How do Emotional Blocks Form?

Emotional blocks are formed when we hold onto unresolved emotions from the past.

Often we suppress or deny how we feel on a conscious level but the hurt and pain are still present in the subconscious mind where it quietly affects our behavior and expectations through creencias limitantes.

Perhaps we were told (from family or even society) that we shouldn’t be thinking or acting in a certain way, creating feelings of guilt and shame within ourselves.

Or perhaps we were made to believe we will never amount to anything. Feelings of unworthiness block our ability to receive and manifest good things, often because we are conditioned to believe we don’t deserve better.

Emotional blocks are also often related to self-protection: shutting down emotionally may have helped you cope with a past trauma at one time, but now they no longer serve you and are shutting you off from allowing new forms of abundancia to enter your life.

Trapped emotions, traumas, and unprocessed life experiences are the source of everything that ails us.

Self-inflicted emotional blocks can also be destructive. You may feel others are more successful than you, or you made a wrong decision in your life in the past, creating feelings of resentment and jealousy.

All of these emotional blocks lead to a weakened energy flow in and out of the physical body. Trapped emotions root themselves in your subconscious mind, they build thought patterns to re-experience those experiences again. Essentially, we re-traumatize ourselves.

Negative thinking and emotional wounds result in our energy no longer vibrating at the frequency for our highest happiness. This leads to weakness, disease, and eventually illness at the physical level. The core of every stress and disease is our memories and emotions of traumatic experiences which are buried in our subconscious minds.

In order to fully achieve our highest potential for health and well-being, and to realize our soul path and the work we are meant to be doing in this lifetime, it is essential to work on releasing our blocks and shifting these stubborn barriers.

How can we overcome deep-rooted emotional blocks?

Introspection by examining our own thoughts and feelings, self-awareness, & fully acknowledging our past.

Once we understand our own thought processes, the reasons or causes of the various types of trauma we have experienced become clear. Learning our natural tendencies, internal conflicts, and predispositions allows us to love ourselves fully & release feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness, the solutions and ways of resolving life’s obstacles become apparent or known.

Astrología y numerología are two tools that can help you to look inward, reset, and get up close and personal with yourself — because after all, it’s hard to move forward in any direction in your life if you’re unsure of what has brought you to where you are.

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