Nodo Norte en Leo / Nodo Sur en Acuario

The North Node in Leo in the natal chart is symbolic of a soul urge towards learning to take the lead, have willpower, and develop confidence.

Leo Nodo Norte
Leo Nodo Norte

The zodiac sign of Leo is associated with the heart. Individuals with the North Node in Leo are looking to find courage. You may find yourself in situations that require you to be the hero or make a tough decision.

Having the North Node in Leo is pushing you towards developing your sense of identity in order to create positive change and influence others. You are being asked to be the ring leader and with this, you have the potential to make a huge impact.

The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in Aquarius. This indicates you may have been in past situations where you went along with the crowd and tended to follow more than lead. You may have felt that you have not paid attention to your own convictions throughout your life journey. The spirit of the North Node in Leo will put you in situations in which you will have to learn how to stand on your own will. You will be calling the shots without fear.

Frequently the nodes are activated when someone or something comes into our lives, whether this is a person, a new job, or a new environment. Nodes may also be activated when someone or something goes out of one’s life too. Read the descriptions below for an understanding of a Leo North Node through the natal houses.

North Node Leo in the 1st House / South Node Aquarius in the 7th House

With a North Node Leo in the 1st house, you are becoming personally involved in your own life. Taking pride in your appearance. Engaging life with warmth and vitality. Developing self-dignity. Developing self-concern. Becoming aware of the need to express who you are in an upfront and obvious way. Making more room for play in your life. Putting a little showmanship into everything you do. Letting people hear you roar. Bringing more fun to everything you do. Laughing more. Learning the art of getting noticed. Leo in the 1st house will push you to be uncompromising in your personal vision of how you want to live your life. Reserving the right to throw a royal fit when you’ve been insulted. Getting in touch with your inner queen or king. Becoming more creative in everything you do. Bringing a personal touch to everything you do personalizing every experience. Enjoying being the center of attention. Becoming comfortable when all eyes are on you. Basking in your own glow. Developing a radiant presence. Being unafraid to shine. Resisting the urge to deflect attention from yourself. Leading a grand, dramatic, romantic life. Releasing the need for controversial relaciones. No longer dependent on group approval. North Node Leo in the 1st house will also ask you to acknowledge other people’s uniqueness yet embrace your need to shine. Following your heart. Bossing people around when you need to. Not letting other people cramp your style. Letting go of cold, strange relationships that hold you back.

North Node Leo in the 2nd House / South Node Aquarius in the 8th House

With a North Node Leo in the 2nd house, you will learn to develop priorities centered on warmth, generosity, and playfulness. Allowing creativity to be a priority. Allowing laughter to be a priority in your life. Letting go of cold, impersonal, almost mechanical, attitudes toward sex. Finding out what your individual priorities are outside of the group. Paying more attention to your own value system and less attention to overturning other people’s value systems. Growing a deeper attachment to your personal willpower. Spending money on things that are luxurious. Becoming more generous with your money and possessions. Realizing how much warm love you have to give. Valuing heart over technology. Valuing warm human relationships over mechanical progress. Leo in the 2nd house will ask you to release the tendency to become distant and cold when relationships get deep. Becoming less concerned with how we as a society approach taboos, death, or sex. Valuing playfulness and warmth over novelty and kink. Allowing yourself to have fun earning money. Earning money through creative pursuits. Valuing your inner child. No longer having detached, impersonal sexual relationships. No longer being emotionless when people tell you their deep dark secrets. Understanding how individual values affect the collective. Filling up your bank account with love. Using the love you feel as a guide for what you truly value. Learning to cherish your body. North Node Leo in the 2nd house will urge you to recognize that you have special abilities and talents. Never putting yourself last on your own priority list.

North Node Leo in the 3rd House / South Node Aquarius in the 9th House

With a North Node Leo in the 3rd house of communication, you are becoming more personal in your communication habits. Getting to know people personally. Moving away from mass concepts. Moving away from generalizing about groups of people. Learning to speak to people as individuals. Learning how individual people think and express themselves. Leo in the 3rd house will ask you to get in touch with your self-expression through writing or speaking. Drawing attention to yourself through a highly personal way of communicating. Expressing your ideas with courage and dignity. Becoming more generous in sharing information. Developing warm interpersonal communication habits. Letting your communication take on a more childlike or playful tone. Becoming creative in your communication. Putting your own spin on things. Having a brainchild. Encouraging others in their writing or speaking. Putting your heart into teaching. Speaking from the heart. Thinking about individual people rather than faceless masses. Letting go of being overly intellectual and academic. Letting go of detached opinions. Becoming more personally involved with the facts at hand. Letting people know your thoughts. Being proud of your education. Remaining detached from any particular belief system while still having a personal viewpoint. Learning to communicate your bizarre theories in a genuine and personable way. North Node Leo in the 3rd house will bring you to making people feel special when you talk to them.

North Node Leo in the 4th House / South Node Aquarius in the 10th House

With a North Node Leo in the 4th house of home, roots, family, and self-care are the star of the family. You are pushed to develop warmer family relationships. Being proud of your roots and heritage. Having pride for your country. Showing off where you’ve come from. Not being so concerned with whether people think you’re strange. Spending more time getting to know your family members as individuals. Spending more time getting to know your roots and heritage in a personal way. Developing deep self-love. Making your heart your foundation. Taking it personally when it comes to your family, roots, and heritage. Getting comfortable with your personal creativity. Leo in the 4th house will push you to get in touch with a very private longing to feel special. Becoming less concerned with approved scientific traditions and regulations and relying on your heart instead. Becoming more playful at a deep level. Playing with your family more. Realizing that outer achievement probably won’t make your heart sing. North Node Leo in the 4th house will urge you to maintain objectivity about your outer responsibilities while allowing yourself to become fully involved with your family and home. No longer needing to be seen as different, unusual or unconventional, preferring instead to be loved and cherished for exactly who you are.

North Node Leo in the 5th House / South Node Aquarius in the 11th House

With a North Node Leo in the 5th house of self-expression, you are pulled to getting in touch with your inner child. Moving toward warm, personal creativity. Letting yourself shine and be dramatic. Finding out what your individual contribution is. Finding out what you have to contribute that is special. Putting your personal stamp on the creative process. Getting romantic. Wowing your romantic partners. Pulling out all the stops in love. No longer being a nameless face in the crowd. Putting your heart into romance. Putting your heart in art. Putting your heart into relationships with children. Getting flirtatious. Learning the art of love. Leo in the 5th house will push you to learn how to demonstrate that you’re interested in someone. Not holding back in romance. Dinner and a movie, and wine and roses, and fireworks, and a serenade, and first class tickets for a getaway. Letting the performer in you come out. Learning how to “set the stage.” Becoming less concerned with group dynamics and group contributions. Spending more time with your girlfriend or boyfriend than your friends. Making your love life a priority. Making self-expression a priority. No longer stifling your creativity to get along. Making your mark. Luxuriating in your own creative process. North Node Leo in the 5th house will urge you to express yourself to the masses, in a highly personal way. Shining through fun and games. Giving in to playtime. No longer fearing “what everybody is going to think.” No longer fearing that, if you express yourself, people will think you‟re strange. Maintaining objectivity about how your personal contribution fits into the larger society. Scratching the creative itch. No longer needing to fit in with the rebels, or to rebel against general society. Letting go of social causes and the pursuit of progress.

North Node Leo in the 6th House / South Node Aquarius in the 12th House

With a North Node Leo in the 6th house, you are urged to making each little event during the day an opportunity for creative self-expression. Letting personal expression become part of your everyday routine. Finding a job that allows you to express your personal point of view. Finding a job that gives you dignity. Putting your personal best into your job. Shining at work. Learning to appreciate coworkers and employees. Doing your best, even when it’s hard labor. Being the boss of your own schedule. Leo in the 6th house will push you to realize that you need to feel appreciated on the job and you need recognition for your hard work. No longer willing to blend into the faceless background. Not letting your innate ideals of equality interfere with your need to be a star. Not being afraid to stand out on the job. Becoming famous for your skills. Putting your heart into your work. Putting your heart into your craft. Watching the health of your heart and spine. Maintaining objectivity about larger spiritual implications while still being passionately involved in your everyday work. North Node Leo in the 6th house will ask you to no longer fear that your unique traits will be self-undoing. No longer sabotaging your efforts with strange behavior. No longer pulling back when you should be putting your heart into work.

North Node Leo in the 7th House / South Node Aquarius in the 1st House

With a North Node Leo in the 7th house of relationships, you are putting your heart into your significant relationships. Bringing more warmth to your one-on-one relationships. Showing off your relationships. Bringing romance to relationships. No longer intellectualizing or rationalizing your approach. Developing a warmer relación with the other. Letting your partner know that you’re proud of them. Leo in the 7th house will push you to put your heart into your intimate relationships, and not holding back. Making your partner the center of your world. No longer afraid to become personally involved in your partner’s life. Less emphasis on you and the way you’re going to change the world. More emphasis on you and your partner and the love that you share together. Becoming more generous in your personal relationships. Becoming more playful in your relationships. Shining through marriage and relationship. North Node Leo in the 7th house will urge you to become the hero in the relationship, being courageous when times are good, and when they are bad. Maintaining objectivity about your path while being fully engaged in your relationships. No longer pretending to be cool when what you really want is love.

North Node Leo in the 8th House / South Node Aquarius in the 2nd House

With a North Node Leo in the 8th house, you are urged to get personally involved in deeper relationships that make you uncomfortable. Bringing heart to difficult emotional entanglements. Becoming more giving in your understanding of other people’s priorities and values. Releasing an overly logical value system. No longer rationalizing your priorities. Getting to know individual people and their problems. Developing a warmer approach when dealing with other people’s emotional traumas. Finding a partner who brings out your playful side in sex. Letting a more childlike side of you come out in deeply intimate situations. Not being afraid to make a joke when things get dark and strange. Leo in the 8th house will bring you to admit that you want to feel special and appreciated during sex. Shining during sex. Becoming a demonstrative lover. Showing your partner what you want. Learning to appreciate when people are courageous enough to reveal themselves to you. Developing warmer relationships with people who are experiencing states of transition rather than pulling away and watching from a distance. North Node Leo in the 8th house will push you to maintain objectivity about your personal values while still becoming passionate about the concerns of others. Releasing all of the bizarre priorities that prevent you from engaging in deeper relationships with other people.

North Node Leo in the 9th House / South Node Aquarius in the 3rd House

With a North Node Leo in the 9th house of expansion and the higher mind, you are developing a personal philosophy of life. Living a lifestyle that encourages self-expression. Finding your personal place within your religion or belief system. Finding a belief system that helps you feel special and appreciated. Living life with heart and meaning. Putting your personal spin on big-picture issues. Finding out what your personal take on god, creation, the meaning of life, etc… is. Being willful about what you believe. Leo in the 9th house asks you to have the courage to find meaning in your life. Imbuing your life with personal meaning. Getting out of overly logical thought processes by allowing yourself to simply play with ideas. Playing with concepts and abstractions. Becoming less serious when it comes to the big picture. Using your ingenious mind to play with larger concepts. Becoming more creative with what the possibilities are. Finding meaning in art and self-expression. Finding meaning in relationships with children. Finding meaning through access to your inner child. North Node Leo in the 9th house will urge you to maintain an objective personal viewpoint yet still being passionately involved in your opinions. Letting go of all the bizarre thoughts that prevent you from opening your heart to outside experiences and beliefs. Indulging joyful intuition.

North Node Leo in the 10th House / South Node Aquarius in the 4th House

With a North Node Leo in the 10th house of structures and traditions, you are urged to become a leader or boss. Building a reputation for being warm and personable. Putting your personality into your career. Developing a career based on your personality. Becoming known for your creativity. Becoming known for your personal way of doing things. Putting your mark on the world at large. Releasing an unconscious need to rebel against your family and roots. Releasing an inner concern that you don’t fit in. Getting over how weird your family is. No longer being upset by your family’s strange behavior or traditions. Leo in the 10th house asks you to move into a warmer outward public expression and become known as someone who is playful, warm, and creative. Becoming a celebrity. Letting yourself shine through your profession. Choosing a career that lets you be yourself. Choosing a career that lets you put your personal stamp on everything you do. Choosing a career that lets you show your personal style. Using your unusual background as a platform for why you’re special. North Node Leo in the 10th house will push you to maintain objectivity about where you’ve come from while becoming personally involved in your outer, public life. Choosing a career that makes you feel like a king or a queen.

North Node Leo in the 11th House / South Node Aquarius in the 5th House

With a North Node Leo in the 11th house of friendships, groups, and society you are learning the difference between friends and lovers. Becoming more personally involved with groups of people who share your interests. Bringing personality and presence to the groups with which you are involved. No longer taking a backseat when it comes to getting involved in sharing your interests. Developing generosity toward groups and organizations. Leo in the 11th house will ensure you are maintaining your quirky artistic viewpoint yet still appealing to the masses. Releasing overly intellectual artistic pursuits that no one can relate to. Releasing an overly logical approach to the creative process. Releasing a kind of aloof approach to art and creativity. Developing warm, friendly relationships with people who share your interests. Becoming the boss of the group that shares your interests. No longer needing every interest to affect the larger society. Simply basking in the fun of sharing the things you like with other people. No longer feeling ostracized because of your likes. Finding people who appreciate your style of expression. Banding together with people who have a similar “specialness.” North Node Leo in the 11th house urges you to maintain objectivity about what brings you personal pleasure yet sharing some of your creative spark with other people.

North Node Leo in the 12th House / South Node Aquarius in the 6th House

With a North Node Leo in the 12th house of endings and completions, you are learning how to put your personal best forward yet remain invisible. Letting go of overly rational, mechanized approaches to daily routine. Embracing private, creative time to pamper yourself. Finding creative inspiration when you are alone. Learning about inner courage. Recognizing your fear of being special or calling too much attention to yourself. No longer letting erratic schedules upset your special alone time. Releasing the need to be a genius on the job. Releasing the need to innovate everyday tasks. Leo in the 12th house will bring you to understand how too much ego can be self-undoing. Understanding how you might sabotage yourself by having too much pride. Recognizing how vanity might be self-undoing. Creating a personal sanctuary. Getting in touch with your personal take on spirituality. Sublimating your ego. Releasing erratic diet and exercise routines. Maintaining detachment in coworker and employee relationships. North Node Leo in the 12th house will urge you to become more personally involved in spiritual development than routine activities.

Descubra el verdadero camino de su vida a través de la sabiduría de su carta natal. Obtén una visión más profunda del propósito para el que naciste, ayudándote a navegar por tu viaje con claridad, confianza y sentido con una Análisis en profundidad de la Carta Natal.

Análisis de la Carta Natal