Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Leo Sun and Sagittarius Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a constant passion for travel, adventure, change, and excitement. You are continuously looking for another mountain to climb or stone to turn, and life seems a never-ending chain of games to win and adventures to explore. The combination here blends the Leo vitality, authoritativeness, magnanimity and warmth, with Sagittarius honesty, directness, versatility, and sincerity, yielding a very optimistic and enthusiastic temperament. Yours is a restless, but always positive and alert mind. Your challenge is to keep the white-hot flames of this dual Fire sign ablaze, and avoid the tendency for energies to go up in smoke and be wasted with lively, but unproductive activities. You are more subject to burnout than most. By harnessing your fiery emotional nature to constructive purposes and setting goals for yourself, there is little that you cannot do. You charm people with your dash and enthusiasm. Your boundless energy and imaginative equipment assures you have the abilities to go far if you can only channel your efforts and remain true to your goals. It’s hard for you to settle down to a job, to a relación, to a solid base of operation, or to a truly focused purpose of any kind. Pettiness and triteness infuriate you, and subtlety is not your style. You may get into trouble by saying exactly what you feel, never mincing words or sparing feelings. While you remain mobile and independent you are happy, but when you begin to feel confined and harnessed, you can become very unhappy and dispirited.

Sus puntos fuertes

High personal standards, broad and far-ranging intuitive mind, enthusiasm for learning and for personal development, and your open, resilient and positive friendliness towards others.

Sus mayores debilidades

Restlessness and inability to tie yourself down for long to relaciones or projects, tendency to jump before thinking things through, and to dismiss ideas or others arrogantly with brusque, sarcastic pronouncements that wound far more than you intend.

Tu signo lunar Fase lunar única

La fase lunar en la que naciste afina aún más tu signo lunar, revelando más sobre tu naturaleza interior de lo que podrías imaginar. Es posible que te sientas atraído por ciertos rasgos de personalidad o formas de pensar. Y conocer esas predisposiciones puede ayudarte a aprovecharlas o a evitarlas.

¿Naciste en una Luna Llena de Sagitario? ¿O en una Luna Menguante de Sagitario? ¿Y qué significa todo esto?

Para saber lo que tu signo lunar y tu fase lunar revelan sobre ti, Obtén una Lectura Lunar Personalizada en Video Gratis aquí.


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