Mars in Scorpio in the 10th House

Mars in Scorpio in the Tenth House

Mars in Scorpio in 10th House
Mars in Scorpio in 10th House

La posición de Marte en Escorpio indica que es probable que tus deseos surjan de una necesidad de poder o intimidad y que tus acciones se vean influidas por tus intensos impulsos emocionales. Esto se manifiesta a menudo en la intensidad de sus acciones, que es el resultado de una energía emocional concentrada. Por lo tanto, es posible que los demás te vean como una persona poderosa o agresiva. Gran parte del comportamiento y muchas de las características de personalidad asociadas con Marte en Escorpio son el resultado de su profunda necesidad de seguridad emocional que se produce a través de la intimidad o la sensación de que usted tiene el control de sus acciones y deseos.

Aunque antiguamente se consideraba que Escorpio estaba regido por Marte, la colocación de Marte en Escorpio tiene sus ambigüedades. Esto está simbolizado por el quincuncio natural entre Escorpio y Aries, regido por Marte. Escorpio es el signo fijo de agua. Las funciones activas asociadas a Marte aprovechan simbólicamente la fuente de poder inherente a las profundidades acuáticas de Escorpio. Marte-Escorpio relación puede compararse a la del fuego y el agua en una caldera. Lo que se produce es vapor a alta presión y energía. Cuando esta energía tiene una salida controlada y constructiva, es una poderosa fuente de trabajo. Si la energía se bloquea, se reprime y se embotella sin salida, se vuelve destructivamente explosiva. La asociación de Escorpio con la sexualidad a través de la intensa dualidad inherente a Plutón, su planeta regente, tiende a realzar la dimensión sexual asociada a Marte.

Marte también simboliza el animus en la psique. Por lo tanto, si usted es un hombre con Marte en Escorpio, es probable que modele su masculinidad para incorporar características típicamente asociadas con Escorpio. Como se mencionó anteriormente, esto a menudo se asocia con una identificación de la masculinidad con la sexualidad y, a menudo, el hombre con Marte en Escorpio debe luchar para superar esta tendencia o para superar o controlar los impulsos sexuales intensos. Si eres mujer, es probable que te sientas atraída por alguien que proyecta o encarna rasgos asociados a Escorpio. Esto se manifiesta a menudo como una atracción hacia hombres poderosos, magnéticos o sexualmente vibrantes.


Teniendo a Marte en Escorpio, como eres interiormente inseguro, siempre estás buscando poder para validar tu identidad y alcanzar un sentimiento de seguridad. Si alcanzas el poder, confundes el poder que sientes como algo personal y tuyo, en lugar de reconocer la verdad de que todo el poder proviene de la Fuente Única y sólo se nos presta para que lo utilicemos. Como tienes la necesidad de demostrarte a ti mismo tu superioridad, utilizas este poder para dominar a los demás. El puro deseo de poder es un síntoma de tu sentimiento interno de impotencia. Con Marte en Escorpio, es posible que también temas ser controlado y, por tanto, en defensa, busques actuar para controlar a los demás. Por otro lado, si es extremadamente inseguro, puede retraerse a la hora de ejercer el poder, bien por miedo a las consecuencias si hace un mal uso de él, bien por miedo a que su uso del poder pueda incitar a alguien con más poder a ejercerlo contra usted.

Mars in the 10th House:

Mars in the 10th House is a strong placement for Mars. The active energy that it symbolizes is given focus and purpose through your pursuit of defined goals. The active energy finds expression and fulfillment in accomplishment. Having Mars in the 10th House, desire for successful outcomes is generally able to motivate you to take those steps that are necessary in order for those outcomes to be achieved. For the most part, the actions taken by you tend to be practical and directed toward some aim.

As an individual with Mars in the 10th House, it is often the case that your activities are focused through your career. The idea of career provides you with a framework for obtaining and structuring goals and for measuring success and accomplishment. You can see the tangible results of your actions. Your desires can be focused and harnessed toward the pursuit of career-related goals.

Having Mars in the 10th House, your focus on success as an outcome of action is likely to improve your chances of success. Your actions are likely to be more forceful and better planned to achieve your goals. This focus on success can also increase your stress level, however. You may feel that every action taken must be successful. Psychologically and emotionally, it may be difficult for you to allow yourself to fail. With Mars in the 10th House, Your drive may be seen by others as aggressiveness and competency. You may be seen as an individual of practical action and someone who is results-oriented. You are likely to want to see the results of your actions manifested in some concrete form. You may enjoy building things, either literally or figuratively.

With Mars in the 10th House, your tendency to work towards a goal often equates to a desire and ability to plan and then to execute by following the plan step-by-step. You may, therefore, appear somewhat cautious and conservative in your approach, wishing to be assured of success before taking action. However, you may are also be capable of impulsive action if you see an opportunity to reach a goal or achieve a successful outcome.


Having Mars in the 10th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will undoubtedly feel that you lack the competency to act successfully. However, you feel that you must do so; it is expected of you. You may totally stress out, constantly fearful of failure and gaining no enjoyment through your endeavors. You may look successful to others, but behind your drive is fear and a feeling of inadequacy. You may push yourself and push others to succeed, but this is only so that you will not have to face your own inner failures; it is only to convince yourself of your success.

Alternatively, with Mars in the 10th House, you may be unwilling to make those sacrifices that are necessary in order to obtain status and outward success. You may view the challenge as so daunting, particularly if you have been given a strong super-ego expectation to act and succeed, that you give up and do nothing. Or, you may continually sabotage your own efforts so that failure results.

With Mars in the 10th House, you may reject the goals of the super-ego, but not out of any insight or higher motivation. You may simply wish to pursue your own desires and, so, you define your success in terms of satiating your desires. This should not be confused with finding your own direction and pursuing it, which is a mark of true success.

Enfoque de los deseos

Having Mars in the 10th House, the thing that you desire the most is success and recognition of your success. The prospect of successfully achieving your goal and of being rewarded for this is usually what will motivate you. Resulting from this fundamental desire may be a desire for competency, a desire to undertake projects and a desire to see results. With Mars in the 10th House, you may also have very practical desires – desires that can actually be achieved. You will often frame your desires in concrete terms, sometimes establishing benchmarks or timetables for their achievement. Your desire can also be directed toward your career and achieving a successful career outcome.

Descubre más sobre tu personalidad, motivaciones y deseos con una Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica.

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