Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Leo Sun and Aquarius Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign is an interesting one, usually producing a very attractive personality to most people. Your combination blends the vitality, warmth, generosity, magnanimity, and pride of Leo, with the originality, ingenuity, and friendliness of Aquarius. Whatever you undertake is usually met with popular support. You are highly social, likable, and extroverted. There is a natural desire to project your personality into public affairs or activities of a creative nature. You are very philosophical and inclined to mental expansion and creativity. You may not be as purposeful as you are idealistic and romantic. On the many subjects that attract your interest, you are sincere, but not deeply involved and committed. There is a tendency to skim the surface and drift from one idea to the next, never getting more than the most superficial understanding of anything. You don’t like to get too involved because your interests are so varied, and so, you’re reluctant to remain focused on one idea or one type of person for long. This romanticism and idealism seem to outdistance ambition and commitment. You like knowing a little about many things and you get along well in life with this gift.

Sus puntos fuertes

Warm, sympathetic nature, excellent powers of observation and a fine mind, commitment to personal ideals, inventiveness, courageous and independent spirit of leadership.

Sus mayores debilidades

A tendency to be a bit of an impractical dreamer, proneness to fixed views and arrogance, tendency to be restless and rebellious and a self-appointed law unto yourself – which causes you to squander your creative resources.

Tu signo lunar Fase lunar única

La fase lunar en la que naciste afina aún más tu signo lunar, revelando más sobre tu naturaleza interior de lo que podrías imaginar. Es posible que te sientas atraído por ciertos rasgos de personalidad o formas de pensar. Y conocer esas predisposiciones puede ayudarte a aprovecharlas o a evitarlas.

Were you born on an Aquarius Full Moon? Or was it an Aquarius Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

Para saber lo que tu signo lunar y tu fase lunar revelan sobre ti, Obtén una Lectura Lunar Personalizada en Video Gratis aquí.


Discover the secrets of your cosmic self and gain clarity on your unique life path. An In-Depth Astrology and Numerology Natal Chart Analysis offers profound insights that will help you navigate life’s twists and turns with confidence and purpose.

Análisis de la Carta Natal