Venus en Acuario en la Casa 7

Venus in Aquarius in the Seventh House

Venus in Aquarius in 7th House
Venus in Aquarius in 7th House

The placement of Venus in Aquarius indicates that you have a need for uniqueness and originality in your relationships and your value system. These are abstract concepts and pursuing these needs often leaves little room or inclination for emotion or the mundanely personal. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Aquarius are a result of your need to feel that you are a unique individual even when involved in a relación. Having Venus in Aquarius, behavior and personality are also the result of your need to adopt a set of values that are independent, not conditioned by society’s expectations and reflective of your unique viewpoint.

The Venus in Aquarius placement is complex and contains inherent tensions.  This is symbolized by the natural square between Aquarius and Venus-ruled Taurus in combination with the natural trine between Aquarius and Libra, which is also ruled by Venus. Aquarius is the Fixed Air sign. While Aquarius’ airiness promotes social interaction, it is generally not at the personal level at which Venus operates.  Thus, with Venus in Aquarius, you need and want social interaction, but you may not have the full set of social skills to successfully engage in interpersonal relaciones. Also, the fixed nature of the Aquarian character tends to inhibit the fluidity that is naturally inherent in the Venusian energy. This stiffness and rigidity also tends to impact your relationships and your values and perceptions.

Venus also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Aquarius, you are likely to model your femininity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Aquarius. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Aquarius-associated traits.


As an individual with Venus in Aquarius, in your insecurity, you are steadfastly committed to preserving your “independence” and individual “uniqueness” within your relationship(s) and as part of your value system.

Having Venus in Aquarius, you cannot understand the uniqueness of another, nor the needs of others for relationship “below” your level of self-abstraction. Your lack of understanding and appreciation for the personal causes you to become defensive in your relationship(s). This often manifests as an aloof or authoritarian attitude or a testy and suspicious nature. Also, in your conflict between the abstract and the personal, you sometimes develop a defense mechanism in which you are guarding the “higher good” against messy and imperfect “selfish” considerations of others.

Venus en la Casa 7:

Venus rules the 7th House and this placement gives it a favored position. Particularly the relationship function of Venus achieves an easy expression here. With Venus in the 7th House, you are likely to possess highly developed relationship skills. At the least, your relations with others will be of utmost importance to you. You not only place a high value on interpersonal relationships, but your entire value system tends to be people-oriented. Having Venus in the 7th House, you tend to evaluate whether a thing is pleasing or displeasing according to its effect on the quality of your relationships. This may cause you, at times, to lay too much emphasis on the opinions of others, deferring to their preferences for the sake of interpersonal harmony.


Como individuo con Venus en la Casa 7, si su sentido del yo es inseguro, atravesará las relaciones en modo dependiente. Se sentirá tan atraído por las relaciones interpersonales que no podrá imaginar una existencia o una personalidad separada de la relación. Casi dejará de existir como entidad. Con Venus en la Casa 7, las relaciones se convierten en una muleta para su propia inseguridad. Su pareja se convierte en un sustituto de su propia autenticidad. Vives totalmente dentro de la relación y, si ésta se ve amenazada, te sientes amenazado por el desastre, porque sin tu pareja, no queda nada de ti.

 Enfoque de la evaluación

Teniendo a Venus en la Casa 7, su facultad evaluativa se centra en el área de las relaciones interpersonales. El modo en que las cosas y los acontecimientos afectan a las relaciones en las que usted está involucrado se convierte en el factor crítico de evaluación para usted. También tiende a evaluar cómo le afectarán las acciones de los demás. También tiene tendencia a ser más activo a la hora de emitir juicios sobre las personas y las relaciones que sobre otras cosas. Con Venus en la Casa 7, usted puede ser considerado un astuto juez de las personas o puede volverse excesivamente crítico y sentencioso con los demás.

Descubre más sobre tu personalidad, motivaciones y deseos con una Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica.

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