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Respirer à travers le chagrin : Ces 5 exercices de respiration peuvent vous aider à guérir de la perte d'un être cher et des moments difficiles.

Grief is an overwhelming feeling. It can weigh you down and make you feel stuck. Whether you’re dealing with the death of a loved one, a pet, a job or any other kind of loss, breathing through grief can be a powerful tool to help manage your emotional pain. Discover five breathing exercises and other […]

Respirer à travers le chagrin : Ces 5 exercices de respiration peuvent vous aider à guérir de la perte d'un être cher et des moments difficiles. Lire la suite "

The 7 Primal Fears and How to Conquer Them for Better Mental Health

Much human suffering results from fear. Although it may masquerade as anger, giving in to its irrational energy can lead to poor decision-making, broken relationships and considerable hardship, especially if it affects your career. Learning what the primal fears are and how to address them builds emotional regulation so that you can respond to events

The 7 Primal Fears and How to Conquer Them for Better Mental Health Lire la suite "

Le lien entre la motivation et la guérison

In many circles, when people talk about healing, they emphasize willpower. This is especially true when people talk about mental health issues, such as addiction. However, willpower by itself is not enough for the healing journey. In this article shared by Truly Divine, you’ll see the link between motivation and healing. You’ll also discover options

Le lien entre la motivation et la guérison Lire la suite "


Comment utiliser la clairvoyance spirituelle pour surmonter les défis

Challenges, uncertainty, and pain have always been part of the life we live. The ambition for growth and innovation can sometimes push us back because of the great challenges they come with. However, there’s a way to keep pushing forward without getting exhausted. It’s tapping into spiritual insights. It’s a tool that can create a

Comment utiliser la clairvoyance spirituelle pour surmonter les défis Lire la suite "


6 Mécanismes d'adaptation sains pour le syndrome de stress post-traumatique (SSPTc)

Si vous souffrez d'un ESPT complexe, votre corps et votre esprit peuvent chercher à se distraire et à éviter la douleur pour se protéger des expériences blessantes et traumatisantes. Cela peut conduire à des mécanismes d'adaptation malsains qui compromettent votre bien-être physique et émotionnel. Bien que vous puissiez vous sentir mieux temporairement lorsque vous engourdissez vos sentiments ou adoptez des comportements malsains,

6 Mécanismes d'adaptation sains pour le syndrome de stress post-traumatique (SSPTc) Lire la suite "


Quand les problèmes de déglutition sont-ils liés à des conséquences psychologiques ?

Dysphagia is the medical term for swallowing problems. It has physical causes, but experts reveal through studies it can also exist due to psychological factors. Research has long established a strong connection between physical and mental health conditions, explaining why people feel depressed when ill. Can swallowing problems be psychological, as well? Learn about the

Quand les problèmes de déglutition sont-ils liés à des conséquences psychologiques ? Lire la suite "


Quel chakra est déséquilibré lorsque j'ai des maux de tête constants ?

Headaches usually come and go, and to most, they’re a mild inconvenience. However, headaches can make daily living difficult when they become recurring or severe.Many things can cause headaches, ranging from bad health habits to more severe underlying conditions. However, things can get stressful when people can’t pinpoint the source of their pain. In those

Quel chakra est déséquilibré lorsque j'ai des maux de tête constants ? Lire la suite "


Ce que votre type de design humain peut vous apprendre sur la façon dont vous devez gérer le stress

Everyone experiences stress, fear and anxiety — but what if you could anticipate your reaction to certain situations and cope at the onset? Your Human Design Chart delivers insight into possible worries and fears while teaching you how to handle stress based on your type.Maybe you’re presenting something in a meeting, are getting married or

Ce que votre type de design humain peut vous apprendre sur la façon dont vous devez gérer le stress Lire la suite "

L'émerveillement : Pourquoi c'est essentiel pour la santé mentale

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp. We experience awe in many different ways – you might associate it with nature, like the vastness of the ocean or the majesty of a mountain range. Or you might connect awe with amazing architecture, like Gothic cathedrals or the Great Wall of China. In other cases,

L'émerveillement : Pourquoi c'est essentiel pour la santé mentale Lire la suite "


Symptômes de l'ascension spirituelle

Ascension Symptoms of Spiritual AwakeningAscension Symptom #1: Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back.This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the “Christ seed” awakens within. More important, your Merkabah, energetic transportal Body, has/is being upgraded and made new. This will be explained and understood more fully

Symptômes de l'ascension spirituelle Lire la suite "

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5 Natural Methods for Preventing Anxiety Attacks

According to the American Psychological Association, panic disorder — which is the name of a condition that causes severe, recurring anxiety attacks — can decrease your quality of life and cause you to fear normal situations. You can choose to take medication for panic attacks (which is often necessary to calm down enough to treat

5 Natural Methods for Preventing Anxiety Attacks Lire la suite "


Connaissez-vous un éveil spirituel ?

Spiritual awakening, also known as spiritual ascension, is a natural evolutionary process that involves the process of shedding the old self and experiencing an inner rebirth. Many people speak about spiritual awakening in terms of being “upgraded,” “rebooted” or being elevated in vibrational frequency. All of these terms are a way of referring to the

Connaissez-vous un éveil spirituel ? Lire la suite "

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Identifying Trauma Signatures in Astrology

What is a trauma signature in Astrology?A trauma signature in astrology equates to your “vices”, or destructive thought patterns, and how they manifest to abusive levels in your behavior and personality.How do you read the trauma signatures in your natal chart?A trauma signature is indicated by particular planetary and zodiac house placements in your chart

Identifying Trauma Signatures in Astrology Lire la suite "

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Benefits of an Energy Healing

The effects of healing energy blockages can be experienced as some of the below examples:Greater clarity, purpose and meaning to your lifeFeeling more vitality and better health in generalFeeling that things are working out despite you are working less or stressing yourself lessYour emotional life is balanced which is reflected into your relationships People around

Benefits of an Energy Healing Lire la suite "