Tus puntos fuertes y débiles con un Sol de Géminis y una Luna de Leo

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign places you in a class of true “personality people.” Your interests are so varied, your tastes so inclusive, and your attitudes so tolerant, that you have a very broad appeal to many different people with whom you come in contact. An apparently happy-go-lucky nature conceals a core of sound good sense, just as the apparent fickle in your nature hides deep-seated loyalty and fidelity. You may be changeable in many ways, but when you settle on a person or a course of action, you stay settled. Your mind turns from one subject to the next, from one relación to another, but sooner or later the wavering and fluctuating stops, and you establish yourself. People have difficulty understanding you, not so much because you are complex, but merely because you are so hard to pin down. When your mind is made up to go after something, however, you don’t hesitate. Your warmth and amiability make you the life of many parties. You are confident of the impression you make on people and you are a study of joviality and good nature. You can get along very well in life with your kind of personality. Even when people don’t agree with what you say, they admire the way you say it. Oddly, a somewhat brooding spirit can invade your personality when things (especially romances) don’t come together as you feel they should. Nonetheless, you are blessed with a good personality, a good level head, and more than your fair share of good luck.

Sus puntos fuertes

A quick mind and fertile imagination, flair for creative self-expression, optimistic and enthusiastic disposition, ability to stand up for the best without oppressing inferiors, friendly and spirited sense of fun and adventure which inspires others and keeps you ever popular.

 Sus mayores debilidades

Your need for flattery and to hold center-stage, childlike haughtiness and stubbornness which surfaces when you feel unappreciated, extrovert tendency to spend so much energy socializing that you fail to develop your abilities to their fullest.

Tu signo lunar Fase lunar única

La fase lunar en la que naciste afina aún más tu signo lunar, revelando más sobre tu naturaleza interior de lo que podrías imaginar. Es posible que te sientas atraído por ciertos rasgos de personalidad o formas de pensar. Y conocer esas predisposiciones puede ayudarte a aprovecharlas o a evitarlas.

Were you born on a Leo Full Moon? Or was it a Leo Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

Para saber lo que tu signo lunar y tu fase lunar revelan sobre ti, Obtén una Lectura Lunar Personalizada en Video Gratis aquí.


Descubra los secretos de su yo cósmico y obtenga claridad sobre su camino vital único. En Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica ofrece ideas profundas que le ayudarán a navegar por los vericuetos de la vida con confianza y determinación.

Análisis de la Carta Natal