Taurus Sun in the 7th House

Sun in Taurus in the Seventh House

Sun in Taurus in 7th House
Sun in Taurus in 7th House

Having your Sun in Taurus, you are the person others count on in the clutch, the one who perseveres when less determined spirits fall by the wayside. Because perseverance is the quality most needed for success, you tend to be successful. You are not the pioneer who first strikes out for new territory, but the determined settler who follows and builds houses and towns and cultivates the soil. If you were born with your Sun in Taurus, there is a pronounced stubborn streak in you. Your greatest strength resides in your tenacity and steady, relentless drive. You are a purposeful achiever who has endless patience to see a thing through, to make it a success. You are the original immovable object and irresistible force.

Taurus is a fixed sign, which means its natives are not fond of change. With your Sun in Taurus, you simply cannot be rushed into anything new. A different approach creates unease and anxiety in you. You are most comfortable and secure with the familiar, and your attitude might be summed up as “If everything is working fine the way it is, why try something new?”

Others are fascinated by your rare blending of a down-to-earth person who is such a romantic, poetic sort. Having your Sun in Taurus, the stability of an earth sign combines with the esthetic influence of Venus to create a responsible, steadfast personality with a deep appreciation for the finer aspects of life.

With your Sun in Taurus, you are also driven by the search for security. You look for permanence in your career, love, marriage, and home. Let others gadabout, jet-set, gallivant, and sleep around. You are happiest at home, surrounded by the beautiful, expensive things you have collected, secure in the warmth of a mate’s devotion, steadfast and faithful to those whom you love. Beneath the surface, you are sensuous and sentimental. You don’t give lavish gifts as tokens of affection because you are not a carefree spender – value is what you expect for your hard-earned dollar. Although you are willing to follow where your heart leads, you find it difficult to display your feelings openly. Your personality is private and self-contained.

With a Sun in Taurus, living with you isn’t always easy. You can be dogmatic, secretive, stingy, opinionated, and suspicious, and your silent manner may conceal feelings of envy and rivalry. It’s hard to get you moving, for you tend to be self-indulgent, even lazy.

As an individual with your Sun in Taurus, you have great stores of energy, however, which you put to use when you want to – not when others want you to. Venus emphasizes the social side of Taurus. Although basically shy and reserved with strangers, you can be a wonderful host or hostess. You like to entertain those you are fond of. You may not indulge as freely in frivolous pleasures as, say, Leo or Libra natives, but you are renowned for enjoying good food and good wine in plush surroundings. You believe in pampering yourself with the comforts of the good life.

With your Sun in Taurus, you are an endearing combination of the dependable and sensible, the sensitive and emotional. Inside every practical Taurus, there is a romantic dreamer struggling to get out.

The Inner You with your Sun in Taurus

Having your Sun in Taurus, you need order in your life – you get anxious when things are out of control. And because the unfamiliar makes you feel insecure, you tend to cut yourself off from fresh experiences. You need to be more open to change.

Having beautiful things is important to you, and your instinct for collecting even spills over into relationships. You hold fast to those you care about. You have a few close friends rather than many casual acquaintances. In love, you’re happiest when involved in a caring, committed relación.

La posición del signo solar indica cómo buscamos expresarnos, desarrollarnos, realizarnos y afirmar nuestra voluntad y poder para dar forma a nuestro entorno. La posición de la casa indica el área de la vida en la que decidimos concentrar la energía de nuestro signo solar y cumplir el propósito que representa.

Sun in the 7th House

A Sun in the 7th House position suggests duality and opposition, since the Sun (self) is primarily concerned with the other in this house placement. This is not a strong placement for expressing your personality individually, however, your personality can shine when engaging in one-on-one relaciones. Potentially, having your Sun in the 7th House, you can feel conflicted about yourself or you may take your self-worth and self-identity too much from other people. The issue you have to face, therefore, is to develop a strong sense of being, independent from others.

As an individual with your Sun in the 7th House, in order to be real in a meaningful relationship, you must be present to yourself. If you develop this strong sense of self, then you can more fully develop that self by engaging in relationships. Whether from a position of strength or a position of dependency, you are likely to spend much energy and attention on relationships with others. Prime relationships (marriage or business partnerships) will be very important in your life but you will tend to see all spheres of life as opportunities to meet and get to know other people.

Having your Sun in the 7th House, you will tend to be concerned with issues involving balance, fairness, and harmony – all important in the conduct of healthy relationships. You may be especially concerned with keeping the proper balance between the needs of yourself and the demands of others. The existence and the quality of your relationships are generally quite important to you. They often become a vehicle through which you can feel alive in your own being.


With your Sun in the 7th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will likely feel that you have no identity outside of a relationship. You, therefore, place undo importance on this area of your life. You are prone to developing low self-esteem and to seeing your identity merely as a reflection of your partner. Taking your identity from your relationships, you have a tendency to form dependencies on others. This further debilitates your self-esteem, especially if the relationship is not a positive one.

Enfoque de su identidad propia

Having your Sun in the 7th House, you tend to identify yourself in terms of the interpersonal relationships in which you are involved. Your constant involvement with other people generally marks you as a “people person.” It may be difficult for you to see yourself apart from your relationships with others. Without people to relate to, you may feel cast adrift, without a reference point or even worthless. The great danger with having your Sun in the 7th House, is that, rather than identifying yourself as a person who has relationships, you identify yourself merely as the partner in a relationship, becoming an appendage or reflection of your partner.  You may have to strive to create and maintain your own separate identity.  Nevertheless, being in a relationship is generally important in order for you to be able to define yourself and in order for you to feel yourself as who you are. You are likely to feel most like yourself when engaged in interpersonal, one-on-one relationships. Thus, you put much energy into the development of relationships.

Descubre más sobre tu personalidad, motivaciones y deseos con una Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica.

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