Taurus Sun with Leo Moon and Pisces Rising

Sun in Taurus with Moon in Leo and Pisces Rising Personality Traits:

Taurus Sun Leo Moon Pisces Rising
Taurus Sun Leo Moon Pisces Rising

With a Taurus Sun Leo Moon, there is probably no one else in your social sphere that has your forcefulness, drama, and extroverted nature. You consider others fortunate to be in your presence, to share in your activities and to applaud your every step. And most people are fortunate.

Having a Taurus Sun Leo Moon, no matter how far-out, arrogant, and opinionated you can be at times, you are never dull, never without optimism and enthusiasm. Your buoyant, outgoing spirit can cheer the darkest heart, and despite that outrageous ego of yours, your concern for those less fortunate than yourself is inexhaustible.

As an individual with a Taurus Sun Leo Moon, people respect you, simply because you respect yourself. You have never had a problem with confidence because you know and value yourself—and like many people who believe in themselves, you want to reach out and help those who don’t have such inner strength.

With a Taurus Sun Leo Moon, you are independent and ambitious. You possess self-sustaining vitality and confidence, so you needn’t rely on outside encouragement to succeed or fulfill yourself.

Having a Taurus Sun Leo Moon, your likes and dislikes are usually based upon gut reactions and your hunches often prove very accurate; but once you have formed an opinion or impression, it sticks. Stubborn and inflexible, it can take dynamite to prove you wrong once you’ve made up your mind.

You run the risk of becoming dogmatic and overly rigid in your thinking. Keep your mind open. Don’t let bias rule your actions or entrenched attitudes blind your judgment. Humble that pride of yours now and then and listen to what others have to say.

Both signs of your Taurus Sun Leo Moon combination are fixed signs, giving you tremendous resolve and the determination to follow through on your goals. But on the negative side, this makes it difficult for you to accept compromise. Let’s face it: You want things your way. When you find that others don’t always agree, you get angry and frustrated. That independent streak is admirable but it pays to be more cooperative.

As a Taurus Sun Leo Moon individual, you have enormous creative potential, but you can only work and create your best when you allow yourself to work in harmony with those around you.

Just as practical as fellow Taurus individuals, you are also a terrific showman. If it isn’t dramatic, it isn’t any fun. (For some individuals with a Taurus Sun Leo Moon, just taking out the garbage can be an Academy Award performance!) your dress, actions, and behavior are usually planned to call attention to yourself.

With a Taurus Sun Leo Moon, you are generous and compassionate—but you will never get over feeling that you are innately superior to people in your world. Yet you are loved and befriended by all. One thing you must guard against is that tendency to go to extremes in thought and action. Your public will still adore you, even if you tone down your act or occasionally share the spotlight with someone else.

Having a Taurus Sun Leo Moon, you may harbor secret (and not-so-secret) ambitions to be on stage, but practical considerations will probably hold you back from pursuing such an uncertain profession. Security is vital to you, and unless other factors in your chart indicate artistic talent, you will probably be drawn to a more stable profession. As you are so independent, going into business for yourself might be the solution. You also have a knack for original and creative leadership as well as remarkable organizational ability. Mathematics and technical work come easily, though you will no doubt apply these skills in very creative ways.

With a Taurus Sun and Leo Moon, you are very sensual and fun-loving. Sex (and plenty of it) is very important to your emotional well-being. In love you tend to be domineering and possessive; so it’s important that you remember to allow your partner some freedom. You seek a mate who admires you and frequently reminds you how terrific you are. You crave flattery as fire craves air.

Keywords For A Taurus Sun Leo Moon:

Artistic; regal; practical imagination; substantial personality; fixed opinions; a leader; inflexible; proud; love of beauty; loyal; affectionate; vain; strong values; materialistic; snobbish; ambitious; capable; masterful.

Piscis ascendente

Si has nacido con ascendente Piscis, llevas dentro un fuerte don artístico que tarde o temprano debe encontrar expresión. Tienes una activa vida de fantasía y una marcada visión romántica. Quieres que la vida sea perfecta y, como no lo es, optas por no ver lo que no quieres ver.

En el fondo, muchas personas con ascendente Piscis creen que sólo ellas están destinadas a sufrir desilusiones en la vida; a veces, los demás perciben esta pena secreta en ti. A menudo sientes que naciste en el momento equivocado y en el lugar equivocado, y te sientes fuertemente atraído por el pasado.

Básicamente, con Piscis ascendente, tienes una intrépida buena voluntad hacia los demás. Tiendes a ser muy sociable, te gusta divertirte y disfrutas del calor de la compañía. Le gusta la buena vida, especialmente la buena comida y bebida, la ropa bonita y los viajes. En las fiestas, los Piscis ascendentes son vivaces y verbales (a veces hablan demasiado); les gusta actuar delante de un grupo. Su talento para la mímica hace que muchos Piscis se dediquen al teatro.

Al individuo con ascendente en Piscis le viene a la mente la palabra sentimental para describirle. Tus tiernos sentimientos se conmueven fácilmente con historias tristes, animales perdidos y seres humanos infelices. Su personalidad también es cambiante, a veces malhumorada y angustiada. La preocupación y los miedos imaginarios te invaden y a veces te superan.

Al tener ascendente Piscis, en tu vida privada tiendes a ser desorganizado, un poco descuidado, de los que siempre pierden o extravían pertenencias. En el trabajo, sin embargo, eres creativo y puedes ser muy disciplinado cuando trabajas en grupo, especialmente en proyectos artísticos. También tiene éxito en ocupaciones que impliquen escribir y viajar.

Muchos Piscis cambian de residencia con frecuencia. A menudo ocurre que una persona que fue un adversario en los primeros años se convierte en un valioso amigo más adelante. A veces puede tener problemas en su primer matrimonio a causa de la familia política y los parientes. Con Piscis ascendente, es probable que te gusten los niños; tus propios hijos suelen aportarte orgullo y felicidad.

Si tienes ascendente en Piscis, tiendes a tener ojos grandes y luminosos y una boca sensual. Es probable que tengas el pelo ondulado y los pies bien formados.

El planeta Neptuno, que rige Piscis, es muy prominente en su carta natal. La influencia de Neptuno otorga compasión, sensibilidad, intuición aguda, imaginación, creatividad e interés por las cosas espirituales y lo oculto. También favorece la confusión, la indecisión, la preocupación, la vaguedad, el descuido y el autoengaño.

Descubra los secretos de su yo cósmico y obtenga claridad sobre su camino vital único. En Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica ofrece ideas profundas que le ayudarán a navegar por los vericuetos de la vida con confianza y determinación.

Análisis de la Carta Natal