Venus in Scorpio in the 2nd House

Venus in Scorpio in the Second House

Venus in Scorpio in 2nd House
Venus in Scorpio in 2nd House

The placement of Venus in Scorpio indicates you have a need for intimacy and power in your relaciones. Your judgments and value system are also likely to be influenced by your need for power and, also, by a need for truth and authenticity that is associated with Scorpio. You are likely to have a strong emotional attachment to these needs. With Venus in Scorpio, the need for power in relationships often manifests as a controlling attitude, but if you sensitively deal with your need for intimacy, there can be an incredible sharing of energy within a relationship(s). Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Scorpio are a result of your need to feel an intimate and authentic connection with another.

Venus’ placement in Scorpio is complex and possesses some inherent tensions. However, there is also a potential affinity between the functions symbolized by Venus and the Scorpio energy. The inherent tension is symbolized by the natural opposition between Scorpio and Venus-ruled Taurus and the natural semi-sextile between Scorpio and Libra, which is also ruled by Venus. Scorpio is the Fixed Water sign. Venus’s vibration is sympathetic to the water element associated with Scorpio. However, the fixed quality of Scorpio tends to inhibit the relación function symbolized by Venus in its natural tendency to open outward toward the other. Scorpio is also associated with a strong drive for intimacy and if you can open the door of intimacy within yourself, fulfilling relationship(s) may result.  Venus in Scorpio tends to accentuate the relationship function symbolized by Venus, although the intensity of perception associated with Scorpio tends to strengthen Venus’s evaluative function.

Venus also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Scorpio, you are likely to model your femininity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Scorpio. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Scorpio-associated traits.


Having Venus in Scorpio, as someone who is insecure and who is obsessed with the notions of power and control, you perceive others as threats who need to be manipulated and contained. This attitude, based on fear and survival, extends even to your closest associates and intimates. With Venus in Scorpio, your perception of the cosmos and its energy is that they are to be feared and never trusted. “Do unto others before they do unto you” becomes your motto. Never trusting, you never allow yourself to be intimate. Therefore, you never enter into a real relationship and your judgment is always tainted by suspicion.

Venus in the 2nd House:

Venus in the 2nd House is generally a favorable placement for Venus, since Venus rules the 2nd House. When placed in the 2nd House, the evaluative and absorbing functions associated with Venus tend to be emphasized over its association with relationship. Physical security needs and comfort are the focus of the 2nd House and the evaluative functions symbolized by Venus tend to be employed in acquiring and enjoying what you need and value. Even your relationships tend to be oriented more toward practical concerns.

With Venus in the 2nd House, the psyche’s capacity to take in and evaluate impressions is particularly at home. You first determine what is good (or what is best) for your benefit and then you attract these things to you. This process of judging in order to acquire requires that you have a clear understanding of your own value system. Having Venus in the 2nd House, if you do not know for yourself what is valuable to you, then you will obtain what others (or what society) deems is for your own good. This basket of goods may or may not be what you really enjoy. However, if you know what you like and value, then, on obtaining it, there is no one more likely to truly enjoy what you have.


With Venus in the 2nd House, perhaps knowing subconsciously that there is no real security in the possession of material objects and wealth, you try to fill the void that you feel within by pursuing the acquisition and enjoyment of material and sensual pleasures. You are obsessed with what is attractive and pleasing and wanting to possess it. Unless you possess things, you do not feel satisfied; but even possession does not result in real satisfaction. You either fear the loss of your possession or you yearn for the next thing that has captivated you.

As an individual with Venus in the 2nd House, you are a slave to your senses and their perpetual yearnings. You are bent on acquiring more and more and you delude yourself that your acquisitions are necessary or that they are worthy and beautiful or that having is equivalent to enjoyment. You are simply led from one thing to another and you never discover or value that which is real and permanent.

Enfoque de la evaluación

Having Venus in the 2nd House, you are likely to be quite conscious of the degree to which you are materially secure. This is often an object of frequent evaluation and validation. How well off am I, today? What is my current net worth? This stock-taking, while generally taking place at the material level, can also be a spiritual or moral stock-taking if you have transformed your value system.

With Venus in the 2nd House, you are also likely to be judging whether a thing is valuable or likable with a mind to acquiring and possessing that thing. You may be asking the question, by how much will this thing add to the value of my possessions or to the enjoyment I receive from the things that I own? Lessons that you may need to learn in order to grow spiritually are that you can truly possess nothing and that you need to approach the world with equanimity because, ultimately, both pain and pleasure come from the same Source.

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