Taurus Woman

Ruled by Venus, the second sign of the zodiac is Taurus. This is represented by the bull and a woman’s behavior mimics that in the way that she doesn’t like change. She is loyal, calm, and patient, self-disciplined and is someone you can rely on to handle difficult and stressful situations very well. She loves others deeply and is very caring and affectionate she is strong emotionally and physically, gentle, reliable and conventional. When it comes to friendship, she is someone that can be depended on. She will go to great lengths to help a friend and will always be there when needed. Good friends are among the most important people in her life today.

Venus is the Goddess of Love and rules the Taurus sign. This makes her a romantic. Affection and love is everything she gives in a love relación but she wants the same in return. She wants someone who will be faithful and dedicated in their partnership. Working efficiently is something that she is great at, especially when it comes to difficulties. Her strong self-discipline stops her from buckling under pressure and she works well with others. She won’t make any rash decisions and believes in playing it safe. Taurus women don’t like change and will resist it as much as possible. She wants stability, often too much, and is very materialistic. She doesn’t do well when friends change their plans and she doesn’t like trying new today’s things, which can make her seem boring.

As a Taurus, she is very possessive and can be extremely jealous in love. This can lead to outbursts of anger directed at her partner and leads to some problems within the romance. She becomes irritated and edgy when she starts to feel insecure about her relationship. Originality isn’t something that she possesses, which leads to struggling to come up with new ideas. This also leads to a laid-back attitude in her work. However, once she is given today’s task to do, she will handle it very well. She just can’t create a plan for herself! She can be lazy, which can affect her ability to work. She is very different from the rest due her to mix of negative and positive characteristics.

She is a da Vinci in the art of seduction. From her Mona Lisa smile to the sensual look in her eyes, she is a consummate mistress of love. However, she is not promiscuous, and any hopeful male who picks up her seductive signal had better turn off his antenna if all he wants is a casual affair. A Taurus woman is not a lady for a day, or even for a weekend. Her need is for security and stability, and casual is not a word in her vocabulary of love.

In many ways the Taurus woman is the perfect personification of the old-fashioned woman, for she is devoted and protective, a natural earth mother who loves and nurtures and gives of her strength. She is also earthy in her passions—once she falls in love. Being in love brings out the best in her. She isn’t coy or provocative in a love relationship. She is open, affectionate, and demonstrative with the man she cares for, and abundantly generous with her affection, caresses, and verbal endearments. Her sexual appetite borders on the lusty—indeed, she has a great appetite for life. Her first sexual experience is likely to be with an older, sophisticated man who teaches her the pleasures of fine food and wines and traveling first class.

A passionate bed partner and a devoted mate, a Taurus woman has a great deal to offer. But she demands a lot in return. She believes in giving her all and taking all she can get. No bargain hunters need apply. She likes to be courted, pursued, and wooed—but is never really won. She makes up her own mind long before what you may consider the decisive moment. She plans ahead, for she doesn’t believe such an important matter as sex should be left entirely to chance. The stage is set carefully. Every attention will be given to detail, for the woman born under this sign is marvelous at detail. While you preen yourself on your supposed conquest, she never lets you know that you never had a choice.

If she loves you, nothing anybody can say against you will affect her in the slightest degree. She has a secure sense of her own judgment and her own needs, and she trusts her instincts. Taurus woman is a true romantic—serene, unaffected, sexy, artistic, good-natured, yet with elegance and taste. If you capture this woman’s fancy, count yourself blessed.