Pisces Sun with Pisces Moon and Cancer Rising

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Pisces and Cancer Rising Personality Traits:

Pisces Sun Pisces Moon Cancer Rising
Pisces Sun Pisces Moon Cancer Rising

Having a Pisces Sun Pisces Moon, are you going this way or that? Or rather, are you really going su way, or that of someone else who happened to be passing by, and was rather interesting, nice, mysterious, etc.? Do you silently commune with your inner muse, or drown your sorrows in self-absorbed introspection?

With a Pisces Sun Pisces Moon, you are the most impressionable, receptive, and romantic of all Sun – Moon combinations, and as a result, you are very hard to pin down. You are also rather introverted and preoccupied with your inner world, which is very real to you although it does not always bear much resemblance to actuality. You are, in fact, quite a shy person, although you yearn to be truly understood, and normally respond warmly in happy social situations. Emotional sensitivity, compassion, and the gift of piercing insight are among your greatest strengths, but you need to be careful as they can just as easily work against you.

Basically, your feelings have a sort of universal quality about them which can at- tract all and sundry to your open door. You can literally feel as much personal pain about the plight of famine-beleaguered farmers in China as you do about the stray cat or snoring wino in the street. Befriending and helping those in need is instinctive in you, and you can be enthusiastically, and selflessly devoted to other people’s projects, needs, and concerns. You may express your altruism by working in the healing or caring professions, or on a more casual basis with your friends, family, and community.

In the right mood, you can create an atmosphere of warmth and conviviality, putting the stamp of unfussy enjoyment on everything you do. But you can be gullible and easily deceived too as if there is something in you that is asking to be enchanted and whisked off into a romantic realm where princesses live in beautiful castles happily ever after. You sense somewhere within you the boundlessness and unity of all life, and, like a fish in the deep blue sea, you naturally want to swim around in it. You need to dream, to commune, to move, to go with the flow of your feelings.

Your shyness often makes you withdraw a bit from life in order to avoid demands from the outside world that you ‘explain yourself’ – something anathema to your very being. For who are you? You are many things and many people, but you are not easily defined. You do not relish a high profile or heavy burdens, but if you do carry public responsibilities you will serve with heart, mind and soul.

Some Pisces Sun Pisces Moon individuals deal with their vulnerability by cutting themselves off completely from their feelings. If this applies to you, you will know how easy it is for you to disguise your fears with a joke or a penetrating insight. But some types go even further than that and become ‘cold fish’, actually polarizing into precise, analytical reason as a defense tactic.

With a Pisces Sun Pisces Moon, you may be one of those unclassifiable characters whose distinction shines through a whole personality rather than being reflected in a list of worldly attainments. Your essence could be happy as a poet, actor, novelist, soldier, postman, baker, ironmonger, bookseller, socialist, saint or sinner (to name but a few). You may find that something magical happens inside when you are on stage, as you love the experience of communicating your feelings to others.

Keywords For A Pisces Sun Pisces Moon:

Easy-going; emotionally receptive; unworldly; loving; shy; impressionable; perceptive; intuitive; idealistic; love of fantasy; generous; self-sacrificing; compassionate; romantic.

Aumento del cáncer

Si tienes ascendente Cáncer, eres muy sensible a las señales emocionales de otras personas. Tiene una extraordinaria percepción de las motivaciones humanas. Hay una reserva en ti que a veces es difícil de penetrar, pero debajo hay una naturaleza cálida, afectuosa, cariñosa y generosa.

Con ascendente Cáncer, te adaptas a diferentes tipos de personas aunque no eres propenso a hacer amistades instantáneas. Tardas un tiempo en dejar que alguien se acerque de verdad a ti.

Las personas de ascendente Cáncer tienden a estar de mal humor y es posible que los demás no siempre te encuentren receptivo. A veces puedes ser malhumorado e impaciente y mostrar un carácter irascible. Eres susceptible y los demás deben tener cuidado con lo que dicen para no herir tus sentimientos. Su sensibilidad es tan elevada que a veces se ofende cuando no era su intención.

Sin embargo, con ascendente Cáncer, esta misma sensibilidad es la que te distingue de la multitud. Posees una gran imaginación y conciencia. Muchas personas de ascendente Cáncer están extraordinariamente dotadas para la escritura, la poesía y la pintura. Al estar tan sintonizado con los matices de las motivaciones de los demás, es capaz de absorber lo que los demás sienten y piensan. Recoge opiniones, pensamientos y hechos de todo lo que le rodea y, al ser muy inteligente y práctico (además de visionario), es capaz de poner toda esta información a su servicio.

Las personas de ascendente Cáncer también son astutas con el dinero, prudentes y precavidas, y tienen una astucia innata en los negocios. Sabe cómo hacer inversiones sensatas y dónde obtener el mejor valor. Aunque normalmente tiene que ascender por su propio esfuerzo (más que por el de otros), es probable que acumule éxito material con el paso de los años.

No quieres acaparar los focos, pero por otro lado deseas el reconocimiento público por tu talento. Con el ascendente Cáncer, los elogios y los aplausos pueden ser difíciles de conseguir, por lo que tiendes a compadecerte de ti mismo. Te quejas de que el mundo no te aprecia, pero tu queja suele ser un esfuerzo por conseguir que te aseguren lo contrario.

Como Cáncer ascendente, tienes obstáculos en tu camino, especialmente cuando eres joven. Sin embargo, a medida que superas las dificultades y tienes éxito (Cáncer tiene una gran tenacidad), te vuelves más fuerte y seguro de ti mismo.

Si eres de ascendente Cáncer, es probable que tengas un rostro redondo y expresivo, ojos pálidos y luminosos, brazos y piernas delgados y un andar ondulante. Su cuerpo puede ser grueso en la parte media y es propenso a engordar a medida que envejece.

La Luna, que rige Cáncer, es muy prominente en su carta natal. La influencia de la Luna confiere bondad, imaginación, simpatía, emoción profunda, capacidad de querer y proteger, memoria retentiva. También favorece la pereza, la inconstancia, la inquietud, la pasividad y el desorden.

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