Sagittarius Sun with Libra Moon: The Scholar

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Libra Personality Traits:

Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon
Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon

In the Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon combination, broad-minded, philosophical Sagittarius is joined with socially oriented, sensitive, and imaginative Libra. Most people know you as a jovial, optimistic, charming, and naïve idealist. But there is also a very serious side to your nature; that of the scholar-philosopher who possesses amazing subtly and insight.

Having a Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon, you’ve got a strong independent streak and an unending faith in yourself and your future. Like all confident people, you have far reaching goals. Your magnetic charm and high spirits work to your advantage, as does your ability to learn quickly. No doubt you will achieve recognition early in life, having pursued your own unique path to success.

Con un Sol Sagitario y una Luna Libra, tu imaginación es vívida, a veces demasiado vívida, y puedes dejarte llevar por tus sueños descabellados. Afortunadamente, por muy lejos que vayas, la suerte siempre te acompaña; al final todo parece salir bien.

As an individual with a Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon, you probably have a great thirst for knowledge—particularly abstract knowledge. Preferring to deal with larger concepts, you are confused by details; you are far more intrigued by the wonders of the universe than by the prospect of balancing a checkbook.

Having a Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon, you have a dynamic personality. No matter how profound and serious you may be, there is always something of the child in you. You’re fun-loving and adventurous, and people find it hard to resist your wit and fresh appeal. You enjoy an active social life and you’re likely to gain much respect and influence. But, like all those with the Moon in Libra, you’ve got a lazy streak, and your dreams may simply remain dreams unless you develop the determination to follow through. Also, you are somewhat captivated by glamour, and flattery and fame may blind your otherwise sound judgment.

With a Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon, social insight is your specialty. You have an instinctive understanding of others and you are a natural diplomat. All fields involving human relations and social activism are ideal for the Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon individual: counseling, law, politics, psychology, social theory, and teaching, to name a few. Professionally, you are dedicated, honest, and straightforward. You know how to adapt and adjust to life’s demands, but you never compromise your beliefs.

Para el individuo Sagitario Sol Libra Luna, no tiene problemas para atraer a los miembros del sexo opuesto. Romántico e idealista, pasa mucho tiempo buscando la pareja perfecta. Pero la inquietud y el ansia de variedad en su vida amorosa a menudo socavan su búsqueda. Incluso cuando cree que ha encontrado al amante ideal, el prurito acaba ganando a la fidelidad.

Keywords for a Sagittarius Sun Libra Moon:

Optimistic; warm-hearted; philosophical mind; social conscience; generous spirit; romantic; prophetic; chivalrous; graciously gregarious; an interested observer of humankind; frequenter of coffee shops and theatres; ardent communicator; fun-loving companion.

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