Moon in Libra in the Seventh House
Libra is the sign of esthetic perceptions, and here the Moon’s romantic, glamorous influence is accentuated. If you have your Moon in Libra you have a keen appreciation for beauty and art, and an artistic eye unmatched by any other Moon sign. You also have a heightened awareness of your environment and of other people. However, what you truly value are those experiences that make life more beautiful and pleasing. You abhor coarseness, vulgarity, or strife. With your Moon in Libra, your immediate reaction to anything unpleasant is to deny it, or, if that is impossible, at least to put it in its best possible light. You try to surround yourself with comfort and lovely objects in a tranquil and luxurious environment.
As an individual with your Moon in Libra, because you enjoy beautiful things, you are happy to spend your (and sometimes other people’s) money on possessions that catch your fancy. You are the kind who will walk into a shop and instantly spot the perfect thing to go with what you have in a closet at home. With your Moon in Libra, the presentation and ritual surrounding a thing is as important to you as the thing itself. A meal served on fine china and crystal with embroidered linens, flowers, and candles on the table is as important as the taste of the food itself.
The Moon in the balanced sign of Libra endows you with an open, independent mind that tries to evaluate the world dispassionately and rationally. A Moon in Libra also confers great personal charm and enhances the ability to get along with people. You are marvelous at understanding the other person’s point of view (though you never lose sight of your own self-interest). For the most part, with a Moon in Libra, you are pleasing and easy to live with and have a genial disposition.
Libra is the astrological sign of partnership, and with your Moon in Libra you function well in a relación. Very often your destiny is tied up with a strong and influential person with whom you form a connection early in life. To a large extent, what you accomplish depends on other people.
Having your Moon in Libra, essentially you love with your head rather than your heart. There is something a bit calculated about your carefully balanced emotional nature. To become your lover, a person has to possess certain qualities, such as good looks and elegant social manners. It is not that you are unemotional, but love is more an esthetic pleasure than steamy passion. You try to create something beautiful – fanciful if need be – from every intimacy. With your Moon in Libra, you may go through a number of affairs and marriages before you finally settle down with someone with whom you are mentally compatible (more necessary to you than sexual compatibility). When you are in a contented marriage, it is a source of great satisfaction to you because it answers your need for security and reassurance, and you truly enjoy sharing.
La posición del signo de la Luna describe cómo respondemos habitualmente a otras personas y a las circunstancias de nuestra vida, así como la forma en que experimentamos nuestras emociones y buscamos la realización emocional. La posición de su casa corresponde al área de la vida en la que operamos de forma más inconsciente, según patrones pasados y respuestas instintivas.
Luna en la Casa 7:
With your Moon in the 7th House, you can usually develop and express your emotional, subconscious in relative security, if you have a trusting relationship. You are likely to experience an emotional fullness in your relaciones. This is generally positive unless you are emotionally needy or emotionally irrational.
Having your Moon in the 7th House, assuming you are engaged in a positive relationship, this is an excellent venue for working out your emotional and behavioral/conditioned problems and attitudes. The Moon in the 7th House also may signify that you bring an intuitive, nurturing, and responsive energy to you relationships. However, with your Moon in the 7th House, you face the danger that in being too attentive and bound to the needs of others, you may become too reliant on others. You may also be susceptible to being conditioned or emotionally influenced by those with whom you have close relationships.
Con la Luna en la Casa 7, cuando aprende que las necesidades emocionales de su pareja son tan importantes y válidas como las suyas propias, se esfuerza por desarrollar plenamente su lado emocional para compartirlo con su pareja y ser más sensible y receptivo a ella. Por supuesto, esto influye en todos los contactos interpersonales. Por consiguiente, la impresión que causa en los demás es la de alguien con una personalidad cálida, afectuosa y abierta. Esta es una impresión que se transmite por la genuina actitud de cuidado y atención que usted tiene por los demás. Con su Luna en la Casa 7, usted tiene un "sexto sentido" que responde a las necesidades de los demás y crea un vínculo subconsciente o emocional en sus relaciones interpersonales.
Al tener la Luna en la Casa 7, si no tienes un sentido bien definido de tu propio yo, estarás indebidamente sujeto a las influencias de los demás. La Luna simboliza una ventana abierta al mundo del subconsciente. Cuando esa ventana se sitúa en la Casa 7, permite que todo tipo de influencias entren en su subconsciente y se implanten allí para condicionar su comportamiento. Usted puede sentir que sus propias emociones carecen de validez. Esto hace que se deje dominar por las emociones de los demás. Usted responde a los demás sin discriminación y, por lo tanto, se vuelve vulnerable a su explotación.
Con la Luna en la Casa 7, como mecanismo de defensa compensatorio, es posible que intente imponer sus emociones y comportamientos a los demás. Es posible que intente controlar a los demás o imponerles comportamientos basados en la tradición: la estereotipada actitud de sobrematernidad. También es posible que los demás le perciban como una persona emocionalmente agresiva, ya que da rienda suelta a su lado irracional al estilo típico de las "gárgolas".
Enfoque del desarrollo emocional
As an individual with your Moon in the 7th House, you feel those emotions that are symbolized by the Moon mostly through your relationships. You may bounce your emotions off your partner and discover your own emotional world by seeing it reflected in others. Your relationships become the venue for developing your emotional life. You generally are quite sensitive to the emotional states of others and you easily respond to emotional stimuli. This may result in an enhanced capacity for emotional bounding or you may psychically invite emotional dumping by others. With your Moon in the 7th House, there is a danger that your emotional life and development will be dominated by others.
Descubre más sobre tu personalidad, motivaciones y deseos con una Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica.
Artículo referenciado de:
Gargatholil, Astrología Profunda: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 2: Planets in Signs
Gargatholil, Astrología Profunda: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 3: Planets in Houses
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