Soleil Lion dans la 5ème maison

Soleil en Lion dans la cinquième maison

Soleil en Lion dans la 5ème maison
Soleil en Lion dans la 5ème maison

Avec le Soleil en Lion, votre loyauté ne fait aucun doute. Vous êtes dévoué à vous-même. Toutes les personnes dont le Soleil est en Lion possèdent un royaume. Ce royaume peut être grand ou petit, il peut s'agir de votre maison, d'un amant, d'un travail créatif ou de toute votre carrière. Mais quoi qu'il en soit, vous êtes le maître incontesté de ce royaume. Quoi que vous fassiez, vous le faites avec un flair pour le drame - tout en vous est théâtral.

Votre Soleil en Lion vous confère un grand sens du drame et un instinct pour attirer l'attention. Parce que votre nature est flamboyante et expansive, vous méprisez la routine, l'ordinaire et l'ennui. Lorsque la vie réelle ne vous apporte pas toute l'excitation dont vous avez besoin, vous essayez de créer la vôtre.

Avec votre Soleil en Lion, vous êtes généreux, gentil et ouvert, et vous avez du mal à croire en la méchanceté des autres. Si l'on vous blesse, vous ripostez rapidement, mais vous pardonnez aussi facilement et ne gardez jamais rancune. Merveilleusement affectueux et gai, vous avez une véritable joie de vivre. Le Soleil est votre maître et vous apportez toujours un peu de soleil dans la vie des autres. C'est évidemment l'un de vos traits de caractère les plus attachants. À bien des égards, vous êtes comme le Soleil lui-même - vous donnez la vie, vous rayonnez d'énergie et de magnétisme, vous brûlez avec une constance inébranlable.

As an individual with your Sun in Leo, no one could ask for a better friend. If approached in the right way (flattery is the right way), you will do almost anything, but you expect praise and appreciation and admiration in return. Pride is your Achilles’ heel. Your ego demands not respect but adoration, not compliments but flattery, and when you receive lavish praise you never stop to wonder if it is insincere. Despite your self-centeredness, you need others to give to if only to get back their appreciation. However, because you’re too proud to ask for appreciation, you often suffer silently from a wounded ego. Your hidden secret is you need to be needed.

With your Sun in Leo, among your most striking characteristics is a refusal to be hampered by petty rules. Day-to-day routine quickly leads to boredom and makes you desperately unhappy. Your unhappiness doesn’t last long, because you simply won’t put up with it. You have an unshakable belief in your luck and quickly bounce back from despondency. It is difficult (though not impossible) to dislike a Leo. True, you can be bombastic and overbearing at times. True, you love to give advice and tell people how to run their lives. But your great warmth and sunny disposition is very hard to resist. The world would be much less fun without Leos.

Le vous intérieur avec votre Soleil en Lion

Your Sun in Leo gives you larger-than-life emotions; whether you’re experiencing joy, despair, excitement, or love, it might as well be playing on a giant movie screen. You feel you have an important role to play in life and you’re going to find it. You need to be involved in the world; in fact, you tend to think of any plan or project that you’re part of as an extension of who you are. You believe in taking action. Your immediate reaction to any problem is to do something about it rather than sit around pondering it. You have a deep-seated need to prove your worth – not to others but to yourself. You’ll tackle any job just so you can say, “I wasn’t afraid to try!”

La position du Soleil dans le signe indique comment nous cherchons à nous exprimer, à nous développer, à nous épanouir et à affirmer notre volonté et notre pouvoir de façonner notre environnement. La position de la maison indique le domaine de la vie dans lequel nous choisissons de concentrer l'énergie de notre signe solaire et d'accomplir le but qu'il représente.

Soleil dans la 5ème maison

With your Sun in the 5th House, your focus tends to be on the creative side of life. Your disposition is generally outward and extroverted. You are likely to be concerned with how you can express yourself in and to the world. Your primary mode of self-expression is likely to be creativity.

As an individual with your Sun in the 5th House, that which you create becomes an extension of yourself. Consequently, you generally become busy extending yourself in the world and increasing your personal interaction and personal exposure through creative engagement. Your goal in this is usually to obtain recognition and self-validation. Therefore, your well-being generally depends upon the response of others to your activities and to the image that you create through your persona. This need for recognition and validation may not be expressed directly.  Often, you project yourself through your creations and you interpret the world’s reactions to your creations personally. Therefore, you are likely to be heavily engaged in the process of creation and in interaction with what you have created.


Having your Sun in the 5th House, without a sense of your own independent self-worth or even being, you are totally dependent on recognition and appreciation from others for self-esteem and validation. However, being without an essential sense of self-worth, you are never satisfied with the recognition and validation that you receive. You attach yourself to your “creations” in order to suck self-awareness and being from them. This may manifest as an obsessive concern with or possessiveness toward your children, constantly promoting that to which you lay a claim of authorship, neurotic concern over how you are being perceived and how you are presenting yourself, taking undue risks in order to gain recognition, plotting against others in a battle for recognition and authority, or being too self-absorbed in your personality and self-expressions.

L'axe de votre identité personnelle

With your Sun in the 5th House, you tend to identify with what you have created. To the extent that your persona is a creation of your psyche, you may identify with the external projection of your persona. However, you are likely to gain your sense of identity and self-worth from what you have made. If you identify your selfhood with those external objects that you have created, then you are vulnerable to your self-worth being affected by what happens to those objects and offspring and by how they are received and treated by the world. If you identify with the creative force within you that has allowed you to create and manifest yourself in the world, then you will be less dependent on externals. Aware of your creative potential, you know that you and your creations are separate and that, no matter what happens to your creatures, you still has the capacity to create. It is this creative capacity, then, that defines for you who you are.

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