Mercury in Aquarius in the Eighth House
The placement of Mercury in Aquarius indicates you have a need to function mentally with originality and freedom. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mercury in Aquarius are a result of this need to display mental force and to distinguish yourself as an individual through your ideas. Mercury is generally well placed in Aquarius. This is symbolized by the natural trine between Aquarius and Mercury-ruled Gemini. Aquarius’ fixed air quality symbolically strengthens the mental energies inherent in Mercury, giving them force and confidence.
Although there is inherent compatibility between Mercury’s airy nature and the air sign, Aquarius, the functions symbolized by Mercury tend to work at a more ordinary and mundane level than is commonly associated with Aquarius. Rather than being a source of tension, however, the Aquarian energy tends to elevate and broaden the capacities of the Mercury-associated functions. However, if your mental energies or capacity have difficulty rising to this heightened level, those functions are likely to express themselves through the more negative qualities associated with Aquarius.
Having Mercury in Aquarius, if you are insecure, you are likely to become intellectually arrogant. Although you may be correct that few share your capacity for original thought, you generally overestimate your own “brilliance” and originality. You may even think that you are a genius. Your arrogance only causes you to mistrust others and creates cynicism toward a world dominated by “lesser minds.” Your mistrust and cynicism are actually a reflection of your own hidden insecurity about your mental abilities and also reflects your lack of ability to communicate your message so that others can understand it.
Mercury in the 8th House:
Mercury in the 8th House is a somewhat challenging placement for the planet because of the 8th House’s association with privacy. Even though public communication may be difficult for you, Mercury in the 8th House suggests a variety of strengths. These strengths can be developed once you realize that developing your mental and communication faculties is possible once these are turned in the right direction.
As an individual with Mercury in the 8th House, while you may experience some difficulty with abstract or objective forms of mental activity, you are likely to become adept at cognitively understanding emotions and the motivations of others. Rather than perceiving by deduction, you are more likely to turn your mental attention to those matters where a more intuitive perception is valuable. Generally, with Mercury in the 8th House, you are most comfortable mentally when dealing with private or internal matters.
Having Mercury in the 8th House, although your mind’s intuitive functions may be highly developed, this may not be evident to others because you may not display your mental or communicative aptitudes. You are likely to be interested in things that are secret and enjoy thinking about intimate details. You can be highly observant of nuances and personal details that others may overlook. For this reason, you are often an excellent judge of character and able to predict how people will act and react.
With Mercury in the 8th House, if you are inwardly insecure you will be terrified of discovering real intimacy and may subconsciously adopt a variety of mechanisms to avoid any awareness of a level of intimacy in which you would lose yourself. One such strategy is to intellectualize the intimate. Sexuality, intimate emotions and relaciones, even death, are reduced to mechanical, mental formulas. Having Mercury in the 8th House, you may like to think about or talk about sexuality and other intimate matters, but you do not really participate in them – you do not really feel intimate.
For the individual with Mercury in the 8th House, another strategy is to prevent the mind from having any meaningful engagement. Your conversation is perfunctory, or you are reluctant to engage in conversation with others, preferring to be alone. Your thoughts are all on the surface. Your mental capacity may appear weak, because it is not exercised.
Having Mercury in the 8th House, a darker defensive strategy involves being mentally focused on the negative side of intimacy. You may have a mental fascination with death or with sexual perversity. You may avoid intimate contact to the extent of becoming anti-social. Your mental fascination with death and destruction, however, generally will not proceed beyond talk.
Intellect’s Focus
With Mercury in the 8th House, you are likely to focus your intellect on things that are below the surface, on intimate details. You may have the type of mind that cannot rest until you have perceived the source of things and have stripped away all superficialities, completely, to get to the essence of a thing that may lie hidden to others. Besides this tendency, your intellect may contemplate matters of sexuality or life and death. You may also have an intellectual interest in managing others or in power relationships. As an individual with Mercury in the 8th House, you may be interested in economics from the standpoint of how resources are shared. If you are a lawyer, your area of specialty is likely to be in contracts, wills, divorces and other matters involving the intermingling of resources.
Descubre más sobre tu personalidad, motivaciones y deseos con una Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica.
Artículo referenciado de:
Gargatholil, Astrología Profunda: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 2: Planets in Signs
Gargatholil, Astrología Profunda: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 3: Planets in Houses
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