Symptoms Your Aura Needs Healing

When the integrity of the aura is compromised, you’ll experience an energy drain.

This can manifest as a sudden energy loss, a sharp change of mood, headache (often migraine), acute pain, nausea, sudden illness (e.g., infection), etc. The aura will normally recover its integrity in several days through a natural process of self-healing.

Thinning of the aura also causes repeated physical injuries in the corresponding parts of the physical body.

The presence of holes in the aura greatly increases the risk of attachment of negative entities.

An attached entity not only steals a person’s energy but it introduces into the person’s energy field its own markers, negative programs and its own emotional state (fear, depression, anger, lust, cravings, desires, etc.) that may have a strong psychological impact on the person. Since most people do not question the source of negative thoughts and emotions that appear inside their heads and automatically accept them as ‘mine’, they eventually succumb to the control of an entity who thus manages to embed deeper and stronger into the host’s subtle body. Negative entities may also contribute to the development of a disease.

Breaks in the aura can be of different sizes.

Aura holes can be pinholes or even big gaping ‘wounds’. They open the field of the person to the negative influence of the environment. When the integrity of the aura is compromised, the person will experience draining of energy. This can manifest as a sudden energy loss, a sharp change of mood, headache (often migraine), acute pain, nausea, sudden illness (e.g., infection), etc.

Thinning of the aura also causes repeated physical injuries in the corresponding parts of the physical body. Unhealed holes in the aura often lead to serious consequences. For example, the chronic fatigue syndrome most likely is due to the presence of long-lasting holes in the aura.

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