Nodo Norte en Aries / Nodo Sur en Libra

The North Node in Aries in your natal chart symbolizes the urge towards finding independence and courage.

Aries Nodo Norte
Aries Nodo Norte

The North Node represents what your life purpose or soul urge is. With your North Node in Aries, you are learning to trust your instincts, learning to stand up for yourself, and learning to be your own person.

The point opposite the Aries North Node, your South Node, is in the sign of Libra. This would imply you may have tendencies to depend on others or always be searching for fulfillment through your relaciones before finding fulfillment with yourself. You may feel like life has you in situations where you are searching for recognition for the person you are, not the people, groups, or partners you are with.

The individuals with the North Node in Aries are on a journey of self-discovery. You are learning how to pioneer your ideas and impulses based on your heart’s desires. You are finding out what it means to be spontaneous and embrace change. Many situations in life will confront you with these themes. The North Node in Aries’ soul urge is recognizing you can do this on your own.

Frequently the nodes are activated when someone or something comes into our lives, whether this is a person, a new job, or a new environment. Nodes may also be activated when someone or something goes out of one’s life too. Read the descriptions below for an understanding of an Aries North Node through the natal houses.

North Node Aries in the 1st House / South Node Libra in the 7th House

With a North Node Aries in the 1st house, you will learn to take your own direction in life, letting go of the need to have others approve. Aries energy will drive you forward in being more assertive, and learning to be comfortable walking your own path. North Node Aries placement in the 1st house asks you to build your own direction in life by being decisive and not a people-pleaser. Aries in the 1st house is about getting in touch with your masculine identity. Refusing to let anyone dictate the way you live your life an Aries North Node drives you to develop independence. With the South Node in Libra, you will feel content being alone, not constantly needing to be in a relación, learning not to lean so hard on your partner. North Node Aries in the 1st house will always be about fighting for the right to lead your own life.

North Node Aries in the 2nd House / South Node Libra in the 8th House

With a North Node Aries in the 2nd house, you will learn to take the lead in meeting your own fundamental survival needs. Aries energy will ensure your personal values are confronted, & you will make sure people know what you stand for. North Node Aries in the 2nd house will make you assertive when it comes to earning your own livelihood, releasing codependent financial and emotional relationships. Aries energy is all about the self, in the 2nd house this will make you a little more selfish when dealing with your own possessions and finances, there’s nothing wrong with that at all! The North Node in Aries will ask you to be brave enough to admit that you want personal material stability, and go after it. North Node Aries in the 2nd house will also push you to give in to impulse from time to time to spend occasionally, buying things that you want. Overall this placement indicates being less reliant on other people’s support.

North Node Aries in the 3rd House / South Node Libra in the 9th House

With a North Node in Aries in the 3rd house, you will be pushed to assert your own personal ideas and make up your mind about things. Aries energy pushes you to allow yourself to study and learn whatever it is that you want to. North Node Aries in the 3rd house indicates a need to move away from being dependent on religion or dogma and having the courage to follow your own ideas. Aries in the 3rd house of communication will ask you to be brave enough to write down your thoughts, recognizing you have a personal viewpoint that is separate and independent. You will be urged to know your own mind, speak up more, speak for yourself, and be less concerned if people think you are intelligent or express yourself well. North Node Aries in the 3rd house asks you to allow yourself to be verbally and mentally aggressive.

North Node Aries in the 4th House / South Node Libra in the 10th House

With a North Node Aries in the 4th house of home, roots, family, and self-care you will be asked to have a private life in which you get to do what you want, being less concerned about your approval rating. Fourth house energy will push you to be OK will not having a real career or not being in the limelight. Aries in the 4th house will push you to become comfortable with anger or unpleasant feelings. Allow yourself to feel angry with your parents and the way they cared for you. North Node Aries in the 4th house will urge you to take the lead in caring for your own emotional well-being.

North Node Aries in the 5th House / South Node Libra in the 11th House

With a North Node Aries in the 5th house of self-expression, you are urged to follow the impulses to shine as an individual and differentiate yourself from the group. Aries in the 5th house asks you to recognize your need for creative expression. You are asked to remove yourself from a codependent friend or group relationship. Take yourself on a date & romance yourself! Or take the lead in romantic relationships. North Node Aries in the 5th house pushes you to become assertive in love.

North Node Aries in the 6th House / South Node Libra in the 12th House

A North Node Aries in the 6th house asks you to set your own schedule. Setting a schedule of objectives for yourself, and sticking to it. Learning practical and independent skills. Aries in the 6th house of routines asks you to break out of deep passivity which prevents you from being fully present in every moment. Taking the initiative to care for your health and releasing patterns of indecision. Being brave enough to release family secrets, and skeletons in the closet. Being brave enough to face the world. Being independent of institutions and handouts. Fighting for your health. Fighting against the system. North Node Aries in the 6th house ask you to realize that it’s the things you do every day that create your life.

North Node Aries in the 7th House / South Node Libra in the 1st House

With a North Node Aries in the 7th house of relationships, you are asked to be an aggressive partner, and assertive in your relationships. Getting what you want out of marriage. Realizing that it’s OK to fight and argue in a relationship. Aries in the 7th house pushes you to make sure relationships are meeting your needs, & no one is walking all over you. Remaining an individual within a relationship, but decisive about the kinds of partnerships you want to get involved in. North Node Aries in the 7th house will also ensure you are allowing yourself to have relationships that may seem rocky to other people. Have a dangerous and exciting partner if you desire. Using your natural diplomacy to solve marital problems.

North Node Aries in the 8th House / South Node Libra in the 2nd House

A North Node Aries in the 8th house asks you to allow yourself to be sexually impulsive, even competitive. Take the initiative in sex, becoming a sexual pioneer. Being fearless about investigating the taboo. Aries in the 8th house will ask you to admit that you have anger concerning other people’s priorities. Value self-transformation over-dependence on possessions, finding it easier to spontaneously let go of stuff. The North Node Aries in the 8th house will ask you to bravely confront your emotional baggage and delve into your own psychology.

North Node Aries in the 9th House / South Node Libra in the 3rd House

With a North Node in Aries in the 9th house, you are asked to take action to get beyond small thinking. Assert your need to travel. Allow yourself to assert your own philosophy of life. Aries in the 9th house asks you to fight on behalf of what you think is right. Being brave enough to think big and taking the initiative to broaden your horizons. Getting beyond the hesitation of making small decisions. Taking leaps of faith. Letting go of the need to ask a partner’s opinion before making a big decision. Getting angry about what is meaningful in your life. Not filling your days with gossip and idleness. North Node in Aries in the 9th house will push you to find out what holds personal meaning for you and act on spontaneous intuition

North Node Aries in the 10th House / South Node Libra in the 4th House

With a North Node Aries in the 10th house of structures and traditions, you are asked to admit that you don’t want to be a stay-at-home mom, dad, or partner. Striving to conquer the world outside. Entering a competitive professional field. Taking your ability to relate to people in a familiar way and using it to build a professional reputation. Aries in the 10th house pushes you to let people see your angry, assertive side. Being unafraid to fight with your parents. Feeling OK with your need for authority. Asserting yourself in gaining more control over your world. Gaining a reputation as a leader. North Node Aries in the 10th house pushes you to become decisive in your professional life. Running your own business or becoming an entrepreneur. Realizing that you can’t always please your family.

North Node Aries in the 11th House / South Node Libra in the 5th House

With a North Node in Aries in the 11th house of friendships, groups, and society you are pushed to take initiative to share your creative passions with other people. Starting a movement or group based on a mutual interest. Leading your friends. Aries in the 11th house directs you to fight on behalf of social issues or using your creativity to serve a greater cause. Letting go of the need to be the center of attention. Allowing yourself to be part of a group while retaining your individual identity. Realizing that there is more to life than love and romance. Becoming self-motivated to make a difference. Letting go of your partying ways. Leading the team. North Node Aries in the 11th house ask you to bring your innate refinement and creativity out into the world to serve a greater cause. Using your charm and affability to motivate people to create a movement. Becoming less dependent on your children.

North Node Aries in the 12th House / South Node Libra in the 6th House

With a North Node Aries in the 12th house of endings and completions, you are asked to make the decision to release yourself from the daily grind. Becoming a spiritually independent person. Taking the first steps toward spiritual work. Moving away from codependent work relationships. Deciding to put your health and well-being into the hands of a higher power. Actively pursuing your psychic gifts. Aries in the 12th house pushed you to become an active dreamer. Learning confidence on your individual spiritual path. Becoming less reliant on body therapies and more assertive in seeking spiritual therapies. Spontaneously releasing dependence on routines. North Node Aries in the 12th house ask you to be brave enough to embrace the unknown and move toward feeling comfortable being by yourself.

Descubra el verdadero camino de su vida a través de la sabiduría de su carta natal. Obtén una visión más profunda del propósito para el que naciste, ayudándote a navegar por tu viaje con claridad, confianza y sentido con una Análisis en profundidad de la Carta Natal.

Análisis de la Carta Natal