work Lire la suite "

Breathing Through Grief: These 5 Breathing Exercises Can Help You Heal From Loss and Hard Times

Grief is an overwhelming feeling. It can weigh you down and make you feel stuck. Whether you’re dealing with the death of a loved one, a pet, a job or any other kind of loss, breathing through grief can be a powerful tool to help manage your emotional pain. Discover five breathing exercises and other

Breathing Through Grief: These 5 Breathing Exercises Can Help You Heal From Loss and Hard Times Lire la suite "

How Saying ‘No’ Can Help You Build Confidence and Self-Esteem

Everyone has those moments when they’re asked to complete a task they’re not enthusiastic about. Whether helping out with a campaign or going to a public event, it’s quite a universal experience to feel that urge to decline. Some people say “yes” out of guilt or pressure. However, others answer “no” with confidence instead.It’s empowering

How Saying ‘No’ Can Help You Build Confidence and Self-Esteem Lire la suite "

8 activités estivales pour améliorer votre santé mentale et vous remonter le moral

Warm weather and sunshine create the perfect opportunity to try something new. Reshape your weekly routine over the next few weeks to take advantage of the season while improving your mental well-being. These summer activities to boost your mental health could revolutionize how you spend your summer by making life more enjoyable.1. Start Morning Nature

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The Link Between Motivation and Healing

In many circles, when people talk about healing, they emphasize willpower. This is especially true when people talk about mental health issues, such as addiction. However, willpower by itself is not enough for the healing journey. In this article shared by Truly Divine, you’ll see the link between motivation and healing. You’ll also discover options

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Aimez-vous d'abord : 11 étapes pour sortir avec quelqu'un qui se sent responsable

Have you found it challenging to find a partner with whom you have a genuine and authentic connection that actually lasts? Everything may look good on paper (or a dating app), but when you spend more time with that person, the red flags start popping up. And no, it’s not a carnival.Many of us yearn

Aimez-vous d'abord : 11 étapes pour sortir avec quelqu'un qui se sent responsable Lire la suite "

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