Crystals for Courage

Having courage doesn’t mean being unafraid. Rather, it means acting even in the face of fear. Some people require courage for small daily acts, while others require courage to make changes in their lives or face new situations. Regardless of why you need courage, finding the strength to act in ways that support your truth are essential to walking your spirit’s path.

I give thanks to my higher self for giving me the courage to do everything I need to walk my spirit’s path.


Sit quietly in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Repeat the mantra 10 times and visualize yourself performing whatever act it is you fear and coming through it with newfound strength. When you have completed your visualization, repeat the mantra 10 times again, or until you feel a sense of strength.

Remedy #1: Bloodstone

Bloodstone is a crystal of the root and heart chakras, both of which are involved in the development of courage. The root chakra helps you overcome fear, while the heart chakra enables you to act with love and purpose. Meditate for 10 minutes holding your bloodstone in your receiving (nondominant) hand while you repeat the mantra.

Remedy #2: Snowflake Obsidian

A root chakra stone, snowflake obsidian helps ground you and enables you to overcome fear so you can take action. Carry snowflake obsidian in your pocket whenever you need extra courage.

Remedy #3: Carnelian

Another stone of the root and sacral chakras, carnelian allows you to focus on achieving what you need to, no matter how much you fear it. It’s a great stone to have in your pocket while you’re trying to gain the courage to ask for a raise or promotion at work.

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