Sagitario Medio Cielo: Tu éxito y tu realización

If your Midheaven is in Sagittarius, you need a career that allows you to travel to new places, explore foreign lands, and experience other ways of life to feed your philosophical curiosity.

Sagitario Medio Cielo
Sagitario Medio Cielo

Crear el éxito

Sagittarius Midheaven individuals achieve successful outcomes when they choose personal freedom over acceptance by others. When they put ethics and morality first, their rewards are peace of mind and a trust in positive outcomes.

For Sagittarius Midheaven’s, finding solutions is invigorating for them! Their active mind can logically bounce back and forth until an epiphany occurs, and suddenly the answer they were seeking becomes apparent and clear. When the Sagittarius Midheaven aligns themselves with walking the high road, they gain an optimistic view, a trusting connection with positive spiritual forces, the courage to take chances, and the faith that Life will take care of them.

It can be scary at first since subconsciously Sagittarius Midheaven individuals equate their personal survival with being in mental accord with others. Yet when they take a stand for truth as they see it, their need for validation by others recedes as if by magic. Speaking directly from their own truth frees everyone involved to make the individual decisions that serve them best. Seeing life as an adventure empowers the Sagittarius Midheaven to take risks and leads them to an ever-increasing appreciation of its scope and possibilities. Foreign travel, whether physical or through expanding their consciousness into new realms, enhances their self-authority.

Happiness enters into every area of Sagittarius Midheaven’s life where an attitude of playful superficiality is replaced by the earnest desire for honest, direct communication. This straightforwardness yields both peace of mind, and a deeper understanding of any situation that life presents them.

Su talón de Aquiles

Sagittarius Midheaven people fear losing the security they feel when relating to and loosely identifying with a variety of people and ideas, and the safety of their role as “Mr. or Ms. Jack of All Trades.” This stance is a survival tool they developed in childhood that no longer serves them in adult life. Lack of focus can be their downfall; it invites the unhappiness of being thought “scattered” and not taken seriously by others.

For the Sagittarius Midheaven, by attempting to communicate with everyone, they diffuse their basic internal energies, allowing many often conflicting viewpoints to enter as if they were their own. This attachment to variety – and the fear of losing it – may cause them to forego the nourishment of a deeply intimate relación, fearing the loss of variety it would require. The superficial attitude of the Sagittarius Midheaven may repel others from wanting to draw close. Thus the consequence of holding on to their role as the “perpetual, curious child” is the personal unhappiness of not penetrating beyond the surface of any area of life.


For the Sagittarius Midheaven, happiness enters into those areas of life where flirtatious superficiality is replaced by the earnest desire to gain a larger perspective. Wherever and whenever they maintain this focus, their intuition is activated. Relying on philosophical or religious overviews for solutions gives Sagittarius Midheaven people access to the strength and stability of the collected mental-emotional energies within these systems.

Discrimination is key for the Sagittarius Midheaven; by lifting their attention from life’s endless trivialities to seek broad philosophical solutions, they experience the joy and authentic security born of firm mental purpose. And by traveling the high road of ethics, morality, and truth, they both respect themselves and gain the respect of others.

Su "base

Sagittarius Midheaven’s early environmental conditioning was in many ways filled with trickery and the mental manipulations of people around them. They had to develop high intelligence at a young age in order to cope with the intrigue that surrounded them. Thus in the adult life of the Sagittarius Midheaven, there is a tendency to be attracted to manipulative people as they remind them of “home.”

For the Sagittarius Midheaven, their survival tools included a fast-thinking mind and an ability to see things from other people’s points of view. In their early life, these skills ensured their safety by helping them outsmart the rampant games in their environment. In adult life, however, this can lead to being so hyper-aware of others that they lose track of their own truth.

Buenas opciones profesionales

Sagittarius Midheaven people are happiest in professions that involve a lot of personal freedom. This could be a field involving foreign travel, import/export business, or adventure tours. They have an innate desire to inspire others to reach beyond their limitations and discover something new. Depending upon their interests, they could also be a great religious leader or an inspirational speaker.

For the Sagittarius Midheaven to be happy in their career, they need to feel that there’s a component of inspiration in it… an acknowledgment of the higher principles of ethics, law, and a trust in a beneficent cosmic order. Sagittarius Midheaven’s natural optimism and belief in positive outcomes are the assets they bring to the table. Their job choice also must provide plenty of room for them to express their spontaneity and follow their sense of adventure. They are happiest in professions that emphasize expansion, rather than staying within logical limits.

Self-contentment is assured for the Sagittarius Midheaven through allowing the world to see them as serious thinkers and seekers of philosophical truth; holding noble and inspiring aims; concerned with integrity, morality, and ethics; and ready to teach and inspire others through sharing their larger perspective of life.

Descubra el verdadero camino de su vida a través de la sabiduría de su carta natal. Obtén una visión más profunda del propósito para el que naciste, ayudándote a navegar por tu viaje con claridad, confianza y sentido con una Análisis en profundidad de la Carta Natal.

Análisis de la Carta Natal