Libra Sun in the 6th House

Sun in Libra in the Sixth House

Sun in Libra in 6th House
Sun in Libra in 6th House

With your Sun in Libra, you are easy to like, for you have a captivating charm, possess elegant taste, and are usually beautiful to look at. In addition, you have the gift of making others feel important, for you are a superb listener and instinctively know how to draw out another person. You’re a born charmer. Your home will always have a touch of elegance, and you love to entertain in style.

Libra is the zodiacal sign of Partnerships—in psychological terms the sign is outer-directed. With your Sun in Libra, your energies are focused on melding and combining with other people; you are at your best in personal relationships. Your real energy, however, goes into people. Whether they be partners, lovers, mates, family, friends, business associates, or even guests at your party. You’re simply not a loner. Instinctively, you try to magnetize and pull others toward you. However, having your Sun in Libra, your main interest is on yourself within the relación. You deal intuitively with other people’s emotions, and no one is better at understanding and taking into consideration another person’s point of view. Yet all too soon that outside viewpoint will be lost or subsumed within your own subtly self-centered concerns.

As an individual with your Sun in Libra, you strive for balance and harmony and are happiest when your environment is ordered and serene. Peace is worth any price to you and usually you will go a long way out of your way to avoid friction and dissension. Because you see clearly every side of an argument, every possibility of a given course, you have the tact and ability to smooth over disputes. You are a born diplomat. In order to avoid an unpleasant scene, you will even stifle your own true feelings. In fact, far too often you are not sure what your true feelings are. Because you try to be all things to all people, there is a general impression that you are indecisive.

Having your Sun in Libra, although you have superb instincts, you don’t trust them enough. You are likely to be an underachiever because of your easygoing attitude. For the most part, you don’t want anything badly enough to fight for it. The exception is when you’re denied a privilege to which you feel entitled. That ruffles your fur. Libras have a reputation for stubbornness, but that’s because you are sticklers for fairness. You resent being treated unfairly and become upset at inequity in the world at large. In general, it seems your strength is only brought out by crisis. This is when you’re at your most courageous.

The Inner You with your Sun in Libra

Having your Sun in Libra, you work hard trying to please others and as a result, they find you captivating. However, beneath your friendly exterior, you desperately long for love and approval. You have trouble saying no to others’ requests and you take on too many jobs or commitments—and then to prove how nice you are, you keep smiling through the strain while you hide a lot of resentment. It might be more useful to spend time building up your self-esteem rather than looking to others to give it to you. Basically, you give away your power. You hate anything unpleasant and avoid conflict, vulgarity, or strife. If life were a play, you’d always insist on a happy ending. The problem with trying to have constant peace and harmony is that you have trouble making decisions. At times you fear that any move you make will bring something terrible crashing down around you. If you could just lighten up and not be so hard on yourself, you’d be much more satisfied with what you do achieve. You have every ingredient for happiness!

La posición del signo solar indica cómo buscamos expresarnos, desarrollarnos, realizarnos y afirmar nuestra voluntad y poder para dar forma a nuestro entorno. La posición de la casa indica el área de la vida en la que decidimos concentrar la energía de nuestro signo solar y cumplir el propósito que representa.

Sun in the 6th House

Having your Sun in the 6th House generally indicates an introverted personality. The Sun, as it were, can be inhibited from shining forth both because you tend to be self-absorbed (in your own refinement and perfection) and because your relaciones toward others tend to be supportive in nature. For the Sun’s energy to flow, you must find the proper channels – organizing your energies, recognizing your duty in the world and, and often, expressing yourself analytically.

As an individual with your Sun in the 6th House, you may have to come to terms with your role in life. If you try to strain against your role in life and become what you are not, your chances of meeting with success will be diminished. You may find, however, that you naturally align yourself with your reality. You may take satisfaction in work, in supporting others, or in bringing others towards a state of health.

With your Sun in the 6th House, you are also likely to be concerned, in one way or another, with your own state of health and wholeness. Your focus on self-refinement and self-improvement can be accompanied by a tendency toward self-analysis. This can manifest as self-awareness, self-criticism or worry. You may desire to attain perfection, but you are more likely to see your imperfections. This real or imagined self-knowledge may contribute to your reluctance to take on leadership roles or to become too independent.


Having your Sun in the 6th House, when you are inwardly insecure, you feel inadequate to the task of self-perfection and, inwardly, you reject this quest. You develop a profound sense of inadequacy and worthlessness, compounded by being fated to occupy subservient positions within society. Your reactions may include slavishness and sycophancy, criticism and back-biting of others (especially those thought to be in a weaker position), or an over-compensating sense of self-importance and need to show superiority. You may also sacrifice yourself to your work in order to try to prove your worth to yourself and to others. Thus, you are vulnerable to excessive worry and to ruining your health from stress and overwork.

Enfoque de su identidad propia

With your Sun in the 6th House, you tend to identify with work, duty and being supportive to others. You have a tendency to see yourself as someone who operates “behind the scenes” or as someone who is placed in a lower-order role. You may also gain a sense of identity from providing service to others. Your self-worth becomes linked to your ability to be of service. The danger here is that, in order to feel validated, you may trap yourself and others into a relationship of dependency. You may also take your identity from your involvement in various types of self-improvement. This may range from such things as body-building to a commitment to inner work on self-refinement and purification. Having your Sun in the 6th House, you generally feel empowerment, vibrancy, vitality and self-assurance from the pursuit of typical 6th House activities – work, service, attendance to duty, self-improvement and health matters. When you engage in these activities, it may be easier for you to express your personality and you may also feel more whole and self-fulfilled.

Descubre más sobre tu personalidad, motivaciones y deseos con una Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica.

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