Aceites esenciales para la fatiga

Find Relief with these Essential Oils: EUCALYPTUS, BASIL, ROSE GERANIUM, CINNAMON, SWEET ORANGE, FRANKINCENSE, CLARY SAGE Tired, sore, fatigued? EUCALYPTUS is great to help revive you.  Inhale or diffuse – plus if you have muscular tiredness, you can put a few drops in your favorite oil or cream and massage to set yourself right. CLARY […]

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Aceites esenciales para la depresión

Encuentre alivio con estos aceites esenciales: CLAVO, BERGAMOTA, ROMERO, CAMA DE MAYO, GERANIO ROSA, CAL, GRANO PETITO, ALBAHACA, NARANJA DULCE ¿Se siente decaído, con frío, deprimido? La calidez del CLAVO junto con sus cualidades iluminadoras son excelentes. Difúndalo o inhálelo; úselo en sus joyas. Antidepresivo La BERGAMOTA es un antidepresivo y ayuda a salir del abatimiento o de la depresión.

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Aceites esenciales para el estrés y la ansiedad

Find Relief with these Essential Oils: CLARY SAGE, ROSEMARY, LAVENDER, NEROLI, ORANGE, PETITGRAIN, LEMONGRASS Stressed? If you feel highly stressed and cortisol levels are up, diffuse ROSEMARY or inhale it.  Or add 7 drops to your favorite cream and massage on.  You might put 2 drops on your aromatherapy bracelet or necklace and pull it

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Aceites esenciales populares entre los signos del zodiaco

Aceites esenciales populares entre los signos del zodíacoCada uno de los siguientes aceites es exclusivo de un signo del zodíaco en particular y ayuda a compensar los posibles extremos de cada signo con el fin de equilibrar a cada miembro del zodíaco y ayudarle a comenzar su viaje hacia una mayor claridad y crecimiento.Aries (21 de marzo - 20 de abril) - MentaLos nacidos bajo

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Cristales para la autoestima y la autovaloración

Many things can happen throughout our lives that affect our self-worth. We may internalize messages we hear in our childhood and carry them with us throughout our lives, we may behave in ways that aren’t consistent with our integrity, or we may have failed relationships that make us feel unworthy of love. Self-esteem is a

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Cristales para las relaciones

Tener relaciones sanas implica una serie de factores, como la autoestima, el amor y la comunicación, que son cualidades de los tres chakras medios: el plexo solar, el corazón y la garganta. El uso de cristales que se concentran en estos chakras puede ayudar a fortalecer tus relaciones.Tengo relaciones sanas, productivas y felices.MeditaciónRealiza esta meditación con la persona con la que

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Crystals for Prosperity

Being truly prosperous in life is about more than having plenty of money. True prosperity dwells in body, mind, and spirit, bringing you health, happiness, good relationships, fulfilling work, plenty of love, and financial well-being. Many people struggle with prosperity because they believe they don’t deserve it, or that in being prosperous, they will be

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Crystals for Obsession & Compulsion

Obsessions and compulsions are two sides of the same coin. Obsessive thoughts often arise from anxiety, while compulsion is a repetitive behavior that helps relieve some of that anxiety. These remedies can help you relieve the anxiety without resorting to compulsions, and they can be used as a complement to professional behavioral therapy.I embrace the

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Crystals for Mood Swings

It’s not always easy to stay on an emotionally even keel, nor is it always necessary. Throughout your life, you’ll experience an incredible range of emotions, which is part of the human experience. These emotions are normal and healthy, provided you don’t get trapped in any single negative emotion. Mood swings, however, often accompany hormonal

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Crystals for Letting Go

Letting go is an important part of accepting change and moving ahead with your life. It isn’t always easy, however, because holding on to what is familiar is comfortable. Still, in many cases, the things you fail to let go of will hold you back, keeping you trapped in energetic patterns that no longer serve

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