Tus puntos fuertes y débiles con un Sol de Sagitario y una Luna de Géminis

The combination of your Sun sign and your Luna sign produces a personality that is by no means shy, timid, or backward. You will step to the front when the call for leadership is made. You are a very adventurous person, both physically and mentally, never satisfied to stand still in either sense. Because you are naturally lucky in a financial way, you are never really very concerned about security. You know how to sell yourself and achieve a good deal of popular prestige. You are apt to see a lot of life before you eventually decide to settle down. Variety, travel, changes, mental stimulation, and a wide range of personalities around you are all needed to busy your extremely restless nature. Stability is your challenge, staying with a project, a cause, or even a person sometimes, can be a really hard task for you. Concentrating your efforts in one focused direction can be your weakness. Nonetheless, your broad range of interests and your enthusiasm will allow you to continue to be effective in working on a lot of things and making continuous progress on all of them. Pettiness is something you have difficulty understanding and of which are never guilty. Everything you do is above board and rendered in a grand fashion. You rarely exercise caution or care, never one to shy away from taking a risk, so long as there is a reasonable chance things will work out. You want to get to the top and you very well may, guided by a mixture of idealism, faith in yourself, and cool, practical good sense. Yours is a high spirit and a good grasp of reality.

Sus puntos fuertes

Curiosidad intelectual y amor por el aprendizaje, don de la palabra, capacidad de comunicación, carácter franco y amistoso, apertura a la experiencia y a las diferentes culturas, inventiva y originalidad, incluida la forma en que comparte fácilmente sus conocimientos, una eterna juventud que le hace encantador, accesible y amante de la diversión, independientemente de la edad.

Sus mayores debilidades

Exigirse demasiado y no terminar los proyectos, analizar demasiado las cosas para esconderse de los sentimientos, tendencia al ensimismamiento y a no madurar nunca, a no desarrollar nunca el potencial más profundo porque es muy fácil vivir del ingenio.

Tu signo lunar Fase lunar única

La fase lunar en la que naciste refina aún más tu Signo lunar, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.

¿Naciste en Luna Llena de Géminis? ¿O en Géminis Menguante? ¿Y qué significa todo esto?

Para saber lo que tu signo lunar y tu fase lunar revelan sobre ti, Obtén una Lectura Lunar Personalizada en Video Gratis aquí.


Descubra los secretos de su yo cósmico y obtenga claridad sobre su camino vital único. En Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica ofrece ideas profundas que le ayudarán a navegar por los vericuetos de la vida con confianza y determinación.

Análisis de la Carta Natal