Virgo Sun with Cancer Moon: The Wallflower

Sun in Virgo with Moon in Cancer Personality Traits:

Virgo Sun Cancer Moon
Virgo Sun Cancer Moon

For the individual with a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon, if the meek shall inherit the earth, you will surely be included in the will. Fortunately, you are too impatient to wait for that prophecy to materialize and too practical to let it console you.

Having a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon, yours is perhaps the most gentle and sympathetic of all the Virgo combinations, and like all highly sensitive and giving individuals, you have many talents and abilities that can find practical expression. But timidity, self-consciousness, and inhibition are the first and most debilitating obstacles you encounter on the road to self-fulfillment.

With a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon, you are easily hurt and disturbed by the slightest tension in your surroundings, and you run the constant danger of withdrawing into fantasy and isolation. This is especially true if you were brought up in a harsh or unsympathetic environment, where you may have developed phobias, neuroses, or imaginary fears that can be difficult if not impossible to shake off in later life.

As an individual with a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon, constantly guarding your delicate feelings, you are prone to build formidable walls of defense to protect yourself from a world you perceive as callous and exacting.

Of course, the world isn’t as bad as you make it out to be. If you stop to think about it, most of your fears and insecurities exist solely in your imagination or are holdovers from childhood.

Having a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon, with the gentle giving nature of yours, it’s not always easy for you to understand (much less tolerate) disharmony. Instead of running away from risks and challenges, learn to assert yourself and be less afraid of the unknown. Try to understand the source of your fears and eventually you should find it easy to rid yourself of them.

With a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon, re-examine your close relaciones and decide whether or not they are allowing you to grow. Since you are so impressionable, you depend heavily on the attitudes and moods of those around you; it is therefore important that you associate with those who lighten up your world, making it seem less threatening.

As an individual with a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon, once you learn to be more self-assertive, many avenues of expression will be open to you. Virgo Sun Cancer Moon individuals have strong altruistic urges and can excel in medicine, the clergy, and other service fields. The business world is also open to you, as you can be very shrewd and an excellent organizer.

Having a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon, in your love life, don’t let yourself get swept away by a domineering partner who strips you of your identity. You are generous and giving by nature, so be careful that you do not become over-accommodating to the needs of your lover—at the expense of your own needs.

Keywords for a Virgo Sun Cancer Moon:

Mind v. emotions; sensitivity and practicality; shy yet sociable;  self-repressed but observant; kind-hearted and supportive; intuitive and quick-thinking; nervous and defensive; conscientious; fastidious about nourishment; devoted; sentimental; principled but flexible.

Descubra los secretos de su yo cósmico y obtenga claridad sobre su camino vital único. En Análisis en profundidad de la carta natal astrológica y numerológica ofrece ideas profundas que le ayudarán a navegar por los vericuetos de la vida con confianza y determinación.

Análisis de la Carta Natal