Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius is born between November 22 and December 21; they are represented by the Archer in the zodiac calendar and are often known for their honesty and straight forward attitude to love and life. A Hombre Sagitario is the center of attraction at any party. He may make an effort to get in the limelight but without intending to do so. People will be happy to be around him and will find him to be charming, intelligent and articulate. He will have the power to turn the tables on his side, with his extensive vocabulary and his wit. Another typical feature of this sign is his intellect. Rarely will you find a Sagittarius male who will not be able to resolve your queries. Whether it is academic knowledge or today’s news and gossip, you will always find a well versed Sagittarius in your group of friends.

One distinguishing trait that is identifiable with a Sagitario male is his truthfulness and his fondness for telling it like it is. He does not lie to anyone, not in front of them, not behind their back nor to their face. A man born under this sign will let you know that you are beautiful only if in reality you are and will let you know when you are wearing too much make up, foundation etc. today. If you are the type of woman who loves undeserved flattery, do not go near a Sagittarius man.

You will be surprised to see that a man who can be well read, smartly dressed and the life of any party become almost invisible to everyone around when he is depressed. Try and get through to a depressed Sagittarius man and you will feel like you are pushing against a solid wall. He will not budge, not relent and will be mum about almost all the problems in his life or his love. But if you are one of the close few whom he trusts, you will be lucky to share his sorrows with him. If he depends on you and takes your help, you can be assured that for the rest of his life, he will be indebted to you.

Generally, you won’t ever find a man born with the Sagittarius sign who is uninterested in what you have to say. Even if he is being tortured inside by the words you speak he will display a calm and composed exterior that will trick you into believing that he loves what you are saying. However, there are certain times of the day that you will find the Sagittarius man to be completely uninterested in what you do or say this is the time when he is watching TV, talking to his friends about the game and enjoying his alone time. Though the Sagittarius man has his flaws, he is also a great partner to be with. Unless you don’t experiment a little, you won’t ever know what you will miss.

The first thing that you might notice in a Sagittarius man is his brains. Known for their intellect, knowledge, and smarts, he might just be your Mr. Fix-it or Mr. Know-it-all in a good kind of way. Be it academics or other matters, this man is bound to be well-versed in quite a handful of topics if you chance upon him in your circle. For Sagittarian men, honesty is the best policy. Seldom do they shy away from the truth and won’t hesitate to call a spade a spade. It is not in his character to lie to your face or behind your back. So if he tells you that you’re beautiful, you can be certain that he says it to himself as well and that he believes so in his heart. Likewise, he will also probably let you know if you have too much foundation on your face. This is one man you can count on for an honest take on things.

This charming lover can be a poor choice as a husband. The symbol of his sign is the Archer, and he is always on the hunt. He likes nothing better than the chase. As the song has it, “When he’s not near the girl he loves, he loves the girl he’s near.” He’s perfectly sincere when he tells you he loves you. And he will be perfectly sincere when he tells someone else the same thing the next night. Whatever he believes at the moment is true.

The Sagittarius male has a deserved reputation as the Don Juan of the zodiac. This is not because he has an insatiable sexual desire, but because love to him is an elusive adventure, an unexplored path. He is the archetypal footloose and fancy-free lover searching for his feminine ideal. Along the way he manages to garner more than his share of female admirers who can’t help responding to his open, honest, cheerful, intelligent lovemaking. Sagittarius has a captivating sense of humor, and the woman he squires can count on good times.

He’s much more likely to ask you to an informal lunch at an outdoor cafe than to a grand dress-up dinner. This isn’t because he is reluctant to spend money but simply because he prefers the easy going approach in all things. He hates whatever is artificial, pompous, or pretentious. If practice made perfect, he’d be the world’s best lover. However, he doesn’t consider love to be an experience anything like the novelists tell it. He is passionate but not intense: His great quality is enthusiasm, a sense of sheer enjoyment. What bothers him is that everyone else seems to take love so seriously. Why can’t everyone be like him, relaxed, buoyant and undemanding?

Very often he isn’t interested in marriage or a long-term relación. He wants to tarry for the fun and laughter, and move on. Happiness for this man is not a fixed goal; it’s a way of traveling. If you put enough happy days together, you end up with a happy life! If he’s decided that you’re his kind of woman, don’t be coy. He doesn’t regard a romantic fling as all that important, and he won’t understand if you do. If casual amour isn’t your style, then maybe Sagittarius isn’t for you.